7 month trial in retirement

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2021.12.23 22:07 Zckslyr7 month trial in retirement

My goal is to fatfire at 6-7M, 11 years away at 50. I have been thinking about RE for a while now and it so happened that i got a chance to experience 7 months retirement on temporary basis in 2020 and wanted to share my experience around it.
  • Jan 2020, I decided to resign a leadership role which was burning me out, hurting my mental happiness. That separation came with a payday. COVID pandemic started right after i resigned. Accepted a new job with a deferred start date.
  • in 2020, I made $224K working only 5 months (separation payday, new job (salary, signing bonus, equity))
  • HCOL, Did not touch any savings, still saved >22% but slightly lower than before 2019.
  • 2 Kids (3,7) at home with a paid nanny 8-5 PM (help during covid, with Zoom, HW, class work etc..)
  • Partner still working.
  • I became really fit, mind/body (Peleton Thread and Bike)
  • Can already cook pretty good. Took cooking to another level new cuisines, techniques.
  • Dabbled in new skills music, painting, house repairs.
  • Planned family trips and fun activities with kids. Was on top of house hold chores.
  • Advised/helped friends (career, interviewing, Tech scene)
  • Boredom, felt alone, since my partner and all my friends were still working. The routine gets really old in a few days/weeks. Had to plan a lot of alone activities due to lack of similar company.
  • Felt like groundhog day same routine over and over, after few months of this, felt it was super hard to motivate myself to stick my hobbies run/bike/cook/play music etc..
  • I quickly felt external constraints (accountability, responsibility) are needed for me to have more meaningful and interesting life. I wondered how this would look like in retirement with no responsibility of kids, work, mortgage. What motivates you in retirement ?
  • Can do whatever you want myth. Its hard to do whatever you want since there is lot of coordination with Kids schools, working partner etc. I would assume some of these doesn't exist during retirement but i think other challenges will inhibit you from just going on a 3-hr bike ride, unplanned all day hike, day trip etc..
  • Eroded problem solving skills (lost interest in solving/thinking about hard problems, lacked motivation to take on work challenges after starting my new job)
submitted byZckslyrtofatFIRE [link][comments]

2021.12.18 01:20 ctck408Oh No.. Our Marriage.. It's Broken..

First, I thought the TikTok phrase would grab a little more attention.
I'm going to start by giving just a timeline of what things have been like for the 11 years we have been together.
We are both previously divorced and had children we brought into the marriage. He had 3, I had 2.. We have one together. I am 32, he is 37. We've both had our share of hardship in past relationships. I am a stubborn, probably even some narcissistic tendencies. I'm not unaware of how I come off. My husband is a affectionate, clingy type. He also has a serious addiction to constantly seek attention else where.
When we first got together, we were very active sexually. As the years went on it slowed a little. Not to nothing but I'd say consistently like 2-4 times a week was the average. Now, at year 11- I have to convince myself to sleep with him. Sometimes, I time my ambien and anxiety med so I am not fully there when it happens. It's a very sick thought to recognize. I have no desire to be intimate with him. I can't look at him when we do have sex, I cover my face to not allow him to see me. Why? I think its because I don't want to experience that vulnerability. Because letting him in like that lets in the ability for him to hurt me more. If anyone has as better reason- I'm all ears.
Let me tell you how we got here..
Within the first 4 months we were together, I found messages on his phone that were sexual and videos of another woman masturbating. I called him out on this, he apologized- said he would be better about it. This would not be an issue ever again.... To boot, she was a nurse at the nursing home his grandmother was in. (Yay for the Holiday nursing home dinners). Now, back to year 11- he has 'cheated' on me at least 8 times that I know about. I put quotes because depending on what you consider cheating.. He physically cheated on me but he also has omissions, conversations, intentions, so on.. a lot of what I've caught is the dreaded snapchat hidden conversations. Year 8- One of the biggest betrayals was physical, he attended MY best friends birthday party- I stayed home because our daughter and I both had the flu. He slept with an acquaintance. I did not become aware of this until year 10. He had to have woken up, looked me in the eyes every day for 2 years knowing that happened and I had no idea.
In 2020, year 10, when we were all locked in, my job was shut down- I was stuck home for 2 months.. Already feeling like this was a clown car of a marriage, dealing with depression, anxiety, my thyroid was low acting so my hormones were all over the place and to boot, I was a functioning but destructive alcoholic. I decided enough was enough and resulted to petty things, staying out late with friends and then actually cheated on him myself. I admitted to the happening and asked to split up, give myself time..
We split up, I stayed in the home because I was the main care taker of our daughter and I have my other 2 kids also. After 1 day, he was already messaging one of the women he cheated with (the acquaintance) and they started dating, This was when I found out that he had cheated with her. Total slap in the face but I digress (kind of). Just as an added bonus, 'the acquaintance' publicly put out there on facebook that he cheated on me with her more than once and also that my party throwing best friend sucked him off as well within the given time frame. Who knows? Everyone, except me evidently. I spiraled. I held my job, took care of my kids, kept up with the house, but I was not in a good place mentally. I dated, I did whatever I wanted except what I really should have done, which was take time to heal myself. Before I knew it, we were talking.. then hanging out.. then sleeping together.. then boom, his grandma dies.. we get back together because we thought it was the best thing to do.. A year later, here we are.... again.. He's talking to other women, deleting the conversations, 'hunting'.. Which wouldn't be out of the ordinary but I even knew this was a day between first season and second season. He claimed to have not realized. Slim shady. But last week that pesky womans intuition hit me like a ton of bricks. I knew something was up.. I asked, he claimed no. I let it go for a couple days but couldn't lie to myself. I grabbed that phone when he was asleep and saw women on his bf's list, but no conversations in the chat log. Which means he was snapping then deleting the whole thing so it wouldn't appear as he was snapping her (plus 2 other women, didn't make it to the bf list like the main one but still on the 'recent').. Do I sound like a teenage girl with this shit?. Hiding things is an instant betrayal. Omissions are betrayals..
I called him out, for what seems like the 100000 time, and he still has the same one liner that has worked for him in the past, 'I've been selfish. I will never do it again. I will work on it. I will delete them.' 'You don't accept my compliments. You don't flirt back with me'... then came this one.. 'will you help me? will you counsel me? will you help me stop?'...... Me? The one you keep doing it to? Carry the weight of your choices? continue with this? Allow myself to stay in this marriage, with my guard always up. My brain will not allow me to vulnerable with him, this is a protective instinct or even coping mechanism I've harnessed over the last 3 years. I don't want to flirt with you. I don't want to accept your compliments because they hold no legitimacy to me. They have no weight to them.
There are numerous other things that have happened within this 11 years but I'm not writing a book on 'How fucked up is fucked up'. I know that I have things I still need to work on. Within the year we've been back together I have gotten back into school to finish my bachelors, I work full time for a mental health facility (ironic, I know), I am a full time student, a full time mother, I quit drinking, and I do not really even have friends anymore (evidently, I don't pick good ones anyway). I don't avoid friendships but I do avoid putting myself in situations that may entice me to fall back into bad habits of drinking and poor decisions.. I have friends that I talk semi regularly so it's not that I need someone to talk to. Or maybe I do, I don't know.
I want help to learn to be vulnerable or at least someone to slap me with some reality. Is it worth it anymore? Is it fixable? I don't know if there is an answer for it that I shouldn't know myself but some peer to peer advice is helpful.
I'm angry. I'm hurt. I'm broken. Yet, still here.. I have that sick feeling in the pit of my stomach yet, I'm still here.
Battered woman syndrome? A glutton for punishment? Or just another dumbass waiting for another dumbass situation to happen..
submitted byctck408tomarriageadvice [link][comments]

2021.12.15 07:02 Alphablaze98Birthday woes (second half of the novel)

Today is December 14th 2021. It’s my 22nd birthday. I spent the day as I expected I would. Treating it like any average day. An ordinary day that would just happen and be forgotten in the abyss of time. Nothing unique was to happen. Nothing special. Today was to be like any other day and to my surprise it was… Including the parts that I didn’t want to happen.
Over the years I have been less and less spirited. I have retained more about myself and have become more awkward and shy in general. This is perfectly encapsulated by my birthday. I do not Informatively share my birthday with anyone. When people ask I often tell them it is June 12th. A day that holds no value to me, other than being a scapegoat to hide my secret. But what is there to hide? It’s just a normal day. Despite a school shooting years ago, today is just another damp December day. Why hide it? That dear reader, is where we begin.
To clarify there is nothing obscenely desecrate about the day. Its an arbitrary moment of time that is not unlike the one before and after it. I have nothing against the day itself. It’s what it means to me, or rather what it means to others. I have never been known to be popular. At least not by a majority definition. I once held a closed biased poll on Snapchat, asking my followers who knew me if I was popular, and to define it. I did this at the time to win a debate with a girl but to also figure out where I was on the social scale. At least from everyone else’s perspective. What I found was that I was well known, and sort of “well liked”. Of course this was a college drop out ran survey with no real preventative measures for bias. Answers were subjective, only those who knew me could answer to begin with. This fact occurred to me and was my opponents argument to waive the poll altogether. I too was biased in my argument that I was not popular. I used un-cited outside information to support my claim but kept it quiet in fear of moral judgment from those around me. I began to recognize a familiarity to this query of popularity and realized I had been questioning this often and using my birthday as the test.
Subconsciously I have always shrouded the date of my birthday with misinformation or a lack of any information. I did this because I had come to a conclusion. “Those who like you and care about you, will remember on their own.” As I type this I hear all the voices of the people who scoffed at this remark. “How will they remember if you don’t tell them?” “What if someone wants to do something nice for you but can’t?” “What do you think the government doesn’t already know your information?” That last one is just for farts and giggles. My mother’s co worker also does not like when people know her birthday, My mother’s way to logically approach to that thought process always goes straight to the government. The logic behind mine is more psychological.
Imagine if you will, coming into your favorite community gathering. Church, School, Sports, Gym, Shopping, Town Hall, Work etc. You walk in, say hello to those you’re acquainted with, maybe make a few new friends and say “Hi' to them too. It’s a trip just like every other. Until you hear some people say those two familiar words. “Happy Birthday!” In my hypothetical, this is a larger community and you can’t visually make out who the recipient of the birthday wishes are. You hear it a few more times and then you make it out. It’s Jared. Who’s Jared? Not a clue. You’ve never met Jared he must be new. So you think “Aw well let’s be nice lets wish him a happy birthday!” Amongst all the other dozens of greetings your’s gets piled on too. Jared thanks you and introduces himself since you haven’t met yet. Nice guy! As the day moves on, its mostly like normal until a card comes around, It’s a birthday card for Jared. So thoughtful of everyone! You sign it to fit in, move it along to the next person who hasn’t signed it and continue to move on with the day. Now comes the food, typically a cake. You sing happy birthday with everyone else as custom before cake, then you get your very own slice for showing up. Score! This is a nice birthday. One where everyone participated. It made Jared feel welcomed and part of the community for a bit. But this isn’t how Jared sees it. This isn’t how I see it.
These people don’t know Jared, outside of a handful of those around. Jared has been there before, a few times, he’s a bit shy and doesn’t stand out much and most people around him don’t talk to him. In fairness he doesn’t talk to them either but here’s the main point. Everyone celebrated his birthday, but only a few cared about him before it was said it was his birthday.
Color me ungrateful (which I hope you continue reading so you can walk a bit further in my shoes to see why I walk so funny) but I don’t see this as a good birthday. The people who all surrounded him, wished him well, signed his card, ate his cake, etc. I feel as if they wanted to do all those things for their own self image. Surely people can forget more important things than arbitrary dates once a year, but these people only participated because someone else did. You didn’t know Jared. You signed his card, wished him well, ate his cake because you were there; but would you have done that if no one else did? My problem does not necessarily lie with people who forget the date. My problem is with those that only participate because they’re morally obligated to. I’ve observed birthday’s to be a day all about that particular person. The focus is on them they get to shine that day of the year, even if they don’t shine any other day. I think that is because society forces us to do this. We are terrible people if we don’t sing, sign the card, wish well. Right? If you said “I don’t know Jared I’m not going to do any of that.” You would be considered a snob by everyone around you. My problem isn’t with celebrating a person, it’s doing it to fit in.
In elementary school I remember having a hard time fitting in. I was a weird kid, with no sports or common interests with most of everyone else. I am now a shy guy with little social skills to stand on. I was someone who didn’t really do much besides play Pokemon. I can’t honestly remember much about my elementary days… Perhaps I'm too depressed right now but I digress. What I do remember is when it was my birthday, everyone would have to sing to me. Everyone would have to wish me well, and they would all be rewarded with cake. It was the one day where I would be able to be me and I shouldn’t be ignored for it. In middle school this concept stopped. I didn’t have to worry about bringing in a cake / snack for everyone while considering their food allergies and such. Birthday’s were, from what I remember, just mentions which were okay with me! Until 9th grade.
At this time in my life I began to dial down and appreciate how I am perceived by others. I want to be appreciated, hold value, cared about, seen as someone worth their time. All that jazz. So of course I over thought everything (as I still do!) If I walked weird, carried my bag wrong, spoke weird, had the wrong answer, spoke out of turn etc. It’s bad. But I managed to survive. Anyways, this is where I began to subconsciously keep my birthday private. My social studies teacher wanted us to write our birthday’s on her calendar so she can make us feel unique and appreciated on our special day. Everyone had to sing. It’s then that I realized that those that didn’t want to, had to participate. So when it came my turn to have a birthday, I would be sang to by a couple dozen people, that otherwise wouldn’t. These people weren’t my friends. They don’t care about me. Not one of them has said something to me that wasn’t necessary for the time. This was the beginning. The start of my birthday blunder.
At this point in my life I was just starting to experiment with birthdays. The friends I had knew me, and knew my birthday too (especially because one of them shared the same birthday.) However I decided that I would not make a fuss over my birthday that year to them. I’d make no mention of it, I would simply treat the day like every other day. I found that half of them remembered and said something. The other half did nothing. The half that did nothing I began to realize, were the type of friends that would not start a conversation on their own. Basically support friends for the environment. I was beginning to wonder more. How many people are friends with me because they had to be? No one wanted to hang out after school, no one asked me to hang out with them (Except my own Peruvian friend. If you’re reading this… Thank you!) Was it because all my friends were girls and I wasn’t? Was it because I was weird? Because my dad was intrusive? (He joined private convos from the other side of the house.) Was it because I was boring? What about me was so off putting? When I met new people or was in a spot where I needed to inscribe my birthday somewhere I decided to avoid it if I could, or falsify if needed. I mostly picked summer dates as schools would be out of session and focused more on finals. Thus, June 12th, my new birthday was born. “But how can people who want to celebrate you actually do it if they have the wrong date?” Ah-ha! Good question with a less than simple answer. I believe that people show their true colors eventually and in my experience they show it before June. Those who show good character… the ones that want to hang out outside of school, have an interest in my life, don’t rely on me to start conversations, those are the ones that I politely pull aside and explain why I don’t celebrate my birthday and if they understand and respect it, they are rewarded with knowing when it is. Those who do not show they will respect my wishes… they are not given the real birthday. It mostly comes down to trust in that person. If you know who I am, and I told you my real birthday… You’re valued and trusted in my life. If you think it is June 12th, it’s nothing personal. I just don’t like to celebrate it.
So there you have it. Why I don’t like to celebrate my birthday. It’s a subconscious anxiety ridden philosophy that it should not be celebrated so that I can be valued and appreciated by those who care about me, without having to deal with those who do it because they are obligated to. With the bonus that I don’t have to stand out in a crowd! This is how I’ve seen my birthday, as a day that used to be celebrated by a morally obligated crowd to validate and uplift me for a day because I was brought into the world beyond my own accord. A day in which I hold more value than usual strictly because I was born today. A day that I wish to treat like every other day because I find it gives me a false sense of higher importance to those around me because of their social duty to uphold a societal culture and celebrate a birth I had no actual part in other than being an involuntary lead. A day where my worth is given slightly more meaning to everyone because its “my birthday.” A day that is just like every other when you take away the knowledge of my birth. That’s why I don’t like to celebrate my birthday. At least, until recently.
Every year since I started to tone down my birthday I have still received messages from loved ones. Deep friendships from people that respect my wishes and say it in private. Family from afar who send a card to show I'm not forgotten. Those that I really mean something to, have said something. I do not come to have disappointment if the list is not greater. I am not mad when people do not wish me a happy birthday. How can they if I keep it hush hush. I’m not sad if someone I thought cared for me forgot. People do forget things if it’s not advertised and boy do I ad-block. To me, this makes the people that do reach out to say happy birthday stand out much more. It’s much more meaningful. It shows how much I mean to that person, and its why my 21st birthday was the best I’ve ever had… and why my 22nd is the worst.
In August of 2020 I confessed my feelings to my high school crush, years after high school ended. I had a spike of courage (non alcoholic courage) and decided to just go with it. I had my hopes down because I didn’t expect her to like me back especially because I asked her a year after high school if I suspected her to have a crush on me and she denied it. To my surprise, she lied. She revealed to me that she did indeed have a crush on me in high school. To make things better, she and I remained friends from high school up until that point and we were able to explore what would be the best relationship of my life (so far?) Jumping in time because this is already long enough let’s fast forward to December 14th 2020. My 21st birthday. We are in the talking stage (we skipped some stuff in a time jump) and I had the best birthday planned. Have free breakfast with my mom in the morning at Denny’s (my mom and I share birthday too!) Some light Christmas shopping followed by my first ever legal entry into a liquor store, then to pickup groceries to make a dinner for date night ending with a trip through a local holiday drive through event. A jam packed day filled with lots of excitement. This was the first date we had where it just got out of the awkward stage and talking to this girl was much easier. I was still nervous I would say something to steer her away but getting to know her and actually talk and share stories was the best. We played each other’s music playlists, shared stories of unknown common situations like teachers we both had etc. We joked about the same things and had a wonderful time. The best date that I’ve ever been on. At the end of the night when she texted me she arrived home alright I couldn’t help but feel so amazing. Life was perfect. I thanked her for the evening and wrote “best birthday ever.” That is how she found out it was my birthday. I told her because I envisioned us becoming an item, and I knew that it would eventually come up, I told her when I did so she wouldn’t hold it over me in the future. She flipped (in a good way) she felt bad she didn’t do anything for me and I told her I don’t like to celebrate my birthday. I told her she didn’t have to do anything and that I was fine! Truly the best gift was spending it with her.
The next day she texted me asking if I was home. I told her I was and she instructed me to stay there for at least 30 min. She came up to my door and knocked. This girl brought me a self made gift basket filled with all sorts of alcohol that she had her parents buy for me, a hang over kit filled with stuff that helps for hang overs, a banana bread she spent the whole day baking for me, and a Spotify playlist of the top 100 songs from the year I was born, hand made by her. She outdid herself. I didn’t want anything and she came to my front door step with everything. She cared so deeply for me. I nearly lost it. It was the nicest thing anyone has done for me and It made a lasting impact on me. It’s why I'm dreading this birthday.
As you can probably guess we have since parted ways. This girl wasn’t just my crush, or my girlfriend for 8 months. She was the girl of my dreams. Someone I cared just as deeply for. I love her with all my heart and miss her so deeply now that she’s gone. Since she left I have been wallowing in self pity. Often too depressed to get out of bed or actual prioritize things that are important in life. I’ve been dreading the anniversary of the best day of my life (so far?) Because of how much I miss it all. How much I miss her. How much I miss the smiles, the laughs, the cuddles, the jokes, the random adventures, the drives, the movies, the shows, the music, the waffles, the popcorn, the cheer wine, the tickets, the bees, the blocks, the love. The feeling of home. I feel lost without this girl. That’s my problem to sort out but I don’t want to. I don’t want to move on or forget or put her behind me. This birthday without her feels wrong. There’s nothing I want more than just one more day. One more time to hold her, to kiss her and tell her how much I love her. Perhaps I am a hopeless romantic, or a simp who dreams to large. But I miss her. I’ve dreaded this birthday and wanted nothing to do with it because all I can think of is how much I wish it was like the last one; and how much I miss her. My mother told me today at breakfast that she misses her son that was funny, smiling, energetic, happy, joyful, full of life. I told her I don’t know where he is, and joked he was in Siberia. She said she wishes he would come back. I don’t have the heart to tell her he’s on vacation… and that he doesn't want to come back.
So I spent today December 14th 2021, my 22nd birthday as I expected I would. Treating it like any average day. An ordinary day that would just happen and be forgotten in the abyss of time. Nothing unique happened. Nothing special. Today was like any other day… Including the parts that I didn’t want to happen.
If you’ve made it this far you either skipped to the bottom, or read your way here. Either way thank you for clicking into this. And reading the parts that you did. I may come off as snobby or ungrateful at parts and I'm sorry to anyone that see’s me as such. I’ve been spending the past week trying to tell those at work who knew about my upcoming birthday to please keep it to themselves. I don’t like to celebrate my bday. And they always asked why. I would write “it was too much to type but it was some stuff from my past.” Now I can tell them without having to repeat myself. Thank you
Apologies on grammar and spelling. I didn’t proofread.
submitted byAlphablaze98toBreakUps [link][comments]

2021.12.09 17:05 VashxShanks[JRPGs on Sale - Weekly Breakdown] For December 9th - 2021 - PSN/Switch/Xbox/Steam

Another week, and another sale thread.

Important Notes:

  • I do my best to include every sale, but at the same time I focus on sales that are worth mention, meaning sales start with at least 20% and up. I usually skip anything below that unless it's a worth while title. So this is a list about big discounts or ones worthy of note.
  • Click on the price to visit the store page for that game.
  • The end date of the sale isn't mentioned, you can check the page to find about it.
  • All of these sales are based on the US store front, so some sales may not be available depending on your country.

~ PSN ~

  • The entire Trails of Cold Steel series is on sale for -40% to -55%.
  • Multiple Final Fantasy titles are on sale (15/7/8/type-0).
  • The entire Arland sub-series of the Atelier are on sale
KINGDOM HEARTS HD 1.5 +2.5 ReMIX$14.99 $59.99Action/Fantasy setting/Crossover of Disney and SquareEnix characters
KINGDOM HEARTS HD 2.8 FINAL CHAPTER PROLOGUE$12.49 $49.99Action/Fantasy setting/Crossover of Disney and SquareEnix characters
Persona®5 Royal Deluxe Edition$24.49 $69.99 ($20.99 with PS Plus)Classic Turn-based/Modern Japan setting/School life simulatoMystery
The Yakuza Remastered Collection (3/4/5)$19.99 $39.99Action/Contemporary Japan/Yakuza life/Open World/Heavy on Drama and Comedy/Heavy on Mini-games
Sakuna: Of Rice and Ruin$23.99 $39.99Action/Japanese myth Fantasy setting/Female Protagonist/Satisfying Beat'em up/Rice Farming sim/Resource gathering and crafting
Blue Reflection$26.99 $59.99Turn-based/Japanese School Life setting/Female Protagonist/Magical Girls/Fan-service
South Park™: The Fractured but Whole$14.99 $49.99Tactical Turn-based/Modern Day setting/Comedy/Mature/Dark HumoNudity/Fart Jokes
Tales of Berseria$8.99 $19.99Action Fantasy/Local Co-Op support/Female Protagonist/Anti-hero Main CharacteAnime style visuals
Dragon's Crown Pro$4.99 $19.99Action/Beat'em up/Fantasy setting/Online Multiplayer available/Loot focused
Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch Remastered$12.49 $49.99Action Fantasy/Isekai/Monster CollectoBeautiful art and world by Studio Ghibli
Tales of Vesperia™: Definitive Edition$9.99 $49.99Action/Fantasy setting/Anime style/Local Co-Op support in combat/Fantasy Adventure anime trope heavy
Valkyria Chronicles 4 Complete Edition$19.99 $49.99 ($17.49 with PS Plus)Tactical Turn-based World War Military/Tactical mixed with real-time
Ys: Memories of Celceta$14.99 $29.99Action/Medieval Fantasy setting/Hack & Slash/Fantastic Music/Boss fight heavy/Anime visuals
Sakura Wars$23.99 $59.99Action/Steampunk setting/Dating simulatoheavy with choices/Beautiful Animation/Mecha
Tokyo Xanadu eX+$11.99 $59.99Action/Modren Japanese School Life setting/Hack & Slash/Dungeon Crawler
Dodgeball Academia$19.99 $24.99Action/School Life Sim/Sports (Dodgeball)/2D Hand-drawn Cartoon Art style
Monster Sanctuary$6.79 $19.99Turn-based/Fantasy setting/Monster CollectoMetroidvania/Pixel Graphics
Valkyria Chronicles Remastered$9.99 $19.99Tactical Turn-based/World War Military setting/Tactical mixed with real-time elements/Sketch or 'Canvas' art style/Build your Army with character customization/Mission based story progression/Army management
I Am Setsuna$19.99 $39.99Turn-based/Fantasy setting/World covered in Snow
Death end reQuest$11.99 $39.99Turn-based/Female protag/Cyber World setting/Psychological HorroNudity
Harvest Moon®: Light of Hope Special Edition$19.99 $39.99Farming simulatoModern World setting
The Witch and the Hundred Knight 2$12.49 $49.99Action/Dark Fantasy/Hack n Slash
Fairy Fencer F: Advent Dark Force$7.99 $19.99Turn-based/Fantasy setting/Anime style/Comedy/Dark story/Good English dub/Power Ranger Transformation/Fan-service/Dating-sim
Shining Resonance Refrain$8.99 $29.99Action/Fantasy setting/Dragon transformation/Musical theme/Anime visual style/Social link mechanic
Megadimension Neptunia VIIR$10.49 $29.99Turn-based/Female Protagonist/Comedy/fan-service
Arc of Alchemist$9.99 $39.99Action/Fantasy/Female Protagonist/Fan-service/Base-Building
Valkyria Revolution$11.99 $29.99Action/Fantasy World WaMilitary setting/Mission based Gameplay
SaGa SCARLET GRACE: AMBITIONS$8.99 $29.99Turn-based/Fantasy setting/Choice Matters/Open World/4 Characters to choose from/Complex and Challenging Combat system/Light on story Heavy on gameplay
SaGa Frontier Remastered$19.99 $24.99Turn-based/Fantasy + Sci-fi setting/Choice Matters/Open World/8 Characters to choose
Romancing SaGa 2$7.49 $24.99Turn-based/Fantasy setting/Pixel Graphics/Choices MatteKingdom Building/Open World/Party changes with each new generation/Light on story Heavy on gameplay
Romancing SaGa 3$8.69 $28.99Turn-based/Fantasy setting/Pixel Graphics/Choices MatteFantasy Adventure/Open World/8 Main Characters to choose 1 at the start/Light on story Heavy on gameplay
Conception PLUS: Maidens of the Twelve Stars$17.99 $59.99Turn-based/Fantasy setting/Dating-sim/Fan-service/Harem/Dungeon Crawler
Re:ZERO -Starting Life in Another World- The Prophecy of the Throne$29.99 $59.99Tactical Turn-based/Dark Fantasy/Mystery/Anime visuals/Horror ThrilleVisual Novel style
Zanki Zero: Last Beginning$11.99 $59.99Action/Post-Apocalyptic setting/Psychological HorroFirst-Person Dungeon CrawleBase Building/Resource gathering and Crafting
CRYSTAR$17.99 $59.99Action/Dark Fantasy setting/Female Protagonist/Hack & Slash/Deals with self-harm and dark subjects
Dark Rose Valkyrie$7.99 $19.99Turn-based/Fantasy setting
Exist Archive: The Other Side of the Sky$17.99 $59.99Turn-based/Fantasy setting/Valkyrie Profile-like combat/Class customization system
Omega Quintet$7.99 $19.99Turn-based/Modern Japanese Fantasy setting/Idol group manager life/Fan-service
Accel World VS Sword Art Online$9.59 $59.99Action/MMORPG Setting/Online MultiplayeDating-sim/Tiered Loot/Dungeon Crawlers/Boss Raids/Kill & Fetch Quests heavy
Sword Art Online: FATAL BULLET Complete Edition$13.99 $69.99 ($10.49 with PS Plus)Action Third-person shooter/MMO world setting/Open World/Anime visual style/Online Multiplayer support

~ Switch ~

  • The entire Arland sub-series of the Atelier are on sale
SaGa SCARLET GRACE: AMBITIONS$8.99 $29.99Turn-based/Fantasy setting/Choice Matters/Open World/4 Characters to choose from/Complex and Challenging Combat system/Light on story Heavy on gameplay
SaGa Frontier Remastered$19.99 $24.99Turn-based/Fantasy + Sci-fi setting/Choice Matters/Open World/8 Characters to choose
Romancing SaGa 2$7.49 $24.99Turn-based/Fantasy setting/Pixel Graphics/Choices MatteKingdom Building/Open World/Party changes with each new generation/Light on story Heavy on gameplay
Romancing SaGa 3$8.69 $28.99Turn-based/Fantasy setting/Pixel Graphics/Choices MatteFantasy Adventure/Open World/8 Main Characters to choose 1 at the start/Light on story Heavy on gameplay
COLLECTION of SaGa FINAL FANTASY LEGEND$14.99 $19.99Turn-based/Fantasy setting/3 games collection/Character customization

~ Xbox ~

Scarlet Nexus$35.99 59.99Action/Sci-fi Post-apocalyptic setting/Use environment objects as weapons/Two Main Characters to play as (Male and Female)
Scarlet Nexus Deluxe Edition$47.99 79.99Action/Sci-fi Post-apocalyptic setting/Use environment objects as weapons/Two Main Characters to play as (Male and Female)
Romancing SaGa 2$7.49 $24.99Turn-based/Fantasy setting/Pixel Graphics/Choices MatteKingdom Building/Open World/Party changes with each new generation/Light on story Heavy on gameplay
Romancing SaGa 3$8.69 $28.99Turn-based/Fantasy setting/Pixel Graphics/Choices MatteFantasy Adventure/Open World/8 Main Characters to choose 1 at the start/Light on story Heavy on gameplay
Cris Tales$25.99 39.99Turn-based/Fantasy setting/Time-travel setting and mechanics/Female Protagonist/Timed-presses combat mechanics

~ Steam ~

  • As usual there are a lot of games on sale, but here are the most note worthy ones:
SaGa SCARLET GRACE: AMBITIONS$8.99 at -70%Turn-based/Fantasy setting/Choice Matters/Open World/4 Characters to choose from/Complex and Challenging Combat system/Light on story Heavy on gameplay
SaGa Frontier Remastered$19.99 at -20%Turn-based/Fantasy + Sci-fi setting/Choice Matters/Open World/8 Characters to choose
Romancing SaGa 2$7.49 at -70%Turn-based/Fantasy setting/Pixel Graphics/Choices MatteKingdom Building/Open World/Party changes with each new generation/Light on story Heavy on gameplay
Romancing SaGa 3$8.69 at -70%Turn-based/Fantasy setting/Pixel Graphics/Choices MatteFantasy Adventure/Open World/8 Main Characters to choose 1 at the start/Light on story Heavy on gameplay
Yakuza: Like a Dragon$35.99 at -40%Turn-based/Contemporary Japan setting/Yakuza life/Open World/Heavy on Drama and Comedy/Heavy on Mini-games/Class Changing Mechanics
Troubleshooter: Abandoned Children$16.74 at -33%Tactical Turn-based/Modern world setting/Comics Style/X-Com like/Heavy loot focus with a tiered loot system/Organized Crime/Classes aka Jobs system/Managing a Special Ops Squad/Great Music/Beautiful Art/Heavy on Character customization/Monster collectoRobot collector
GOD WARS The Complete Legend$8.99 at -70%Tactical Turn-based/Japanese Myth Fantasy setting/Class aka Job system/Character customization/
Septerra Core$1.99 at -60%Turn-based/Sci-fi setting/Female Protagonist/Isometric
If you're looking for that great Isekai fantasy adventure feel, then these two games are where it's at. Fantastic visuals and great music, coupled with a great art style, a combo that is perfect for a chill and relaxed gaming experience. Especially when talking about the first game, with the help of Studio Ghibli, they managed to make a truly whimsical world with that Studio Ghibli classic touch.
- Note: The games aren't connected story-wise, so you can start with any of them -
This one focuses more on gameplay, with a Kingdom builder, Army battles, Heavy loot focus, and even character collector, this is the one to go with if you want more game than story. Still has the great music and he fantastical art style and setting. Add to that a lot of side activities like beating rare monsters, collecting cute creatures to help you in battle, and even going around the world to gather people to help you build your kingdom. You'll never be short on things to do.
You can't go wrong with a Tales title, you can start with Vesperia if you want a main character with a chill personality and his companion is pipe smoking dog that kicks ass. A game with fun and lovable Arise for a story about revolution with a good combat system.
No matter which game you choose, this is a solid series if you want action combat, an anime adventure story, with lots of party banter, side-quests, and post-game content.
Beautiful graphics and art work, combined with a great OST, makes for a really fun adventure, so don't miss out on it if you can get the game.
This is a solid game, everything in is polished and balanced to make sure you are having fun collecting new monsters and customizing your team through evolution/skill trees/gear and making the best in-sync party you can. I only wish it was longer, it's not short by any means, but it's not long either. I would say depending on if you're trying to 'catch them all' and explore everything and fight all bosses, this could easily be a 30+ hours game, but if you focus on the story, then it's about 20 to 30 hours.
Don't get me wrong, I am not complaining that it's short, but that I was having so much fun, that I wish it didn't end.
Critically acclaimed and at the top of most lists for 2020 and winner of so many awards, this is easily a big turning point for the Yakuza series. Even people who aren't into JRPGs enjoyed this game.
Don't miss out on the game that literally made them change the combat for the future games, from action to turn-based, with it's Main Character (Ichiban Kasuga) winning the number 1 spot for the best character for 2020. The Yakuza series was already crazy fun, and now it's Turn-based. I think the steam score and more than 8K reviews on steam are more than enough to show how good the game is.
Troubleshooter: Abandoned Children is an amazing game, with complex and deep gameplay system, add to that a varied and loveable character cast, and more importantly, a very interesting and really fun world.
The plot is set in a contemporary earth, but one where mutants exist, think X-men but with less earth shattering powers and more practical ones. So it's really fun to see how the world and characters deal with these powers, how they affect technology, social classes, crime and crime fighting, and even the fauna and flora of the world. All of that is accompanied by a beautifully hand drawn art and amazing soundtrack.
That alone is worth the price of admission, but then you add the fact you can spend easily tens, no, hundreds of hours just customizing everything about your characters, from their gear, different classes, and a huge and expansive skill system, a skill mastery system where combining different skills unlocks a set mastery for different bonuses and buffs, then add to that how each enemy has different skill drops for you find or hunt for, a crafting system that you can spend hours on, and a story that will keep you interested for days. Not enough ? Then you can spend hours and hours capturing and raising monsters and Robots, as well as adding them to your party.
Seriously, what are you waiting for ? The devs still update the game every week till now with new content (go and check the steam page updates), EVEN THOUGH THE GAME WAS RELEASED A WHOLE YEAR AGO! they even gave out their first big DLC content FOR FREE, They even reply to every review personally till this day, we are talking over 5K reviews here.
Important Note: The first chapter's translation is a bit wonky grammar wise since they are Korean devs doing this translation on their own and with the help of the community, but other than that, the rest is good.
This one is really hard to explain through words alone, but just in case, the VC series is a World War 2 military setting story, where you act as the lead of a squad and take mission to drive back the enemy. The story is drama heavy and the gameplay is tactical turn-based, but it's mixed with real-time third person shooter.
You can also make your own army by recruiting different types of solders, training them and upgrading their gear. From rifles to tanks, this is a game you have to experience to understand.
You heard a lot about the series, but you never knew where to start ? well wonder no more. Scarlet Grace is one of the best entry titles to the SaGa series.
Everything is tutorialized, a long list of tips and strategies that will be given to you from the start to even the very late parts of the game, to make sure you are prepared for everything the game throws on you. Then you add that it has one of the best and most challenging turn-based combat systems out there, if you ever thought turn-based combat in JRPGs is too easy, this will change your mind as it what can be done with it. Add to that a fantastic soundtrack, and open-world with tons of quests and events to take part, and 4 Main Characters to choose each with their own story and characters to recruit, and you'll find this is a great pick.
Both amazing games for the SaGa series, but for newcomers, it's better to start with RS3, it's closer to how classic turn-based JRPG functions while still retaining what makes a SaGa game. If you found Scarlet Grace to be too challenging for an entry title, then go with RS3. RS2 isn't a bad entry point but it's way less forgiving which may turn some people off the series.
You played the part of an emperor, where make choices on what to build/upgrade and what weapons and armors to research. You expand your kingdom by freeing nearby cities and towns from the different evil oppressors (Evil Heroes). The more you expand your kingdom the more world you can explore, and the more classes, races, formations, gear, and quests that will be available to you.
You choose 1 out of 8 characters (4 male/4 female), and play through their own special scenario. After finishing the short prologue, the whole world is open to you to explore and adventure through. Choices drive everything in this game, as is the usual for the series, that even side-quests will have different endings depending on how you choose to tackle or finish them. Find and battle the 4 Sinistrals, join world tournaments, recruit many of the unique characters around the world to your party, from a Wandering Warrior, to A sentient Snowman. Fighting army battles, and play the market stock mini-game. Collect the legendary weapons, unlock power magic, and carve your own legend.
Both games are remastered to have beautifully made pixel art, which is so good that they are alone worth the price of admission.
Where to start with this one, while the 3D character models have aged badly, everything is remastered and looks great. with 8 characters to choose from and play through each of their stories, you'll always have something to do. Not to mention the long list of side-quests and dungeons to explore at your own will. Then you add one of the best soundtracks in the series by Kenji Ito and one of the best open-world universes you can have in a JRPG, where you can travel from world to world, from ancient Japan to a Fantastical world mystics and magic, to the inter-galactic port for spaceships from all around the universe. It's a game any JRPG fans should experience at least once.
An indie that is so amazing, when it was released, it won multiple game awards standing side by side or even beating Triple A games like Final Fantasy 7 Remake, The Last of US and Ghost of Tsushima.
From the smooth yet satisfying combat, where you get to beat and juggle enemies to your heart's content, to it's great Rice farming simulation that directly affects your character's stats and powers. The game does such an amazing job making the Rice farming fun and educational that, I kid you not, believe that I learned so much about this type of farming that I am knowledgeable to do it in real life.
Add to that a lovable cast of characters, and the ability to pet, not 1, but 2 Shiba Inu dogs, that run and welcome you whenever you come back from an adventure, if that isn't an incentive enough then I don't know what is.
submitted byVashxShankstoJRPG [link][comments]

2021.12.03 23:05 seagirl96I am 24 years old, make $55,000 base (+ bonus in Finance) with side jobs in Fitness and Non-Profit fields, and live in Northern Mass

I was supposed to share before Thanksgiving but got very behind, thank you mods for letting me post! Full disclaimer, I wrote one this summer that was much more fun and spend-y week, but alas Refinery didn't publish. I'll try to link in the comments.
Occupation: Financial advisory services
Industry: Finance
Age: 24
Location: Northern MA (North Shore)
My Salary: $55,000 base (variable bonuses, estimated between $3-6k)
Side Incomes: Fitness studio sales: $300 bi-weekly, occasional Shipt deliveries: $0-$50 month, web/communications updates for previous position: $0-100 month
Net Worth: $68,000
$12,100 in checking (wow I need to invest this), $19,800 in trust with 3% interest ( in process of transferring out to invest), $16,580 in brokerage, $1060 in a separate Fidelity Go account (I wanted to take advantage of the bonus for setting up a monthly transfer, and it’s being managed for short-term goals in bonds), $400 on Discover Credit card ( line of credit=deposit), it had 2% cash back and was the only one that’s accepted me so far, yikes
Retirement accounts: $12,740 in Roth IRA, $5200 in 401k (roth and pretax)
Other: 2 529 plans, each with $2020 for 2 of my youngest siblings
Debt: $0
My Paycheck (2x/month): has varied with optional overtime from $1,134 – 1,713
Pronouns: She/her
Monthly Expenses
Electricity/Utilities/Rent: $150 –I currently live with my grandfather and younger sister, V (and grandmother until recently, which was the main reason I moved to them). I ask him to at least let me pay all the utilities, but he had viewed my help as rent, and wants me to save to buy a place.
Gas: $58.50
Gym Membership: $29.99
Medical Insurance: $0 (covered under father’s employer, I pay co-pays, etc)
Dental Insurance: $0 (also covered, but I’ve had some pricey co-pays this year :,(
401k: $345.14 (was 15% of income, just adjusted to 10% in both Roth and pre-tax)
Roth IRA: $6,000 y12 = $500/month
Siblings’ 529 plans: varies from $0-1,000, I add more during market dips. Maybe they’ll pay me back someday, but I recently found out about these accounts and had to make some for the 2 youngest who haven’t started college yet
Spotify: $0, included in sister’s free trial
Linkedin: $0, free trial
Panera Coffee Subscription: $0, free 'trial' that never ends?
AAA membership: $12.58, this covers all my siblings and I, which we got right before the holiday road trips last year. It gives more peace of mind during any of their solo trips.
Cell Phone: $152 (I pay for myself and 2 sisters, who theoretically will pay me back. We’re on a flex plan, which was generally around $45 for all but has varied considerably in the past few months, from $33 to $180. I've been trying to switch to the new plans which will be $10 a person with group data for $10, but it's been quite the ordeal).
Tithing: 10% of income. I generally pay this all at once when I do my taxes since my income has been variable
Was there an expectation for you to attend higher education? Did you participate in any form of higher education? If yes, how did you pay for it?
Definitely. Academics were always a big focus for my family, and college was never questioned. I hated the idea of taking on debt. Even though I would be paying by myself, the FAFSA’s “expected parent contribution” ruled out aid. I ended up choosing a school based on the academic scholarships offered, but honestly I now think the job placements and the locations of some alternatives would have been worth the higher cost. My parents helped me pay up front, and in my sophomore year my dad had me pay him back with the funds inherited from my grandfather. After that, I paid from my savings from working. Tuition was covered so I tried to keep my housing, food, and materials costs as low as possible.
Growing up, what kind of conversations did you have about money? Did your parent/guardian(s) educate you about finances?
Money was a huge topic and source of conflict in our home growing up, especially while I was young and funds were tighter. My parents were aligned on long-term goals and large purchases, but not necessarily smaller expenditures. However, they were always very focused on saving, and my siblings and I followed in their footsteps. My dad would always say that he hated how his own father never discussed finances with him and wanted to be different. He was too nervous to stay invested in the stock market when I was young, and his investment style was alternative” (think: investing in cars, gold, hiding cash in books throughout the house, etc), so while interesting, I wouldn’t say I learned about more standard approaches until I researched myself. My mom left work to homeschool, but would always say saving money was her job, and she was an expert. We would help her cut out coupons, and her strategies resulted in full grocery carts totaling $0.12, or cashiers opening the register to give her cash back at times!
What was your first job and why did you get it?
I suppose my first job was at a farmer’s market for a family friend, but I was paid in fruit. When I was about 10+ I worked cleaning houses for a vacation rental company for family friends at times during the summer, and then babysitting, but my first W2 came from working as a restaurant hostess at 16. I was asked to apply by the manager after babysitting for his family, and I've always had a hard time turning down jobs. I worked there mostly on weekends throughout high school and into breaks from college.
Did you worry about money growing up?
Worry might not be the right term. I wanted to do anything I could to reduce expenses, but also knew that we weren’t truly struggling – it was mostly my parents’ personalities. My dad had lost his job when there were 3 children (with one more soon to arrive) so we ended up qualifying for food assistance. When he started work again, his income and our household size still met the thresholds. Stil, they had paid off their mortgage in 7 years and never used credit cards. For big home projects, we saved with a collective mindset that this would improve our home life and hopefully ease stress.
Do you worry about money now?
I’m pretty secure, but feel a bit disorganized since I haven’t known my income or expenses and know that I could be more effective with my investments. I had completely forgotten that paychecks from one of my jobs were being deposited in a new account, and recently found out that it was over $6,000, so I definitely want to manage more wisely. I also feel pressure to buy property, whether for myself, to rent out, or a combination, and feel behind in terms of income and savings.
At what age did you become financially responsible foryourselfand do you have a financial safety net?
Since starting college I’ve paid for my own expenses (except when I'm at home during breaks and not buying my own food), but I have a lot of people in my life whom I could turn to if something astronomical happened. I’m reducing my expenses by living with my grandfather, but want to pay for that rent– after I save a down-payment maybe he’ll accept it.
Do you or have you ever received passive or inherited income? If yes, please explain.
My grandparents set up a trust for us to receive after they passed away or when we turned 18, whichever was later. I received $20k from my grandfather, and then $20k from my grandmother a few years later. I’m very grateful for their foresight, as it allowed the process to be more independent, and is something I hope to do for future grandchildren.
Sunday: 7:30 Always love a Sunday morning that I’m not leaving early for work at the Pilates studio! My sister, A, is visiting, so after sleeping in, we enjoy catching up over coffee.
9:20 get ready for church, and head out with our Grandfather. He has a new very low sporty Pontiac, which he thinks will be too uncomfortable for us all to take, but we insist - we’re young, and he needs to make the most of it before winter!
12:30 having some lunch at home, and then decide to pack the car with as much as possible to donate when we go out to shop. V also needs to get a Starbucks drink so that she doesn’t miss out on her birthday drink, since last year she was disqualified for having no purchases. We have sooo many gift cards that we haven’t ever used, so we’ve loaded some on her account.
2:45 the car is packed to the brim, and we squeeze in, poor V in the back seat. We decide to drop things off first, and the drop bins are conveniently behind the grocery store with the best Thanksgiving prices. $0.49/lb for a turkey, so I’ll get one now - I know i could order it, but grandpa doesn’t think we’ll come through with pulling off a turkey and the rest of the meal, so I want to secure it now just to be certain. We stock up on kale, apples, fresh cranberries, and lots of produce, most from the markdown rack - bananas for bread, tomatoes, squash, and more. Stop and Shop markdowns make it so easy to get all of the fruits and vegetables we could want for the week, often almost perfect and for so much less than normal. We get the smallest turkey we can find as we told Grandpa we would (he’s very concerned about leftovers) and some markdown dry goods - dried and canned beans. Also have some Ibottas for free Perfect bars, so I decide to try the Caramel PB (edit, the PB is the OG, def the way to go.) $36.80
3:45 Stop in at Starbucks. The environment was one of their major draws - we haven’t been since the seats are gone. We order a sugar cookie hot latte, and it comes out…iced. We’re really craving a hot drink, and the $5.85 price tag is enough to send me back to the counter. She’s so nice about it, grateful for her!
4:20 Going into Kohls to return things our grandmother had gotten with the tags still on for merchandise credit. We’re shopping for 2 children for “Adopt a Child” Christmas gifts, and find pajamas for the little boy. Shopping for older girls is a struggle - why is everything themed? We have some time to shop around before succumbing to troll-covered pajamas, $11.80 purchased with gift cards.
5:00 We go to the gym, which is empty (aka the best).
7:00 Dinner is always casual on Sundays - Grandpa has eaten, so leftovers of baked beans, greens, fish, and assorted veggies while trying to find SNL videos from last night. We thought Taylor was in skits, but seems like she’s mostly performing, we’ve watched the All Too Well video, and I will probably always love anything with Dylan O'Brien, but the original song is still the favorite. Will I get dragged for this, or do others feel the same?
11:30 Getting ready for bed.
7:10 am getting up and remember I have a personal training session at 7:30. I hadn’t meant to buy any of the personal training sessions after going through the “free assessment” they offered to new members, but the trainer was so nice, I felt like I should. I really wanted to start lifting and gain some confidence to break into the packs of guys who are normally at the weights half of the gym, it was worth it! He asks about my goals and emphasizes protein if I’m really working towards heavier weights. I stopped being a vegetarian this year, but that's still a struggle!
8:30 am I have late night shifts on Mondays, but love getting up early on mornings I have off so that I can feel productive. On linkedin openings, and can get into rabbit holes of looking at other employees and seeing how people got to the positions I would want. I also have to check in on our phone plan, since it’s still not changing over. My sister needs to update her phone, and it seems until then we’re being restricted to a higher cost plan. A water and electricity bill is on the desk, and i send $150 to my Grandfather’s bank account to cover them with additional for emotional damages for a drop in his efficiency score since last year.
10 am Walking to the library with my laptop and giant real estate exam prep book. There’s a beautiful reading room with a classic law library feel, with dark shelves lining the walls, armchairs, and the classic green glass desk lamps.
11:30 Heading home to drop off my bag and have some apple and coffee before taking quick walk around the park, trying to get in some more steps before the rest of the work day.
12:10 Heat some protein oatmeal and bring it up to my desk, logging on for the day. Until 2:30 it’s calls, taking a break to say hi to G and get some water, and then back on calls.
7:15 pm The late night makes it challenging to time dinner, since V and Grandpa are cooking some things, but each call length is indeterminate. I normally try to join them, and they’re not quite ready, but I have some of the beans and veggies I had prepped, then head back up to calls.
8:10 pm Back down for some dinner with them; I’ll probably have part 3 after I’m off. 1/2 hour is definitely not going to cut it. I hate feeling like I’m rushing through meals, and I’m lucky if half my plate is finished.
9:20 Finishing the last call and finally down for the rest of my dinner. Really appreciate how much more relaxing it is now, where I can enjoy dinner without the minutes counting down. I browse a holiday book with recipes to get inspiration for the dish I’ll bring to a Thanksgiving dinner our church is hosting on Wednesday. V and I decide we could do a kale salad with pecans/walnuts, maybe roasted butternut squash, cranberries, and apples (all which we now have in abundance).
10:15 pm - Dishes and kitchen clean up, making appts, and tea.
11:00 Can’t wait to get in bed, and so thankful it’s a training day at work tomorrow. This week I’m transitioning to a new position, so it will be an earlier start, but a longer lunch break and we have some self led study time as well. I’m much looking forward to the break in the non-stop call schedule.
6:55 am. Starting the morning with lighting some candles, brewing coffee, and house work.
11:30 Meetings on zoom, followed by a few minutes break to reheat my coffee and work on self-led study.
12:30 Wow, I miss being able to have some lunch while I work. I know it’s technically not as efficient, but just being able to drink coffee while working is so nice. I foam almond milk for a latte, since i’ll have some time to enjoy it. I brew some coffee to be ready for my next break.
3:00 Back downstairs for the coffee and cut up an apple quickly. V is walking to her friend’s house for a birthday party. She takes a thermos of the coffee to keep her hands warm, which saves me from over-caffeinating.
5:10 The house is empty, and I want to take advantage of the time to work on things that might normally disturb Grandpa (like moving boxes or whipping aquafaba) but I’m feeling v comatose and need some carbs. How do people go to the gym right after work? After a few pretzels and tortilla chips with salsa and snap peas, I’m feeling much more alert. I should be using the earlier finish time for more house clean up, but I’m in the mood to have tea and read some old holiday home blog. Does anyone else still look at old blogs for the nostalgia? I miss how personal and unrefined everyone was in 2012. I find another holiday book with some turkey tips to brush up, and gotta love these instructions. “Using fingers, carefully loosen from turkey at neck, working down to breast and thigh area”…Can’t envision the original writer instructing this with a straight face.
6:00 Grandpa’s home, so start some dinner prep, do laundry, and go through some papers while things cook.
7:30 Dinner with grandpa, a protein pasta with chickpeas, and sautéed kale, onions, and tomatoes. V comes in a few moments later from her party and joins us. She isn’t a fan of the protein spaghetti, but I don’t mind it. For 26 grams vs the 10 grams in the penne for about the same serving size, I’ll take it.
8:30 At the gym, focusing on real estate exam prep questions while on the bike and in between sets. it’s always my time to catch up on texts from the day and go through some emails too.
9:45 Heading home. I let V know that our favorite cute gym employee, Clark (nicknamed for looking like Clark Kent, from the build, down to the dark waves and glasses; it’s too much honestly) asked where she was. Update: aquafaba ice cream takes forever to thaw, and is certainly interesting. might need a new recipe.
11:40 browse a little of “I Will Teach You to be Rich” while brushing my teeth. I had requested some titles recommended from this sub and some other financial blogs, and kind of loved The Automatic Millionaire. It’s really simple, but the compounding illustrations made me focus again on getting more invested earlier, and feel like it is possible to “make it” even though my salary is lower than I’d like.
11:50 In bed and looking forward to coffee! i need to get into an earlier to bed rhythm.
7:10 It’s a second alarm day.
7:13 V overslept, which I think is the first time, so I bring her to school. I take my grandfather’s car out of necessity (he’s okay with it on occasion) so that I don’t have to stop for gas.
10:30 I get off zoom video to run down and meet the girl who’s purchasing an espresso machine I’m selling on FB marketplace. It was in the clearance area but missing a barcode, so we got an amazing deal at $82 vs $278. Sadly it was a little too short for our mugs, but it’s beautiful. Grandpa was skeptical that I could resell, but I listed for $200, and she happily exchanges the bills for the machine, still new in the box. +$200
3:30 I have an interview call, after talking with a recruiter who had reached out on Linkedin, and given a little info about the role. The comp the recruiter had initially said was significantly higher than my current role, so I was curious to learn more. It’s not remote eligible though, which is definitely a drawback, and after talking with the second recruiter, the location will actually be much further and the comp pretty similar to my current salary. I let her know that I may be interested in one of the branch positions the initial recruiter had mentioned, and she will pass that along. Disappointing, but it rules it out enough to keep looking something that could be a better fit.
5:20 Prepping a very colorful salad, garnished with cranberries, squash, apples, nuts. Fall salads are always so pretty on Pinterest, but I don’t often take the time to make them; I’m inspired now.
6:20 My sister A makes the drive back up for the evening, and we take her car to the church for the dinner. Thanksgiving food is the best, agreed? Cranberry sauce and roasted veggies can never go wrong, and there’s so many varieties of the classics in between. It’s a fun night of catching up with family friends. We finish with probably too much apple crisp.
8:30 We’re back and decide to forgo the gym, instead jumping immediately into moving, sorting, and cleaning, after a solid 3 hours we’ve made a tons progress. It’s crazy how much more effective it is having A here. It might be double the effort, but it’s always seems like 10x the impact.
12:12 Finally in bed, and we stay up talking a little but are fully exhausted.
7:10 so tired, but A is going to have to leave early, so I head down for coffee. We discuss buying a Christmas tree farm in Maine since apparently a lot are closing as young people aren’t taking over… ( maybe after life in the city and plan to make to make it successful again with our business expertise, but find true success after rediscovering the Christmas spirit with the help of the son who’s set to inherit it but can’t run it by himself…or something like that).
8:00 Start training and clean while listening to videos. I always feel like I have allergies while I’m in my room working, and I think it’s just dust from old wicker furniture and other things that haven’t been touched in years. Then it’s more coffee, some apple, and zoom calls for the rest of the morning.
12:45 I bring down my laptop to listen to some videos, have some of the kale salad, and pour a bag of cranberries with some orange slices and spices into a pot to make more cranberry sauce. A perk of working from home! I have some later on a break from classes, and then it’s back to zoom until 5 pm.
5:00 V asks if I want popcorn (always yes) and updates me on her day. I submitted an application earlier (during some of the less intensive class, is that bad?) and after spending too long crafting a LinkedIn follow up message, I finally send it to the job poster. I'm sure she’ll send back a few words, if any. I listened to a podcast about standing out in job applications, and he said to always message the job poster or HR. I wish I had gotten more training on job application and interview etiquette, and especially in this digital process when so many others are sending in documents, I feel like I have no idea what job posters expect in terms of communication.
5:30 As I’m heading out for a walk, her response comes through. Sure enough, it’s brief, but she’s asking for availability at least! I’m trying to decide if i should keep my day off tomorrow, but maybe I’ll just leave it open until she gets back to me.
6:37 When I get back we change and go to the gym. We’ve decide to risk it and have V come. Thank goodness Clark is at the desk! He fakes giving us a hard time, but waves us in.
7:20 V had talked about going to NYC for her birthday weekend, since she’ll be turning 16. While resting between sets I try to find a deal on a sublet in NYC with nightly rates, which was happening a lot earlier this year. I’m in so many NYC sublet pages, and prices were amazing during quarantine. i so wished I had a remote job just to be able to move in at crazy low rates…I still browse just to see what’s available, even though the deals are hardly there. Honestly, prices in Boston are surpassing Manhattan though! I will always want to live in NYC for at least a little while, but Boston has really come back better than ever.
8:30 Dinner is different for all of us, leftovers from the dinner,
9:00 We decide to find some of a French or Italian show, and the selection on our various library sites are slim, but Netflix has a French real estate show “La Agencie”?, and wow, it has some beautiful leads. We’re only a few minutes in when our sister C facetimes, and we catch up on her college drama, and we fill her on on updates from family and friends here. I’m skeptical that she and our brother will actually make the trip out for Thanksgiving, but she’s determined to they will. It will be the first time having it without more extended family, and I totally understand if they don’t want to make the long trips and go to family closer, but we’re also very excited to see them. Thanksgiving has always been our favorite, and we’ve made some crazy road trips across the country to make it to before.
11:05 C is evaluating internships and jobs since she’ll be graduating in the spring, and I’m sending her positions that look promising using all the tools on Linkedin premium offers. I have a free month right now, and have been trying to take advantage of it for my sisters, saving jobs that might be good options, or at least to be able to reference these companies in the future. Graduation can be an overwhelming time with so many job applications, and she’s torn between getting ahead and securing a job now, or taking a gap year before grad school to work abroad. Being a nanny in Switzerland or teaching English in Rome are also options, but she plans to apply to some of the serious jobs without locking herself in. I’m so tired and my eyes are so sore, I finally have to say good night
7:20 Up and start brewing coffee and jump right into moving and sorting things. I had taken this day in case a last-ditch effort day was needed, and sure enough, this will be the day to go all out.
8:35 Take a break to sit with some coffee and browse NYC Airbnb’s/hotels. Oof, these prices are double what they were this May…maybe I’ll be able to find a deal through a work offer? They had some great deals earlier this year…I should have realized that the Christmas rates would be this high and booked earlier, but then again last minute hotels can be even better. I can’t commit today, I’ll look later on as well. We can always fall back on staying with a relative outside the city, so it feels less urgent. Then it’s back to packing and moving, I can’t take time to list things today, and honestly so much of this has been listed already, I’m feeling incredibly over it.
10:30 Break for some apple and dry cereal (Special K) and then back into many many trips bringing bins and bags of all sorts of things to the basement, upstairs, bedroom, outside trash bins, and loading the car to donate. I feel like one of those movie montages sped up. Hmm, this might be a good day to try out Speed. What would really be helpful is a donation center nearby, because my car is quickly filling. Unfortunately, there’s only clothes and books drop-boxes around, and thrift stores are at least 15 min away, not worth the trip yet.
12:20 Get on the work computer for ethics, I have to upload account statements, and it means calling accounts that were closed to get temp access. I try to edit some hours to get back on the clock, but it looks like I’ll have to keep the full day off. I sign up for overtime in the evening since it’s offered tonight.
1:20 Get off the computer and head down to do a little more moving and cleaning, bringing a few last bags out before I stop for lunch.
2:00 Making some protein oats, snacking on some raisins and peanuts while they cook. I sit down as G comes in and fills me in on the adventures of school and drama between friends from home.
3:25 Walking over to the dog we’re watching for the next week, where we play with him and try to get him as worn out as possible. He normally goes on long walks, but we’re not brave enough to take him out since she said she wouldn’t recommend we try. He’s a puppy still, but pretty strong.
4:30 Wow, it’s gotten frigid. We walk home as quickly as possible, stopping in a little Christmas pop-up shop on the way. It has local artisan pieces, including huge homemade fortune cookies dipped in chocolate, tons of pottery, and personalized jewelry. Lots of unique items, but none I’m thinking for gifts yet.
5:15 Make some hot chocolate (with chocolate protein powder, trying to make up for some of the other days, although i know it doesn’t exactly work that way) and work on editing some resumes and job applications. There are so many modern templates, but are these appreciated or taken less seriously? Maybe if I were in media or an artistic field...I know the scanners have trouble with them, and don’t care at all about how nice it looks, but does any human actually still look at the documents? Cover letters are the bane of the application process; how many to focus on writing? I’m sure they could be the make or break piece, but it felt like such a waste last time to write so many, and then be hired without one.
6:30 Bean and veggie chili and cornbread for dinner, which just feels right on the coldest day this year. Grandpa was out raking too, so we all appreciate a warm bowl. Check with a friend to see what she’s up to, and she and her bf are going bowling. I’m not really in a bowling mood, and not sure if I want to third wheel this one, so I hold off going out for now.
8:0 Finally seeing real progress after packing a few more bags. I decide against the bowling tonight, and plan to meet her tomorrow afternoon at some nearby shops she’s been suggesting for the last few months.
10:00 V is helping me sort some things, and we get into an an argument over flights to Paris for next summer. She and my siblings have been planning to go for the last few years to a family friend, and I’m a fan of just booking the flights. They got so expensive as they waited last time, and once she gets the tickets, she’ll make the trip happen. There’s still a lot of uncertainty about the trip, but I’m afraid if they wait they’ll regret it or end up never taking the leap. They all seem to be waiting for each other, but I’m trying to encourage her to be the initiator.
11:23 heading to bed!
7:00 It’s so much warmer in bed, and still so cold…sleeping in today is so tempting.
8:00 Got to sleep in, but now I really have to get up, since I want to stop for gas and coffee on the way to the studio.
8:15 Stopping for gas, and realize this bag doesn’t have my wallet. I’m almost on empty, but I’ll have to make it to work and back. I have a free Panera coffee subscription, which is on the same road, so I run in to fill a travel mug. Ive gotten so many months free, and each time I attempt to cancel, they give me 3 more months free. I’m sure they’re hoping I forget or get addicted, but I’m determined not to fall for it. At work, the tasks start immediately, but there’s not as many today. Sometimes I can study in the free time and check social media to see what I missed during the week!
10:30 Browsing job applications…the ability to see so many opportunities is great but can also lead to constant searching - what if there’s one that would be a great fit that i just haven’t seen yet? It seems like it has to be out there, but much like online dating, it can lead to a lot of scrolling. My perspective is similar, I’m not trying to find the “perfect one”, but instead where can I be a valuable addition, and make the most of my skills and interests. I would love to know how long others job searched in the comments before finding “the one”. When you talk to people who Love their jobs and want to keep doing it as long as they can, it’s so inspiring. I’m definitely in the idealist camp; there’s a lot of fields and companies in the world - if there’s a role that doesn’t feel “heavy” because it complements your skills and passions, you’ll probably be really valuable there. From those who have done it, how long did it take you to get there? I don’t think jobs should be our source of fulfillment, but we spend so much time there, it seems like enjoying it should be a part of the objective. Feel free to give a dose of realism in the comments too!
11:30 Ughhhh the application close while I was in the middle of writing, so that’s time wasted…I used to be able to create or edit documents on my phone, but that doesn’t seem to be an option on any of my apps anymore. Looks like I’ll have to wait until I’m home.
1:00 The pilates class is going long, as a new client has lots of questions…I can’t clean until everyone's out, so it’s going to be a later than scheduled shift.
2:00 Finally getting home - V hasn’t gone over to feed the dog yet, and is baking cookies for her Friendsgiving, so I’ll have to go take care of him and drop her off before meeting my friend. Only an hour later then planned...
2:50 pm Stop and get gas with all the cash I have to get the lowest price. It gets me almost to a 1/4 tank. $12
3:00 Arriving downtown to shop! People are already looking festive with their shopping bags and boxes, and the decorated shop windows. My friend, who I met on Bumble BFF a few months ago, has been talking about going shopping here since we met, and her boyfriend informs me that she frequents it every time he’s here, so approx once a week. We pick out things to try on, but don’t end up finding any great fits. She’s a spender, whereas I love to visit stores, but hate to spend money. She has a thin necklace I love, which she happened to get at the next store over. The $75 price ticket is a bit of a shock, especially since i thought it would be from TJ Maxx. I let them know i’ll have to think about some of the other pieces, but surely I can find some comparable for less.
5:37 Head to the gym, and its always so empty at this time on Saturdays. I hate that it’s still so much easier to bench press when the heavy lifters have cleared out, but the tiny plates just look ridiculous in comparison. I study some real estate questions while on the bike and between sets. Clark asks again where V is, I’m starting to think he’s into her instead of just making conversation (jokes, hopefully.)
6:40 Go to pick up V, but she’s not out and her phone goes to Vm. After idling for a bit, I turn back, afraid her phone died. She but she’s still not coming out and phone keeps going straight to Vm. I need to get another car so I don’t have those $ signs running through my head each time I start the car. I was talked out of a Prius a few years ago, but the 9 mpg I get around town is looking especially rough with these gas prices.
8:00 We decide to have dinner at the dog-sitting house and stay the night so we can cut out 2 trips back and forth. A joins us, and brings pasta and wine from her night before, and we use the opportunity of a solo night to split a cider too. Grandpa will ask if we want to share a beer with him on hot summer days, but anything else concerns him. They gave us a check for $400 to come over 3x/day to feed the pets and take them out for the next week. She said we could spend as much time as possible there, and it’s a cozy home to spend some time in. The rest of the night ends up being facetiming siblings and discussing friends over a laughably terrible knock-off-Hallmark Christmas movie. +$400
10:45, I’m falling asleep, so we get ready for bed and pick couches to sleep on. Not much sleep actually involved, since the dog cries most of the night…Nights like this make me so grateful for the nights of peace i normally get to have, the glory of freedom pre-kids or pets! My sisters end up with the worst of it since he sleeps next to them, definitely deserving of the full day’s pay.
Weekly Total Spent: $48.80
submitted byseagirl96toMoneyDiariesACTIVE [link][comments]

2021.12.01 06:40 DominoBarksdale'What’s Coming to Netflix in December 2021'

From 'Whats-on-netflix.com
It’s time for a comprehensive look at what’s coming to Netflix in the United States throughout the month of December 2021. Below, we’ll be listed every single new movie and TV show scheduled to hit Netflix for the final month of the year.
Full List of What’s Coming to Netflix in December 2021
Note: this list takes a lot of effort to compile so if do copy and paste, please consider sourcing and linking to us. ( I did!)
What’s Coming to Netflix Weekly in December 2021
Inspector Koo (Season 1) N – New Episodes Saturdays
New World (Season 1) N – New episodes on December 4th & 11th
Reflection of You (Season 1) N – Final episode on December 2nd
The King’s Affection (Season 1) N – New Episodes Mondays
What’s Coming to Netflix on December 1st
44 Cats (Season 4) – Animated preschool series that follows the adventures of four cats.
Are You The One (Season 3) – Dating reality series
Blood and Bone (2009) – Action movie set in the world of underground fighting. Stars Michael Jai White.
Body of Lies (2008) – CIA action thriller starring Leonardo DiCaprio and Russell Crowe.
Bordertown: Mural Murders (2021) – Crime mystery thriller about imprisoned serial killer Lasse Maasalo.
Chloe (2009) – A married couple’s relationship becomes complicated after Julianne Moore’s character hires and escort for her husband.
Chocolat (2000) – Johnny Depp romance movie from Miramax. About a French woman and her young daughter opening up a small chocolate shop in a remote village.
Closer (2004) – Jude Law, Natalie Portman, Julia Roberts and Clive Owen star in this Sony Pictures movie about two couples getting involved in a complicated affair.
Death at a Funeral – Unclear what version.
Dr. Seuss’ The Cat in the Hat (2003) – Mike Myers masks up to play the iconic Dr Suess character.
The Final Destination (2009) – Death saved the best for 3D was the tagline for this entry in the Final Destination franchise.
Final Destination 3 (2006) – Horror thriller where death picks off more teens.
Final Destination 5 (2011) – Horror thriller where death has returned to pick off the final survivors. Stars Nicholas D’Agosto, Emma Ball and Miles Fisher.
Fool’s Gold (2008) – Matthew McConaughey and Kate Hudson co-star in this action-comedy about a married couple on the search for adventure and lost treasure. From Warner Brothers Pictures and directed by Andy Tennant.
Green Snake (2021) N – Animated feature film of a classic Chinese folktale and serves as a sequel.
Ink Master (Seasons 3-4) – New episodes of the Paramount Network reality series following ten of the US’s best tattoo artists.
JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure (Season 4) N – The new Stone Ocean season of the anime coming exclusively to Netflix.
Kayko & Kokosh (Mulitple Seasons) N – Polish animated series adapting the famous comics from the region.
Knight Rider 2000 (1991) – David Hasselhoff stars as Michael Knight who is armed with his intelligent car, KITT.
Knight Rider (Seasons 1-4) – The classic Knight Rider series will arrive on Netflix in full.
Law Abiding Citizen (2009) – Jamie Foxx and Gerard Butler teamed in this 2009 action crime thriller about a man taking justice into his own hands.
Life (1999) – Eddie Murphy and Martin Lawrence team in this feel-good prison comedy.
Looper (2012) – Rian Johnson wrote and directed this sci-fi thriller starring Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Bruce Willis. The time-traveling movie sees hitmen are sent back in time and one job for Joe goes too far.
Lost in Space (Season 3) N – The third and final season of the Netflix space adventure reboot series with eight episodes.
Minority Report (2002) – Tom Cruise sci-fi thriller set in the future where a special police unit can make arrests before the crime is even committed.
Pet Sematary (1989) – Horror fantasy classic where dead pets are coming back to life.
Premonition (2007) – Sandra Bullock headlines this movie about a woman learning that her husband was killed in a car accident only the next day, she awakes to find him alive and well.
Sabrina (1995) – Harrison Ford and Julia Ormond headline this rom-com.
Soul Surfer (2011) – Based on the true story of Bethany Hamilton overcoming the odds by getting back on the board after a shark attack.
Stepmom (1998) – A terminally-ill woman must deal with her ex-husband’s new lover, who will be their children’s stepmother.
Stuart Little 2 (2002) – The sequel to the best movie of all time with Stuart meeting a new friend.
Sucker Punch (2011) – Zack Snyder’s action movie about a group of young girls teaming together in a dystopian future.
The Fourth Kind (2009) – Horror sci-fi movie about a mystery in Alaska where unexplained disappearances are all too common.
The Legend of Zorro (2005) – Martin Campbell directs this action-romance with the masked sword-wielder taking action against a plot to disrupt California’s pending statehood.
The Power of the Dog (2021) N – Directed by Jane Campion, this star-studded film is set on a ranch following Phil Burbank who believes he’ll never fall in love. The movie is hotly tipped for plenty of Oscars next year.
Think Like a Man (2012) – Ensemble romantic-comedy starring Arielle Kebbel, Gabrielle Union, Taraji P. Henson, Kevin Hart and Jessica Camacho. About four friends conspiring against their wives who they find has been using Steve Harvey’s relationship advice against them.
Tremors (1990) – Comedy horror starring Kevin Bacon.
Veteran / Beterang (2015) – Asian action thriller about a detective put through his paces as he targets a ruthless heir.
We Were Soldiers (2002) – Heart-wrenching Vietnam war movie from Paramount and starring Mel Gibson.
Wild Things (1998) – A police detective uncovers a conspiracy behind a case involving a high-school guidance counselor when accusations of rape are made against him by two female students.
Wyatt Earp (1994) – Classic Western biopic about a man becoming a hero across the US.
What’s Coming to Netflix on December 2nd
#abtalks (Season 1) – Emiratis produced talk-show series.
Escalona (Season 1) – Classic telenovela from Colombia from the early 90s detailing the life and work of Rafael Escalona.
Rain or Shine / Just Between Lovers (Season 1) – K-drama romance series.
Single All The Way (2021) N – Christmas romantic comedy about a man inviting his best friend to join him for the holidays so that he doesn’t appear single.
The Alpinist (2021) – Red Bull Media presents this documentary on young climber Marc-André Leclerc.
The Coyotes (Limited Series) N – Belgian limited series about a group of friends finding diamonds while at camp.
The Whole Truth (2021) N – Thai horror film about two siblings stumbling on a strange hole in the wall of their grandparent’s home.
What’s Coming to Netflix on December 3rd
Cobalt Blue (2021) N – Arthouse Indian LGBTQ movie.
Coming Out Colton (Season 1) N – Reality TV series starring Colton Underwood.
Love and Fury (2021) – ARRAY releasing presents a new documentary from Sterlin Harjo about Native artists as they work to amplify indigenous creativity in a post-colonial world and navigate their careers without seeking permission.
Jurassic World Camp Cretaceous (Season 4) N – A new island awaits in the return of the Dreamworks series based on the Jurrasic Park franchise.
Mixtape (2021) N – Julie Bowen headlines this rom-com about a young girl destroying a mixtape that belonged to her mother and sets out to track down all the songs featured.
Money Heist (Season 5 – Volume 2) N – The final. entry in the Spanish series, La Casa De Papel.
Money Heist: From Tokyo to Berlin (Volume 2) N – A second retrospective and behind-the-scenes look at the creation of Money Heist.
Shaun the Sheep: The Flight Before Christmas (2021) N – Animated feature film from Aardman set in the Shaun the Sheep universe.
The Great British Baking Show: Holidays (Season 4) N – Two-part special (aired in 2020 in the UK) from the baking tent.
What’s Coming to Netflix on December 5th
JAPAN SINKS: People of Hope (Season 1 – First eight episodes) – Japanese drama (which also saw an anime released on Netflix) about a natural disaster about to occur to the island of Japan. New episodes will release every Sunday thereafter.
What’s Coming to Netflix on December 6th
David and the Elves (2021) N – Polish Christmas movie.
Our Beloved Summer (Season 1 – New Episodes Weekly) N – Korean first-love comedy series.
Voir (Season 1) N – David Fincher documentary series designed for film lovers by film lovers.
What’s Coming to Netflix on December 7th
Centaurworld (Season 2) N – The second batch of Centaurworld episodes where Horse is having to recruit an army to take on the Nowhere King.
Go, Dog. Go! (Season 2) N – New episodes with the adventurous pups Tag and Scooch.
Nicole Byer: BBW (Big Beautiful Weirdo) (2021) N – Stand-up special from the comedian and host of Netflix’s Nailed It!.
What’s Coming to Netflix on December 8th
Carolin Kebekus: The Last Christmas Special (2021) N – Stand-up special from Germany.
What’s Coming to Netflix on December 9th
Asakusa Kid (2021) N – Japanese biopic on a young comedy apprentice who shadows the legendary Fukami of Asakusa.
Bathtubs Over Broadway (2018) – Netflix relicensed the comedy documentary on the hidden corporate entertainment scene.
SHAMAN KING (New episodes) N – More episodes of the hit anime series (likely labeled season 2).
The Family That Sings Together: The Camargos (Season 1) N – Musical docusoap following Zeze Di Camargo.
What’s Coming to Netflix on December 10th
Anonymously Yours (2021) N – Mexican movie.
Aranyak (Season 1) N – Indian crime thriller.
Back to the Outback (2021) N – Animated feature film that reverse characteristics you’d expect from wild animals and sees them band together to make an escape.
How to Ruin Christmas (Season 2) N – Second season of the South African holiday-themed comedy series.
Roaring Twenties: Austin / Twentysomethings: Austin (Season 1 – New Episodes Weekly) N – Filmed over lockdown, this new reality series sees 20-somethings experience the highs and lows of being in that age group (could also be called Twentysomethings: Austin – Netflix doesn’t know it seems).
Saturday Morning All Star Hits! (Season 1) N – Adult hybrid animation series designed as a love letter to the 80s and 90s.
Still Out of My League (2021) N – Italian rom-com.
The Shack (2017) – Sam Worthington and Octavia Spencer star in this fantasy movie about a man seeking answers after receiving a mysterious letter telling him to visit an abandoned shack.
The Unforgivable (2021) N – Sandra Bullock plays a woman released from prison after serving a violent crime sentence but finds society unable to forgive her past actions.
Two (2021) N – Arthouse horror about two people waking up finding out their abdomens are attached to each other.
What’s Coming to Netflix on December 11th
Fast Color (2019) – Gugu Mbatha-Raw stars in this sci-fi movie about a woman forced to go on the run when it’s discovered she has superhuman abilities.
The Hungry and the Hairy (Season 1) N – Korean travel reality series.
What’s Coming to Netflix on December 13th
Eye in the Sky (2015) – Helen Mirren, Aaron Paul and Alan Rickman headline this action war thriller. About a complex mission that turns into a disaster.
What’s Coming to Netflix on December 14th
Bonus Family (Season 4) N – Swedish comedy series returns for a fourth season which will see a classroom showdown, a kitchen fire and much more.
StarBeam: Beaming in the New Year (2021) N – Animated kids special.
Russell Howard: Lubrican (Limited Series) N – A stand-up special and a making-of documentary from British comedian, Russell Howard.
The Future Diary (Season 1) N – Japanese reality series where a couple who have never met have to play out a script to see if they fall in love.
What’s Coming to Netflix on December 15th
Black Ink Crew New York (Seasons 3-4) – Reality series following tattoo artists from New York.
The Challenge (Season 12 & 25) – MTV reality competition series.
Elite Short Stories: Phillipe Caye Felipe (Miniseries) N
Masha and the Bear (Season 5) – Russian-produced kids series where Misha and her forest friends hike up to volcanoes and hunt for treasure.
Selling Tampa (Season 1) N – Spin-off to the reality series Selling Sunset.
Teen Mom 2 (Seasons 3-4) – MTV reality series.
The Giver (2014) – Jeff Bridges and Meryl Streep star in this romantic sci-fi movie about a young boy chosen to learn the true pain and pleasure of the so-called real world.
The Hand of God (2021) N – Italian drama about a boy growing up in Naples during the 1980s. Highly tipped for the awards season.
What’s Coming to Netflix on December 16th
A Naija Christmas (2021) N – A mother’s Christmas wish – and the grand prize that comes with it – sets off a fierce competition between her sons. Comedy-drama Christmas movie.
Aggretsuko (Season 4) N – More adventures with the red panda who resorts to dealing with stress by playing death metal karaoke.
A California Christmas: City Lights (2021) N – Follow-up holiday rom-com from last year with the couple now a year into their relationship running a dairy farm and winery.
Darkest Hour (2017) – Gary Oldman stars in this biopic of Winston Churchill on the eve of World War II.
Puff: Wonders of the Reef (2021) N – Nature documentary following a baby pufferfish around the Great Barrier Reef.
The Guardian / Thiên Than Ho Menh (2021) – Vietnamese horror.
What’s Coming to Netflix on December 17th
Decoupled (Season 1) N – Netflix India presents a new comedy series starring R Madhavan and Surveen Chawla.
Fast & Furious Spy Racers (Season 6 – Homecoming) N – The final season of the Dreamworks animated series based on the Fast & Furious franchise.
The Witcher (Season 2) N – The big returning series of the month (sorry Lost in Space) is The Witcher which will see the series move into a more linear method of storytelling.
What’s Coming to Netflix on December 18th
Bulgasal: Immortal Souls (Season 1) N – Korean fantasy thriller series about a woman who repeats death and reincarnation as a person for 600 years and remembers her past lives and a man who cannot die because he has been an immortal for 600 years.
Oldboy (2013) – Josh Brolin stars in this action drama about a man setting out for vengeance to find out who kidnapped him.
Single’s Inferno (Season 1 – New Episodes Weekly) N – Korean reality dating series.
What’s Coming to Netflix on December 19th
What Happened in Oslo / Bortført (Season 1) N – Thriller from Norway and Israel about a young girl and two Israelis captured by terrorists.
What’s Coming to Netflix on December 20th
Elite Short Stories: Samuel Omar (Miniseries) N
What’s Coming to Netflix on December 21st
Jim Gaffigan: Comedy Monster (2021) N – Stand-up special.
Grumpy Christmas (2021) N – Spanish-language holiday comedy about a grump grandpa not enjoying the holiday season.
What’s Coming to Netflix on December 22nd
Badanamu ABC TV Series (Season 1) – Korean animated educational series
Badanamu POP (Season 1) – Korean animated series for kids about Bada and his friends singing in this educational title.
Emily in Paris (Season 2) N – Emily returns in the Darren Star produced series that will see the character continuing to find her feet in the French capital.
What’s Coming to Netflix on December 23rd
Elite Short Stories: Patrick (Miniseries) N
Will You Marry? (2021) – Filipino drama about a mother and daughter arriving in Copenhagen.
What’s Coming to Netflix on December 24th (Christmas Eve)
1000 Miles from Christmas (2021) N – Spanish Christmas movie.
Daughter From Another Mother (Season 2) N – Mexican comedy series.
Don’t Look Up (2021) N – Leonardo DiCaprio and Jennifer Lawrence (and a huge ensemble cast) feature in this Adam McKay movie where the world looks to be coming to an end.
Minnal Murali (2021) N – Indian superhero movie about a boy who is hit by lightning and develops supernatural powers.
Stand by Me Doraemon (2014) – An animated feature film about a fourth-grader who tries to improve his life so that his robot cat can return home.
Stand by Me Doraemon 2 (2020) N – Animation feature film from Japan.
The Silent Sea (Season 1) N – Highly anticipated sci-fi series from South Korea.
Vicky and Her Mystery / Mystère (2020) N – French family drama about an 8-year-old girl whose mother has just passed away and relocates with her father in a small mountain village. She finds solace in the adoption of a puppy of unknown origin.
Zach Stone is Gonna Be Famous (Season 1) – MTV comedy series starring Bo Burnham.
What’s Coming to Netflix on December 25th (Christmas Day)
Jimmy Carr: His Dark Material (2021) N – Stand-up special with the British comedian.
Stories of a Generation – with Pope Francis (Season 1) N – Docuseries.
What’s Coming to Netflix on December 26th
Lulli (2021) N – Brazillian comedy about a brilliant but self-centered medical student who acquires the ability to hear other people’s thoughts.
What’s Coming to Netflix on December 28th
Word Party Presents: Math! (2021) N – New special in the Word Party kids franchise.
What’s Coming to Netflix on December 29th
Anxious People (Limited Series) N – 6-episode miniseries about a bank robber failing to rob any cash from a cashless bank which sets off a strange collection of events.
Crime Scene: The Times Square Killer (Season 1) N – A new limited docu-series in Netflix’s Crime Scene series.
What’s Coming to Netflix on December 30th
Kitz (Season 1) N – German drama series about rich kids ruining Kitzbühel.
Hilda and the Mountain King (2021) N – Feature film following the two seasons of the kids series.
What’s Coming to Netflix on December 31st (New Year’s Eve)
Cobra Kai (Season 4) N – The next season of The Karate Kid spin-off series set decades after the original film trilogy.
Queer Eye (Season 6) N – A whole new roster of heroes in need of a little TLC.
Seal Team (2021) N – Animated feature film about a seal who assembles a team to fight back against a gang of sharks.
Stay Close (Limited Series) N – Another huge Harlan Coben series is coming to Netflix on New Year’s Eve and is about three people each concealing dark secrets that even those closest to them would never suspect.
The Lost Daughter (2021) N – Olivia Colman headlines this character drama which sees a woman heading on vacation to get away from it all but soon finds her past troubling her once again.
submitted byDominoBarksdaletoNetflixAndTrill [link][comments]

2021.11.16 18:41 flyingdolphin14$48,724, 'Barn Wedding/Vow Renewal' for 160 in WNY

We finally had our wedding/vow renewal on 10/9/21 and it was such an amazing day! We originally had planned for a 10/10/2020 wedding, but decided to postpone the reception and hold a small, intimate ceremony on our original date. We had an original guest list of 260+, but decided to downsize when we switched dates. We invited 208, 170 RSVPd yes, and 160 showed.
We were lucky enough to have our parents contribute ~$25,000 to our budget. His parents graciously paid for the rehearsal dinner, and we covered the remainder.
Here's a rundown of costs and a review!
Rehearsal - $2950 +tip
Buffet style, 2 hour open bar with beer and wine. We held this at a nearby winery for 50 people (wedding party, dates, parents, grandparents, siblings, & our coordinator)
Attire: $3,610
Dress: $1950
  • Oxford Street (Private label under Essence of Australia). Ordered a the end of 2019 from a bridal shop.
Alterations: $280 + $400
  • I had it altered in 2020 (hemmed + taken in). I did not wear for my 2020 ceremony, it would not zip at my last fitting. I didn't really intend to wear it and had ordered a more casual dress for my elopement. I had to have the dress re-altered in 2021. I changed shoes to a shorter heel, lost 30 lbs, and needed a bustle. I went to a different seamstress and she ended up being more costly.
Shoes: $350
  • Light blue Dahlia heels by Loeffler Randall. 100% worth the splurge, wore them all night and they were very comfortable ( & didn't make me taller than hubs!). They were dingy by the end of the night, but a good oxi clean soak and gentle scrub helped that. I plan to wear them for our anniversary every year.
Purse: $280
  • Kate Spade heart shaped crossbody. Not a need but a want and I will use it again
Jacket: $150
  • Custom ivory leather jacket from The Brodie Bride. Said 'Wife of the Party' on the back. I thought it was a cute twist on the denim jackets you always see!
Morning of outfit $100
  • Adorable white lace robe set from etsy & slippers from amazon
Jewlery/Hairpiece: $200
  • I bought the hair piece for $150 with my dress and then got a pair of pearl drop earrings from etsy. We didn't need rings as we had ours from the actual ceremony last year
His Suit Rental: $Free
  • Free with his groomsmen rentals from Men's Wearhouse
Bridal Party Attire: $Free
  • My bridesmaids chose their own style dress from Birdy Grey in sage and were responsible for cost & could choose shoes/accessories as they wished
  • Groomsmen covered the cost of their suit rental
  • Our original venue (also a barn) cancelled/ notified us of an overbooking 20 days prior to the event. We were able to find a new venue that was $2,000 less AND a blessing in disguise. It was much cozier and cohesive for our guests. The old venue released our deposit and issued a consolation check of $2,000 for the trouble. The only issue was there was no spot for a ceremony, but my dad graciously built us a custom ceremony arch as a gift. The venue hadn't been used in a while, so we did some landscaping at the venue and fixed a couple of their tables so they took $100 off our bill.
Catering/Rentals/Bar: $17,980
Food $8,000 + 15% gratuity
  • Buffet style meal of pulled pork, chicken, smashed potatoes, green salad, Mac & cheese, and rolls with honey butter. Included table ware, water service (cute mason jars), & linens. We also has buffalo chicken cups as a late night snack, but they didn't announce it so we had a ton leftover.
Bar (NA & Alcohol) $5,200 + 15% gratuity
  • Full, top shelf 5 hour open bar. Included complimentary champagne toast before dinner.
  • Coffee bar
  • Non-alcoholic bev station (lemonade & tea). We had ~10 kids in attendance.
Rentals $2,800 ( I also tipped the rental co $20 for each of their 3 delivery/set-up staff)
  • Rented dinner tables and chairs, (4) farm tables for head table, misc serving tables, set of ceremony chairs, wine barrels, cocktail tables, 20x30 tent for out on the deck, misc set-up tables (buffet, guest book, dessert, gifts, etc.). They also provided some gorgeous draping over the doors at our venue.
  • $2,000 + $100 tip - We fired our original photographer after he double booked us and failed to provide an experienced replacement. A close friend (and professional wedding photographer) of ours stepped in and offered to do it for $2,000. The original photographer refunded my deposit of $750 + an additional $500 for reparations. I'm still waiting for the full gallery, but am much happier with how our sneaks turned out than I would have been with the original booking.
Videographer: $2,686
  • $2,586 + $50 ea for videog + assistant - Waiting to see if this one was worth the price tag, a month or so to go before we get our finished product! We get a 5 minute 'preview' for social media sharing and then a full 60 minute documentary style film as well.
Flowers: $2,550
  • $2,500 + $50 for delivery staff - Personal flowers (my bouquet, (8) BMs bouquets, (15) bouts, (4) wrist cuff corsages, (1) lg accent piece for arch, (2) greenery accents for some signage displays, (18) table accents - greenery for the lantern centerpieces my parents made
Cake: $733
  • We had a 2 tier cutting cake & then ~15 doz cupcakes in various flavors. We had SO many cupcakes leftover :/ The small business I ordered from provided their own wood crates and flavor labels for display.
DJ + Ceremony Music: $2200
  • $2100 + $50 ea tip for DJ & assistant
Photo Booth: $1545
Machine + Attendant: $795
  • Printed copies of the photos for guests and provided me with the digital copies a week later! This was a hit and works in lieu of an official 'favor'.
DIY Backdrop - $750
  • $500 for a custom neon sign with out last name from Brite Lite Tribe (bonus: you can use it in your home bar after) + $30 for 10' drapes from amazon, +$100 for pipe, spray paint, misc fasteners to make an arch to hold it all
Favors: $300
  • We didn't do official favors, but had custom koozies at the bar ($100 for 100) and had a set up with blankets for guests to take if it got cold! Blankets were from IKEA and we picked up 50 of them. All of our favors went by the end of the night!
Transportation: $3,070
  • $2,920 + $50/ ea driver We contacted a school bus company and had 3 buses to take our guests to and from our suggested hotels where we had room blocks. They did 1 drop off before our ceremony & did several shuttles back to the hotels throughout the night.
Hair & Make-up: $2,250 (incl 20% tip)
  • I paid for hair and make-up for my 8 bridesmaids, mom, grandma, and my MIL
Day-of Coordinator: $1,000
  • So worth the expense. My mom's work friend helped us out here and he only asked for $500 but we paid him what we felt was market value. He helped me the few weeks leading up to our wedding, assisted with set-up, and cleaned up at the end of the night.
Officiant: $0
  • My younger brother officiated for us
Invitations: $750
  • $250 - Save the dates from Minted & postage
  • $150 - Postponement notices (printed myself)
  • $350 - Invitation suite from minted & postage
Event Insurance Policy: $200
Purchased from WedSafe
Accommodations: $900
  • $450 for each room - Friday & Saturday night for 2 suite rooms (one for all the girls to get ready in, the other for the guys)
  • $500 - Wedding Party Gifts - For groomsmen - socks, a mini whiskey, cigars. Bridesmaids- PJs (old navy), slippers, jewelry, tumbler for mimosas, liquid IV, makeup wipes. Tie clips for our dads and grandpas. Bracelets or a necklace for our grandmas. Our moms each got a custom jewelry dish. Each set of parents got a gift card to their favorite restaurant. I got my brother a nice bottle of gin as a thank you for officiating.
  • Decor - $1,000-ish
    • My parents made wooden lanterns & ordered battery powered candles for our centerpieces but we didn't track the costs.
    • DIY signage - purchased chalkboards when they were on sale at michaels, found an old window to use for our bar menu, used a leftover piece of wood for our welcome sign.
    • Lights - I ordered some curtain lights and a few extra sets of string lights to spruce up the venue
    • Props - Bought a bunch of stick horses, cowboy hats, heart sunglasses to use for our bridal party entrances and then they were used for the photo booth after
    • Bathroom baskets - I put these together with anything that may have been needed (safety pins, hairspray, nail file, perfume, medicines, etc.)
    • Cake server set & topper with our names & a dog figuring for the cake
    • Custom cocktail napkins - ordered from etsy and had our doggo on them
    • Additional accent draping/tulle & faux greenery - mostly ordered from amazon
submitted byflyingdolphin14toweddingplanning [link][comments]

2021.11.14 07:14 HeuristicHikerThe State of the Post-Bacc CS at OSU: My Perspective From Day 0 to a Full-Time Developer Role (LONG)

TL;DR -> It's a good program geared for those who have already completed a 4 year BS in an unrelated field. I am glad I did it, and I would do it again. Those looking to switch careers with a modest interest in software development should give the school a look over. You will get out of the program what you put into it. Do not expect hand-holding through the program and be accountable to yourself, and you will be just fine. At the end, you will be rewarded with a diploma, no fine print, no asterisks: A Bachelor's of Science in Computer Science.
For the rest of you who want the long form of this, buckle up. I'll try to cover my experience from school selection to getting my first FT job, exhaustively.

School Selection

I was in my early 30s working a well-paying job in an unrelated field but had a wife and kids so I had to be very strategic about how to go through a career switch. Fully online was the optimal choice for me.
I applied to and was selected for a Masters in Software Engineering at a different online school. I went there for two terms, and left before the third started. It wasn't for me for a variety of reasons. Initially, I passed on OSU's Post-Bacc CS program because I had no idea what it meant and questioned, 'Is this a real degree?' I wish I did more research, because yes, it is a real degree. No fine print, no asterisks, no footnotes on the diploma. You finish the program with a BS in Computer Science from Oregon State University.
I applied to OSU in the late summer of 2019, and was accepted in about a month. There is NO rhyme or reason to the acceptance process, and crystal balling it on this sub-reddit definitely doesn't make a difference as far as I have observed.

Financial Implications

I used my Post 9/11 GI Bill (it's a military thing) and employer benefits to fully cover my tuition. My employer used EdAssist which also gave me a 10% tuition discount, so for those who are FT employed already, that might be something to look into. That being said, I really can't speak to the money piece of this. I can say that as of the time of writing this, the University is charging $527 per credit, which in turn will run you about $2,100 per class or $4,200 per an average term.

Path of Classes

I completed the program in 1.75 years. This was the path that worked for me, but many students do it in 2 or even 2.25. It's situationally dependent on your life.
  • Fall 2019: 161 (Intro to Computer Science I) + 225 (Discrete Structures in Computer Science)
  • Winter 2020: 162 (Intro to Computer Science II) + 271 (Computer Architecture and Assembly Language)
  • Spring 2020: 261 (Data Structures) + 290 (Web Development)
  • Summer 2020: 325 (Analysis of Algorithms) + 361 (Software Engineering I)
  • Fall 2020: 362 (Software Engineering II) + 340 (Introduction to Databases)
  • Winter 2021: 372 (Intro to Computer Networks) + 344 (Operating Systems)
  • Spring 2021: 475 (Intro to Parallel Programming) + 493 (Cloud Application Development) + 467 (Online Capstone Project)
I was eager to get through this as quick as possible, so that I could get into the industry as quick as possible. Some people can move faster than this, some may need to go more slowly. Again, do what is right for you. One thing I would advise against, skipping terms or 'taking the summer off'. For me, I knew if I did this, my skills would get stale and it's always hard to pick something up once you stop doing it for a bit. Christ, I took a month off after graduation to breathe, and when I jumped back in, I was sucking wind for a week or two when I got back to working on side-projects.
Some are required, some were electives. Most electives really won't become available until you get through at least about 5 or 6 classes.

Teacher Selection

In 99.9% of cases, the teacher who instructs the class you chose does NOT matter. It's the same material, same rubric, same assignments. Most everything is graded by TA's anyway, and we all grade based off the rubric, which is the same for all sections. Pick one and run with it.
In 0.1% of cases, (i.e. one assignment in 325), when you run into niche situations with grading, and you contest it, the professor who is the final say on points or no points is the professor who is assigned to the section you picked. Professor A may see the requirements one way, Professor B may see it a different way.

Fall 2019

  • Took Udemy Course Before the Term Started: Learn Python Programming Masterclass by Tim Buchalka link
  • 161 (Intro to Computer Science I): I was the first cadre through after the school transitioned to Python. This will be your bread and butter language for the first few terms. Start simple with variables, loops, if/else, work up to functions.
  • 225 (Discrete Structures in Computer Science): Talk about being thrown into the frying pan. This program doesn't require you to be a math ace, but knowing a little bit about pre-calc/algebra will definitely go a long way. Lots of logic. The hard part for me were the proofs. To this day, I still don't get them. You'll spend a lot of time reading and doing your own research.

Winter 2020

  • 162 (Intro to Computer Science II): Classes, generators, a little bit of sort/search stuff. You're really getting into OOP at this point. For me, I found it easy, others found it more difficult. You put all of your skills together for a portfolio project at the end of the term which for us was a game of Chinese chess.
  • 271 (Computer Architecture and Assembly Language): My favorite class. You learn the basics of x86 assembly and write a few programs. Lots of light-bulb moments in this class for me. Really fun getting close to the chips in the computer. Feel free to explore or try different things in your projects. Always take advantage of the extra credit. You'll learn a ton.

Spring 2020

  • Took Udemy Course Before the Term Started: The Web Developer Bootcamp link
  • 261 (Data Structures): Absolutely cake class. I thought this would have been more difficult. All Python (which surprises me now). I was a bit disappointed in how basic this class was. There are a good amount of structures that weren't covered but grading is super lenient.
  • 290 (Web Development): This class starts easy, and ramps to huge difficulty quickly at the end of the term. First few weeks are like la-de-dah, write a single page where you click a button and move a square highlight around table, and you wrap up with 'BAM!' write a multi-page site from scratch. From what I heard, this class has finally gotten a revamp so this information might be dated, but the exams were ridiculous in this class. Questions asked about the most obscure JS behaviors and knowing random CSS properties off the top of your head. There was no discussion at all about jQuery, React/Angular or any other front-end framework. I really feel like the school should break this up into two classes. There's plenty of content they don't cover to do it.

Summer 2020

  • 325 (Analysis of Algorithms): This class is an abomination. OK, in all seriousness, it's hard, but its exacerbated by terrible guidance. You learn about a few popular types of algorithms (Dynamic Programming, Searching/Sorting, Greedy Algos, etc.) You are also expected to understand how they perform. You learn a great deal about Big-O notation, and what that actually means along with other ways of measuring performance. The instructors take a lot of liberties with student knowledge coming into this course and TA's often leave you feeling more confused than when you started talking to them. Abdul Bari will get you pretty far in this course and any video by Erik Demaine on MIT OpenCourseWare will fill in the gaps. I believe this class got a revamp, but from what I understand, its still terrible. This class is a rite of passage in this program. Just dig in, bite your lip, and survive.
  • 361 (Software Engineering I): This is basically a group project where you build a website. You learn a little bit about DevOps here and get introduced to things like Scrum. This class is comically easy and short of not turning in work, you'll get an A.

Fall 2020

  • 362 (Software Engineering II): My suggested alternative title to this class, Application Testing. CI/CD is briefly discussed, and there is one micro-project where you setup a small CI 'pipeline' GitHub actions. Interestingly, this class is difficult. It's fun (except the exams, which I strongly recommend studying for and committing all the vocabulary and terms to memory) and you learn quite a bit about testing and how to really test as many cases as possible.
  • 340 (Introduction to Databases): MySQL was the flavor they were serving when I took this. There is a lot of fluff in this course, but my understanding was it was due for a revamp in a term or two after I left. It's not hard. The key thing I would say (because they do not to this day) is when you do the project, your goal is to build a glorified Excel spreadsheet. The point of the project is to demonstrate all the relationships required and interactivity asked for. Do not approach it like you are building a full-stack web application for a new business and you will be just fine. Make sure that when they ask you to implement a nullable relationship in your database, that it's clear as day on your web application, etc. There is no mention of non-relational databases in this class which is odd given the popularity of DB's like MonogoDB.

Winter 2021

  • Was asked to TA for CS340. Accepted and on-boarded.
  • 372 (Intro to Computer Networks): I had higher hopes for this class. I took it as an elective, it was made non-mandatory a term or two before. I really wanted to learn more about networks. The book is complete trash, useless. Google and Chegg are your friends. You cover things like sockets, CIDR addressing, and basically how the internet actually works (broadly). You should be able to leave at least understanding what a Subnet Address finally is, can describe the OSI model with some confidence and explain how things like traceroute and ping actually work. The labs are pretty cool. I really enjoyed them and you really start to understand what is going on when you go to a website, or download a file.
  • 344 (Operating Systems): Some people hate it, some people love it. Personally, I fell in the latter. Yes, there were moments in this class I literally wanted to hum my laptop across the backyard. But you have so many of those moments where something finally works and you jump out of your chair and dance around your office/bedroom at 2am. We wrote a simple shell, a networking application that encrypts and decrypts a message and some other stuff. This class is 95% C, and 5% Rust. There is one small (multi-threading? Can't remember) project in Rust, which you'll form your opinions on. Exams are moderately difficult but are fairly lenient in how you can take them.

Spring 2021

  • Continued TAing 340 for another Term.
  • 475 (Intro to Parallel Programming): This was a pretty good class. If you ever wanted to write code that executes on a graphics card, this is that class. It's a solid primer for those who want to continue on the path of video game development or writing graphics intensive applications. You learn a lot about multi-threading, multi-processing, etc. You'll learn about what a CUDA core is, and you'll understand when and how things can and cannot be processed in parallel. It has its challenging points but the exams weren't terrible and instructor provides videos of all of his lectures which is a nice bonus for those who like that kind of thing. It's also the only class where the professor does not do much of anything on Canvas, he has a plain-jane Geocities-style HTML website that he posts course content and assignments to.
  • 493 (Cloud Application Development): Solid class. This class will give you a dip of your toe in the waters of cloud development. And I mean just a dip. You'll end up building a handful of projects and deploying them 'in the cloud'. Think AWS, Azure or in this classes case, Google Cloud Platform. 11 weeks is no where near enough time to become a master at cloud, but it's enough to get you the basics (i.e. how to deploy an app, how to set up authentication, how to set up a DB, etc.). The one bane I had with this class was the absolutely laborious amounts of documentation you must write for each project. It's not hard, just tedious. Exams weren't bad. You'll get a very light overview of Docker, and get some hands on with things like OAuth 2.0 and working with JSON Web Tokens.
  • 467 (Online Capstone Project): This class will be made or broken by who you choose for your group. Do not chose people because you are friends. Choose people because they have good work ethic, and take their education seriously. I STRONGLY recommend finding 2 partners well before the class starts so that you are not in a position where you get assigned partners. In the beginning of the term you choose either from a canned project (which from my experience and from what I have been told, are all sort of meh) OR choose your own project (video game, full stack web application, anything goes as long as the Instructor approves it). I chose the later. People get concerned with grading in this class and my advice would be, when you do your update videos, just show some form of progress. You might not have even written a single line of code, but you researched a ton. Show the notes you took and websites you visited in your video. Keep making progress every week and you should get an A, even if your project doesn't completely work at the end.
  • Graduated.

Assignments and Grading

I graduated with a 4.0. I set that as a personal goal to myself when I started the program because I saw it as a second chance to redo my abhorrently and hap-hazardly taken first degree. That being said, straight A's is doable by most in this program, especially if you take it at a slower pace.
Some classes are cake. Some are not. There is a handy website created by an Alum of this program OSU Course Explorer. Use it. The information on there is fairly reliable. I generally tried to pair a high-work load course with an easy course each term, where possible.
For most classes, grading is pretty lenient. Objectives are fairly clear and as long as you check each box, you should get a solid grade. If objectives are not clear, ask for clarification, save the results of that conversation in case you need to argue back points later. Most students will spend their time getting really good grades for assignments and labs (where applicable) to create a buffer against midterms and finals. Some classes offer extra credit. Always attempt it when offered, again, you'll want that buffer.
Midterms and finals are the usual warzone when it comes to grades. This is particularly true when you take 325 in the summer. It's a deluge of information in 8 weeks. That being said, if you regularly study and attempt to commit to memory the most important points of the material, you'll do fairly well. Lots of classes allow some form of a 'cheat sheet' on their exams. Learn to read 6pt font and you'll thank me later.
Inevitably, there will be an assignment or exam where you get dinged points when you know you shouldn't have. Rule #1: Be professional. Calmly and politely reach out to a TA, ask for the correction, and articulate why you are right. If that fails, politely esclate directly to the professor. Provide examples, screenshots, and explain. 9 times out of 10, reversals went in my peers and my favor.

Experience as a TA

I took the TA role on because I knew I wasn't going to be doing an internship. I wanted something to put on a resume when I went for a job. You grade projects and assignments. You hold office hours. You answer questions. That's basically it. There is a lot of flexibility in grading styles. My philosophy was if you gave it an honest attempt, you got credit within reason. But I literally also got a submission of a database diagram that looked like it was drawn on a cocktail napkin. Hard nope. My instructor was pretty good and was generally accessible if I had questions. My second term, I took on more of a content development role for the course which I really enjoyed.
Is it for everyone? No. To be honest, if you do an internship, you probably won't even consider being a TA. But for some, it makes sense. I don't think anyone does it for the cash though. It's minimum wage of whatever state you live in.


Unless you plan on flying out to Oregon for commencement, there is really not much to say. You'll get an email a few weeks before degrees are conferred to validate your name and address for your diploma, and a few weeks later a FedEx will arrive containing your degree. That's it.
Regularly, throughout the program, you will have to check in with counselors that will advise you of your progress and in some cases you'll get your PIN for registration. For me this was more of a formality. You have to do a course plan which was a bit of a fuss. Some students may value this, I felt indifferent.


This is the platform of choice for all of your class materials, grades, most of your assignment submissions, etc. It does the job. Most of your exams will be facilitated through this as well. My one pain was the editor for LaTeX. 225 and 325 were additionally painful for this reason.


When I went through the program, we used Piazza. This is essentially the message board component of your classes. Most classes will use it to some degree. I used Ed the final term which for the most part, was a nice upgrade from Piazza which had a slightly more dated UI.


Slack was the flavor of the day when I attended, my last term the school went to Microsoft Teams (cost?) I preferred Slack over Teams and to this day I still do. Teams is still fairly young and in my opinion, and simply doesn't have the features Slack does. It did the job though.

Slack (Unofficial OSU)

Helpful in the beginning for sure. Lots of help in different classes was available. You could meet other students in your class there. As you get to the later classes, I found it to be less useful.


At about the halfway point, I found that more and more people were starting up Discord servers for specific classes. By and far, this was one of the most helpful things. You could bounce ideas off other people as well as help others out who might be struggling. It was a two way road of information. I also made many friends here that I still keep in touch with post graduation.

Picking A Computer

I've seen countless posts on this subredit over the years asking about if the newest MacBook Pro will be good enough to take the program with. I don't want to sound snarky, but if you need an excuse to buy Apple's latest and greatest, just go buy one, but you won't need it for this program.
I had a modest gaming laptop for most of the program. Acer Predator Helios 300. A Windows OS is key for running Visual Studio. While it's technically feasible on a Mac, taking 271 turned out to be a nightmare for some Mac users. Later in the program, I ended up dual booting Ubuntu and learned to love Linux. I found that I was more efficient and could be more effective. You are going to spend a lot of time bounding around directories, running commands and installing packages. If you are on Windows, you are going to be spending a lot of time ssh'ing in to the schools server just to run Linux commands there, so for me, that was my turning point.
Towards the end of the program, I built my own desktop, but this was purely for my own wishes.
What you should have for this program is a modest laptop with a decent size screen. You are going to spend a ton of time writing code and typing up labs and assignments. Give yourself some real estate. If you can afford it, get an extra monitor to get even more real estate. Get a mouse. Make sure you have a webcam. A windows laptop with an Intel i5 or equivalent and something in the neighborhood of 16 GB of Ram and 256 GB of storage is all you need. Once you get through the first few terms, I would strongly consider dual booting Linux and getting used to it. If you do end up buying Tim Cook's latest offering, BootCamp for sure to handle the Windows needs.
If you take Intro to Parallel Programming - 475, consider getting something with a dedicated GPU.
Ok, so you got that sweet piece of paper, and you're ready to conquer the world. I am going to try and provide some tips and pointers on how I went about landing my first Full-Time Dev role as an iOS Developer with a large defense contractor. This was the way that worked for me, and may not work for others. Everyone has an opinion when it comes to this, and this is mine.
I had no internships. Doing one simply was not a viable option for me. It might be for you. If you can do one, you should. The most important thing I can tell anyone about seeking a new job is: It's a marathon, not a sprint. You should be on your computer every day, apply to at least one job. Keep track of your applications in a spreadsheet or a small web app. Our parents used to fill out applications by hand, mail them in with a typed up resume. Fortunately, with the Internet, most applications can be a cut and paste affair with a few modifications and you can submit one in 10-15 minutes.
! IMPORTANT ! I did not set my sights on FAANG. I had no interest for a variety of reasons. I'm going to go out on a limb and say, this approach may not be as successful when your eyes are set on those entities. The hiring and recruiting process for those companies is vastly more difficult for applicants compared to the rest of the industry.
I chose roles that were available outside of the Bay Area, PNW and NY. I targeted roles in Nashville, TN as well as remote opportunities for smaller companies virtually everywhere else.
In the end, I applied to 140 roles. I did 10 phone screens, 7 - 1st round interviews, 2 - 2nd round interviews, 1 - Coding Exam over 2 months. In the end, I had three offers on the table one Friday, took the weekend, and made a choice Monday.


Definitely. There were a few times where I would find that my interviewers would check it pre or post interview. One of my offers came from a purely LinkedIn process. Most of the roles I applied to were posted here. One thing I recommend is finding the role on LinkedIn but applying on the company website.


Definitely helped. Curate your GitHub, make half-complete and empty repositories private, showcase your best work with pins, make sure your code actually builds or does what it says it should do, learn how to write GitHub flavored markdown and make sure each project has a README. If your projects are deployed, make sure they are actually UP and there are instructions on how to use them as well as test creds to login.


Very Important. I revised my resume 11 times over two months. I put a lot of weight into my projects considering I did not have an internship. I was able to cram 5 projects in there. No. You do not need an Objective Statement. You are applying to be an entry-level dev, recuriters and your interviewers know why you are there. Skills/Languages, keep this short. Don't embellish, state you are familiar, but not an expert. Work history, I put my current job below my TA role. Just let your interviewer know what you are doing now, you do not have to go back through all of your non-technical positions. I actually spent quite a bit of time scouring the Internet for resumes of successful applicants and then picked all the best features of them to make my own.


You aren't expected to be an expert. You are expected to be human. You know some stuff, you do not know other things. If you are tangentially familiar with a technology, say so. If you are really good at something, say so. You will be asked to speak about your projects at some point. Have a favorite or two in your mind at all times and be ready to talk about it. My Cloud Application Development project was mine, I knew it inside and out and could speak with decent authority on all of the details. Also, dress like you are going to a real in-person interview. I suit and tied it for every interview. Pants shoes and all. Do not be complacent. Also, if you interview remotely, join the meeting a few minutes early. Remote interviews also enable you to have the job application and your resume or other aids on screen during the interview. It's very helpful to be able to touch on certain things from one of these. Lastly, 'Do you have any questions for us?' Yes. You do, maybe two or three. Here were some of mine: 'What is one of the most challenging things I might encounter if I am offered the role?', 'What is the most impressive project your team completed in the past year?', 'What technologies is your team evaluating for future use?' You asking questions show that you are engaged and actually interested in their work. It also allows you to know a bit more about what you might be getting into if you get the role.

Personal Projects

Admittedly, after graduation, I took a month off, went on vacation and cleared my mind. After that month, I started working on a new project and kept working on it every day. I chose a new technology to learn and worked toward making something useful, that I might be able to monetize and that I also could speak about during interviews. I also went back through all my portfolio projects and cleaned all of them up to make them presentable.

Portfolio Site

Probably not a hard and fast requirement. My site saw a little traffic. But it was there, and a link to it was on my resume. Pretty simple, an about me, a contact form and a page for all of my academic and personal projects. I read that software developers really shouldn't just use a WordPress theme and roll with it. After all you want to be a dev right? I can see the argument, so I just wrote a simple React app that did what I needed.


I did a modest amount of problems. Easies and Mediums. I did them more so to fill time when I didn't feel like doing something else. I also would go back to things like Advent of Code and do past year's problems in different languages. I did not grind. Again, I wasn't targeting FAANG.
Congratulations if you made it this far. I hope this helps someone out there. There are always a ton of questions on this subreddit. I was once that person just lurking, trying to decide if I was going to apply to the program. My goal was to share some of the mistakes I made, and lessons I learned so that those who come after me, can have more information to be successful.
If I missed something, got something wrong, or you have a question, feel free to comment or DM, and I will try to fill in the gaps!
submitted byHeuristicHikertoOSUOnlineCS [link][comments]

2021.10.31 02:50 Thats_himRace Report: Backyard Ironman

Race Information

  • Name: Backyard Ironman
  • Date: October 15, 2021
  • Distance: 140.6 Miles
  • Location: NW Arkansas
  • Time: 11:46


Finish an Ironman
Swim less than 1:20
Bike less than 5:40
Run less than 4:30

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Finish sub 12 Hours




Warning: Long Post :D
Hello triathlon. Long time lurker here, never posted on this sub but wanted to share my story and journey through this experience. Growing up when I was a little kid, I remember watching highlights about this triathlon in Kona called an Ironman. I remember seeing these guys and gals competing in a race that was over 100 miles. I remember seeing the looks on their faces and how hot and miserable it must have been but an incredible achievement. I was never a very athletic kid growing up. I played soccer and basketball and was terrible in both. Once I scored 2 points for an opposing team on a layup and was mocked by gobs of adults. As a teenager and in my early 20’s I didn’t work out once, wasn’t active and ate terribly.
When I was 26, I was nearly finished with professional school when I got a wake-up call about my health. During a health screening, a doctor told me that I had an elevated A1C along with high blood pressure. He explained that at some point soon I needed to focus on my health and take care of my body. He told me that I wasn’t prediabetic, but I wasn’t going down a good road.I took it to heart but figured there was a time and place for that and I would work on my health when I finished school. Fast forward a year later, I’ve graduated school and figured what the heck, I see all these guys riding nice bikes around me and decided to purchase a bike, a Giant Contend 2. Not exactly a world class bike but it was a start. I remember getting on that bike for the first time before work and riding around a local lake. At the end of the ride I had tears in my eyes. I couldn’t believe how amazing this felt, how I had missed out on this, and I wanted more. Over the next year I worked my way up from riding 12-13 mph to a pace around 17-18mph, eventually trading that bike in for a Cannondale. At my yearly check-up my doctor had told me that I had lost 20 pounds, my A1C was normal and my BP went from the 150s to 110s. I had gotten in shape and I owed it to that bike and the hard work that went into it.
During that year I had met several people that I routinely rode with. Several of these cyclists participated in triathlons and told me how much fun they enjoyed the multi-sport component. I thought you know that kinda sounds fun, and decided to hire a swim coach not long after. I remember the first time she made me get in the pool and told me to swim a lap. Easy I thought. It took me 2 minutes to get my butt to the end of that lane and I was out of breath. Eventually over time I was able to work that down to a reasonable pace and was able to swim several hundred meters without stopping.
I also started running with my wife in Feb 2018. My pace wasn’t great seeing as how the last time I ran was soccer practice when I was 10. I was able to run a 12min/mile pace for a few miles and was content for the time. I figured it was time to sign up for a triathlon so I decided to sign up for the Eurekan Super Sprint Triathlon. I remember doing well on the swim, transitioning to the bike, going too hard on the bike and having a terrible run, which was more like a walk. I learned a respect for the sport and for the athletes who were able to compete in these things. I had a lot to learn and a lot to build up to.
Over the next few months I was able to get proficient at swimming and running. I was able to swim 2000m at a decent pace and my run pace dropped to 8:50/mile. I completed several half-marathons in less than 2 hours. I was happy with where I was at, and decided to compete in a couple other triathlons. I had decided with the help of my coach that maybe it was time to sign up for a 70.3 distance. I signed up for Ironman 70.3 Santa Cruz in 2019 and was ecstatic. During an olympic distance triathlon, the last race before Santa Cruz , a screw on my aerobars snapped at mile 14, causing me to flip over my bike and land on my chest. I broke my collar bone in 5 places. An ambulance brought me to the finish line and the reality of my situation hit me. I was not going to be able to compete in 6 weeks at Santa Cruz. It hurt worse seeing all these athletes finish while I was stuck in a medical tent unable to move my right arm.
The training was put to an immediate halt and I was told that I couldn’t do anything exercise wise for 6 weeks. Eventually I got the all clear from the Orthopedic Surgeon and hit the pool back. After a few months I felt ready to try again at a race. I emailed Ironman about a deferral situation only to be denied. I was mad but decided to email the race director. I told them about how it was my 70.3 and I had an accident in a USAT Race which caused me to miss Santa Cruz. I didn’t expect a response but a week later I received a deferral voucher to sign up for another race in a year. I talked it over with my wife and decided on Indian Wells 70.3. I continued back on the training and eventually completed Indian Wells in 2019 in less than 6 hours. I was stoked!
I had never completed a race longer than a sprint before Indian Wells. While it was hard I remember thinking how hard a full distance has to be. Was it something I could do? I talked it over with my wife and we decided if I was ever going to do a full distance now was the time. We didn’t have any kids at the time and my work schedule was flexible enough to allow me to get the training done while still maintaining family life. Fortunately for us, Ironman had announced recently that they were going to have a race in Tulsa in 2020 about an hour and half from my house. I was ecstatic and signed up for the race.
After I took a week off after Indian Wells I decided to hit the training again. I went out to run only to be able to run a half a mile before my left knee started hurting. I figured maybe my body just needed more time to recover. Several subsequent rides and runs and the pain was still there. It didn’t feel like anything I had ever experienced. There would be pain in one spot then two hours later pain in a different spot. I went to a chiropractor thinking maybe I needed some realignment which didn’t do much to alleviate the pain. After discussing it with my wife, I decided to visit a sports medicine doctor who happened to specialize in endurance athlete injuries. After a lengthy workup he determined I had an inflamed Plika. He explained that I could either have surgery to remove the Plika or I could try physical therapy as a way to strengthen my legs which would take pressure off the inflammation. I decided to try PT, since it was January of 2020 and I didnt want to delay training anymore than it already had for Ironman Tulsa.
I went to PT for 6 weeks twice a week. The Physical Therapist determined I lacked a strength training component in my routines. He gave me a series of workouts which I still use to this day in the off season to strengthen my legs. By the end of visits, I was pain free and cleared to train hard.
I was determined, I had had 2 setbacks in my journey and figured this was my time. I hit the trails hard and worked up the full training plan. I was determined and wanted to see this through. Towards the peak in April I remember going out for a 100 mile ride one day then a 20 mile run at 7:54min/mile pace and thinking I’m ready. However, much as expected the race was delayed a year due to the Pandemic. I knew it was going to happen but part of me believed they would still allow the race to happen. When I got the email I was crushed, I couldn’t believe it. All that work over the years seemed like it was for nothing, with so much uncertainty in the world. No one knew when races would happen again. I swore off all training and decided I would only lift at home with a few runs here and there. For 3-4 months I didn’t think about the word Ironman once. I had a deferral for 2021 in Tulsa but wasn’t sure I could do it. What if the race were to be cancelled again? I made the decision again to try to train up for it. It was going to be different since the race would be May 2021 and my son was expected to be born April 2021. I figured I would be winding down my training and it would be as good of a time as ever to complete the Ironman.
I trained hard, improving my running pace to a 7:30min/mile. I was feeling great on the bike as well, learning to ride on my Wahoo Kickr instead of going out when it was nasty. I hadn’t swam though since the pandemic closed the pools in the spring of the previous year. I had decided I wouldn’t swim in the public pools until me and my wife were fully vaccinated .
In late February 2021, my wife’s water broke unexpectedly a month early. Due to a pre-existing condition we were medically air-evacuated to an out of state hospital for c-section. We spent nearly 20 days in the NICU with only a couple pairs of clothes between us. It was mentally still the most difficult thing I have ever gone through seeing my son in the NICU and feeling trapped. I am happy to say that today both my wife and son are 100% healthy with no complications.
When we returned home, it was late March and we had been gone for nearly a month. I knew that I would not be able to do an Ironman in May with a newborn and all the things that needed to be caught up on around the house. Yet it didn’t matter at that moment. I had what was important, my family. The race was just a bonus. I settled into the life of a family man. In April while at work, a coworker asked me if I was gonna do the Ironman in Tulsa. I told him it wasn’t meant to be this year due to the Pandemic and my son’s premature birth. I honestly hadn’t thought much about the race and kinda accepted that I wasn’t going to do one and that's okay.
But, it started to eat away at me. I had worked my butt off for this for years. I wanted this. I talked with my wife one evening and told her that I wanted to finish this out. She 100% supported me and my decision. But where would we go for one? I was terrified to sign up for another one of these things only for something else to go wrong. So I thought, why not do one on my own? I can swim at the pool, hop on the bike, then go for a run after?
We decided that I could do one at home. It was perfect. I needed some time to train since I had really only ran a few times a week and maybe rode my bike once a week. I set the date for October 15th, the weather was usually pretty mild that time of the year with a mean temp around 70.
Over the next 6 months I began to train for the event. I followed the 6 month Ironman Training Program on Ironman’s Website pretty closely. I swam once a week, ranging from 2500m to 4500m at peak. My swim didn’t take too much of a hit after taking a 13 month break from the pools, perhaps it was muscle memory. For the runs, I did 2 shorter runs ranging from 8 miles to 13 miles each during the week with 1 long run usually on Sundays. I followed the Hal Higgden Advanced Marathon plan for the long runs, alternating between 12 and 20 miles 3 times each with a 2 week taper at the end. For my rides, I did a 1.5 hour easy ride/recovery, a 2 hour hill heavy session, and a 5+ hour long ride each week. I practiced bricks when I could usually T2 but summers in Arkansas get extremely hot so I usually didn’t run more than 2 miles after my long rides. I was able to successfully train up for the full 6 months with little interruption/deviation from the training plan
For nutrition: I would use 2 scoops of Tailwind per 12 oz of water and Accelgels every 45 minutes. For my 5+ hour rides I would alternate between Accelgels and Honeystinger Waffles every 45 minutes, with the interval changing to every 30 minutes after 4 hours on the rides. For runs I would use an Accelgel every 4-5 miles and usually no Tailwind/liquid hydration on any run less than 13 miles.


For the past 6 months the weather in Arkansas had been hot but easy to work with. We had very little rain/severe weather so I was able to get runs and rides in without having to worry about the elements too much. Unfortunately, the week of my planned event we were getting a strong cold front pushing through our area. The system was supposed to hit us on race day, go figure. I knew that I would have to prob due to the ride inside since they were calling for 20+mph wind with 2-3 inches of rain.
The night before I made sure I had everything laid out and ready. I prepared myself to fall asleep and managed to get 5-6 hours of sleep until I woke up at 2:48 AM. I woke up and felt alert. I knew it was time to get up. If I fell back asleep I knew that I would be groggy when I woke back up. It was time.
I looked out the window, it looked cloudy and windy but no rain. Maybe the forecast was wrong, I thought? I pulled up Radarscope only to see a giant frontal system an hour away full of yellow and orange. We were in a flash flood warning and it hadn’t even started raining. The way she goes I thought.
I made myself a Jimmy Dean Breakfast Sandwich and drank 12 ounces of Tailwind. I mentally prepared myself and began checking things off. It's really gonna happen, I thought. I got my water bottles for the day ready, 64 ounces of Tailwind for the ride, 3 other smaller bottles for the run, plus a cooler full of Gatorade Zero and Coca Cola. My wife woke up at 4am and my son not too much longer. I fed him a bottle and got ready to head to the pool. The storm was hitting us hard. I wondered if they would prevent me from swimming because of all the lightning. The race hadn’t even started and I was already worried if today was even gonna be the day. It was storming hard but we made our way to the pool. The radar looked like it would pass by the time we got to the pool. I was already on edge but now I had to get us all to the pool safely.
By the time we made it to the pool, the rain had stopped and the lightning was to the east. The first challenge of the day had passed yet the race hadn’t even started. I made my way down to the pool, I was ready for this experience
Swim: I entered the pool a few minutes after 6am. The masters class was kind enough to block a lane off for me to allow me to swim. Several of the members recognized me and waved. It was good to see familiar faces. I didn’t warm up, I just started the swim like true Ironman fashion. I could have put a wetsuit on but decided against it, I figured it was maybe a good trade off for the event not being open water. The best I had ever swam an Ironman Distance was 1:23. I figured if I could hit 1:20 I would be happy.
My wife and son sat at the end of the lane and cheered me on. As I made my way down the first lap, it hit me that I’m actually doing this, this could be a long day. At the end of each lane I made every effort to not push off the wall, a swim technique my swim coach had taught me about open swim water prep.
The time went by and I felt myself swimming strongly. I felt fortunate that a few of the masters swimmers were in lanes next to me which was motivating to keep up with them. Eventually the masters class was over and I was left to swim alone in the pool. I kept pushing myself and knew I was close to being done. My Garmin eventually alerted me that I had swam 3900m and my swim was done. When I hit stop I couldn’t believe that my time was 1:13. I had broken my PR by 10 minutes and my goal by 7 minutes.
I quickly dried off and put a pair of sandals on and made my way to my car. The T1 Transition wasn’t what I wanted but it was what I had to do. I arrived home and quickly went upstairs to turn on my tablet and get changed into cycling gear. I opened Rouvy and selected the Ironman 70.3 Florida course. I knew that I would have to complete this route twice to get the full distance. The night before I had turned the heater on to 78 upstairs to try and mimic the weather in Florida. I was trying to make this as close to real as I could.
I started the course a little after 7:30am and after climbing the initial 150 foot hills settled into a nice 19-20mph pace, a similar pace to what I rode on my road bike outside. About an hour into the ride I hit a small roller and downshifted to climb. When I went to shift up into big circle, nothing happened. Oh crap!!!!!! I forgot to charge my bike the night before. Here I was barely 20 miles into this ride and couldn’t get past 12-13mph or in higher gears. I hopped off my bike and brainstormed. What if I plug the charger in for a bit and see how it goes? I plugged in it and pedalled away in a miserable cadence, hoping that this thing would get enough of a charge. My pace was slowing but I was still getting miles.
After 10 minutes I accidentally hit the cable with my right hand causing it to wrap around my chain. I immediately had to hop off and carefully unwrap the cable. Fortunately the cable didn’t break and the charge was still going. And after 15 minutes I was able to shift up into large gears. Word of advice, always charge your bike the night before.
I was a bit behind and a little mad, mostly at myself. I was lucky though because the charge was holding. I decided the increase my w/kg to 2.5 for a bit to let out some stress. Over the next hour my HR jumped to 140s then 150s. I made up a little time but decided it wasn’t worth depleting my energy, I still had a full marathon I’d have to run. I managed to get back into the 120s and stayed at the rate throughout the ride.
I was able to drink tailwind sips every 5 minutes and 45 minutes alternate between an Accelgel and a Honeystinger Waffle. Closer to 4 hours in I switched to every 30 minutes. I also had a large milk jugg next to my bike where I was able to urinate in, once around mile 40 and the other around mile 86. I knew that the recs said if you pee twice on the bike part then your hydration is on point.
Around mile 80 I started to hit my first wall. I was getting tired and wondered if I was going to be able to finish strong. I still had 32 more miles on the bike. The hills at the end were starting to get to me and my legs were starting to feel like jello. I had dig for the first time that day, and eventually caught my second bike wind around mile 90. By mile 100 and I was amped and ready for the run. My HR had dipped into the 80s around mile 80 but was back around 120-130 at mile 100. I managed to finish the second loop of the bike course only to see that the computer only logged 111 miles. WTH!!I'm one mile short? I debated for 10 seconds if I should just move onto the run or do another mile. I decided a full Ironman is 112 miles and that's what I need to do, so I started the course again for the 3rd time. That last mile was all hills and on wobbly legs, but I eventually finished it out. My time came to 5:41, just one minute over my goal. While disappointed I didn’t hit my goal, I knew that without the 15 minute setback I would have crushed it and to use that as fuel for my next challenge, the run.
Run: I clipped out and quickly changed into running shorts, vest, bandana, and sleeveless tri top. I put on my running shoes and made my way carefully down a flight of stairs. I grabbed a gatorade zero and kissed my wife and son goodbye as I made my way to the front door. They were wearing winter coats which I didn’t think much of,since I was determined to start the run.
I made my way outside and started my Garmin watch, and damn it had gotten cold. As I started to run I was made aware that my legs weren’t running like they usually do. I got a little worried because the only time I had ever run more than 2 miles after a ride was Indian Wells 70.3 I made my way to the back of my neighborhood through some hills and came up to my first mile at 8:29min/mile pace. Too fast I thought, there's no way that will be my pace. The second mile had me turn around into the wind and that's when I thought I might be in trouble. My watch showed it was 54 and the back end of the front was whipping rain and wind into my face and body. I was freezing and worried I might get hypothermia.
When I made it to the second mile, my wife was waiting for me with a gatorade. I shouted ARM WARMERS, which we quickly got out of my bag. I had prepared the night before a run bag which contained gloves, gas-x, tums, ibuprofen, gauze, ointment, jacket, arm warmers, pants, extra gels. After a brief stop I hit the road with arm warmers and settled into a nice 8:50 min/mile pace over the next 3 miles. At mile 5, my next aid station, my brother was joined with my sister in law, wife and my son. It was good to see familiar faces. The run was the hardest thing physically I had ever done and I had no one to share the burden with except my legs.
Thinking of things that made me happy helped through the run. My wife, our beautiful son, a nice beer, a pour of EH Taylor. I also mentally began singing songs and picturing the lyrics in my head. This seemed to help for the next few miles. At mile 10 I was getting weak and uneasy. I had a series of hills around 80-90 feet coming up. I trudged my way through and made my way to mile 11, the next aid station with my wife. I had to stop. I felt like puking and my legs felt like cinder blocks. After a minute of stopping I kissed my wife and son and headed back down the trail.
By mile 13 I was starting to hit the wall. I stopped on my own under an oak tree and took a leak. How the heck was I supposed to run another half-marathon? I had to dig deep again, because I knew I had to finish. Once I passed 13.1 miles I knew I was more than halfway done with the run and my pace changed. I went back below 9 min/mile and got to mile 14 to the next aid station. I didn’t have to stop at this one, I ran right past my wife and son and kept on.

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The next part of the course involved me going past an industrial area. I heard a train whistle and knew I needed to cross some train tracks coming up so I quickened my pace. I was running 7:30min/mile and made my way past the tracks with plenty of time to spare. Unfortunately it exhausted me and I had to stop again at mile 16. I went into a bathroom off the trail and took a pee and dry heaved. Almost there I thought, like another 10 miles.
I managed to get back and think of happy thoughts, I was almost there to the next aid station. I ran past one of my favorite local breweries and thought man, how good does a hazy sound right now? After meandering past a few stop signs and crosswalks I made it to mile 17 the next aid station. I was hurting badly. I had developed a blister on my left pinkie toe that was throbbing each time I stepped on it and I felt like vomiting. I took a breather again for several minutes and headed on my way.
As I made my way to mile 18 I just couldn’t run anymore and decided I had to walk. I walked for about 2/10ths of a mile before my wife drove by honking the horn. Damn it I better start running I thought. Over the next 3 miles I tried a strategy where I would run 8/10ths of a mile then walk 2/10ths. It seemed to work pretty well and felt like I was getting my stride back.
I was approaching mile 20 and knew that I was almost done. But I had never ran more than 20 miles ever in my life. At mile 21 something happened, almost like an awakening that I can't describe but my legs had life in them again. I felt ready, I was prepared. Maybe it was the Adrenaline, maybe delirium, maybe both. I ran hard past the next aid station my wife had set up for me and grabbed a bottle. I was gonna finish this.
At mile 22 I saw a face looking down at me on a hill near the trail. At first I thought it was a woman but I really wasn’t sure because the sun was hitting my eyes. The weather had decided to cooperate the last 5-6 miles with no wind and clouds being replaced with sunshine. When I got to the top of the hill, it was my brother on a bike. Haha I wasn’t expecting that.
It was nice to have a pacer for the last few miles. We chatted a little bit and it took my mind off the situation. At mile 23 a few of my friends had joined all of my family along with my inlaws. I could see them from a little bit away and decided I would run hard past them. I quickened my pace to 7:00min/mile while I went past them. It felt awesome. I knew they were proud of me which gave me adrenaline.
The last few miles were great, chatting with my brother. At mile 25 I had one last hill that I had to climb. It's a long drawn out hill that I usually had to stop at the top on all my long runs. I knew at this point I was gonna finish the race but I figured let's set one more goal, let’s make it to the top of the hill and not stop. I climbed that hill and once I got to the top, I just kept moving my legs. It hurt and I wanted to stop, but I kept telling myself you’ve got this. After 20 seconds my breathing normalized and I had done it, I had conquered that hill. The next mile was something so special, the last mile. I was all smiles, I knew I had done what I had set out to do. I gave it everything I had. At the entrance of my neighborhood I passed the 26.2 mark on my watch. I knew I still had another 0.2 miles to go and figured I’d finish strong.
I can still see the sun in the west, it was shining. As I made my way towards my house I could hear the cow bells my family and friends were waving and see the finish line of a string strung out in the street. I raced towards it and gave a fist in the air as I crossed the line. I had done it.
My time was 4:08. Far exceeding my goal of 4:30 or really just finishing the race. I had done it.
Including my T1 drive, my total time was 11:46.


It was wonderful to be surrounded by loved-ones. Many knew the sacrifices and hard work that had gone into this day. Once I was finished I had never wanted a beer more in my life and quickly cracked one open.
My legs were on fire, my neck was sore and I had a bleeding blister but it was worth it. I hopped into our jacuzzi and sat in lukewarm water for 10 minutes then dried off and put some street clothes on to chat with family.
Looking back, I’m glad that I didn’t throw in the towel. Life is about overcoming challenges, sometimes multiple times. If you fall, get back up. Believe in yourself, you are stronger than you know and are the master of your own future.
submitted byThats_himtotriathlon [link][comments]

2021.10.14 08:24 Work_n_Depression[THANK YOU] Some more cards to catch up on...

Posting has been feeling a bit overwhelming at times - I've been wanting to finish all my 'Thank Yous' - but it just feels like a mountain at times... nonetheless, let's see how many we can do today!

u/FieldOfCabins - Thank you so much for your lovely flowers, I LOVE the hot pink ink you used!

u/LibertyProgrammer - I loved your birthday QR code, and the rocket ship? That was like icing on the cake! Happy Birthday!!!!

u/KingnBanter - CONGRATS ON LOSING 10.6 LBS!!!! I have about 40 more to go... LOL. I love your postcard full of things to be happy about! What cheer! Thank you!

u/LonelyTwatWaffle - I loved your Kyung Hee University library photo postcard - it IS relaxing to look at! So pretty! And for the record... your Reddit username stamp made me think about getting one as well... oh my!

u/Flopquees - I love your postcard, thank you so much! And the stamps from the Philippines are so pretty!!! You will have to tell me more about 'Mama Sita' - yum!

u/on1oman1ac - LOL! So my boyfriend happened to see your card at the top of my 'To thank' pile, and he was like, 'DAMN, THAT'S SOME NICE HANDWRITING!!!!' And indeed, your writing is like a printed font! Thank you so much for your card - and your story of being a violinist! If it makes you feel any better, I failed at not only the flute but also the piano!

u/MrFriendlyFire x 4 - thank you for always checking in on me... we must get together and double date soon! And yes, my future baby daddy is doing well... I'm just trying to convince that fucker to give me a ring now so we can actually MAKE a baby. Lol. I did like the whole 'W_n_D @ W_n_D's b/f's Place' labeling - that cracked me up.... Oh, just added thanks #4 - you really are bored and love spamming me, eh? Or is it just you need to change the color of your envelope flair already?!?! Lol. I gotta double down on my spamming back!!! 🙃

u/aon_iolair - I LOVED THE COMIC STRIP YOU DREW ME... starring, no other than... A CAT!!! YASSSSS!!!! I need your address, please - for revenge (a.k.a.: A continuation of the comic strip) - ahem, I mean, a 'thank you card back...' is to be had!!! Also, cool Australia stamp. Lol. =]

u/CapnCobbler - OMGGGGG, where do I even BEGIN!?!?!?! Your Jack Russell Terrier Puppy card was SO DARN CUTE, I loved how it was an outline as well, and not a square!!!! Thank you so much!!! Hope you are staying COVID safe as well!!!

u/DCMorrigan - I hope you're staying safe and dry during the flooding season! And that you stay safe during this time! I love how you have a wall of postcards - perhaps you can share a picture and inspire me to do something quasai-same?!?! So happy you dropped a note to say 'Hi' - I appreciate it so much!!! =] Also, THANK YOU SO MUCH for the stickers... because, STICKERS. OMG. STICKERS!!!! AHHHHH!!!!!

u/WabiSabi_SF x 4 - I always pee in my pants a little every time I see a mail piece with your return address... I can't help it... you always have the best snark-stuffs!!! Thank you so much for the Christmas card from 2020, Valentines Day card (YEP, I'm THAT behind on my thanks - yikes!!!), stickers, Totoro items, and following me through all my 15 different address changes. And yes, we need another Zoom/carding call soon! Hope your Etsy store is back on fleek (I need the handle, please!). Lol. THANKS!!!!

u/NinaJYang - YASSS, I must visit you and u/WabiSabi_SF - or you two need to make a trip to come see me. Lol. I can't wait to hang out with you ladies! Please stay safe, thank you so much for your Christmas 2020 '12 days of Corona' card!!! See? I get around to my thanks... I'm just a little, you know, SLOW... yikes! 😉

u/Evil_Snicker - Random turtle facts are the BEST - it's also pretty cool that turtles existed 85 MILLION years before dinosaures were even around... Lol. Thank you!!!!

u/SnailMailMom - thank you so much for the Christmas card... from 2020!!! Yes, I'm THAT behind on my thank yous - but I suppose we can say happy holidays again to each other?!?! Happy Holidays 2021!!! Cheers!!! 😀

u/PullingBack - Yes, I agree, no one reads anymore, unfortunately - thankfully - there is now a thing called 'AUDIOBOOKS' and they help alleviate SOME of the issues we need with reading... the rest of the non-audiobooks?!?! Well, we're just damn fucked...

u/SimplyObsessed x 2 - I'm hoping this is your Reddit handle you wanna use - if not, let me know which one, and we can swap out the karma thanks to the one you want to use as well. Also, I miss your face, we need to catch up!!!! And yes, I love how we still address each other as 'Teacher' - lol. Lavabutt your face and miss you!!!! (And yes, f*ck adulting. Lol.)

u/Weltanschauung_Zyxt - I'm THRILLED to hear you've been an useless slug all weekend!!! USELESS SLUG ON!!!! And do extra for me as well, please!!! I'm job hunting right now, so I feel quite useless slug indeed. Lol! Thank you - and cheers!!! 😁

u/TheEndOfMySong - Thank you so much for your 2020 Christmas Card! Yes, I'm finally getting around to finishing all my thanks - yikes! Yes, 2021 has been kinda gentle with the punches (thank goodness) - and I hope 2021 has been kind to you as well! Let me know!!! Cheers!!! 😊😊😊

u/KinkyZilly3018 - I MISS YOU!!!! We need to catch up - thank you so much for your card from... July 2nd of this year! Lol. As you can see, I'm quite behind!!! Hope you're at least on top of your school work and not procrasticating like I am with my thank yous on RAoC!!! Cheers! 😊

u/DCMorrigan - Yes, believe it or not, the weather is sometimes shitty over here... it gets below 18 degrees Celsius (yes, I did the conversion for you, cause most other countries DON'T use Fahrenheit...) at times, and it sometimes even... IS CLOUDY AND RAINS!!!! 🤭🤭🤭 CRAZY RIGHT?!?! I know... Lol. Hope all is well with you, and thank you so much for your beautiful butterfly card!!!

u/SaintMeris - thank you so much for your lovely sky owl card - it's so gorgeous and feminine! -20 celsius sounds like a bitch and three quarters - hope you and your loved ones are staying warm! Cheers!!!

u/372oto1_ - thank you so much for the Valentines Day stickers, and the bonus cards for mailing it back to me, AGAIN!!!! I appreciate it so much!!! Crazy how we never know how the mail system works, eh? Rawr!!!!

u/Intrepid-Researcher x 4 - That confetti though... LOL!!! Thank you so much for your lovely origami - it was so gorgeous!!! Let's just say I'm thankful you stuffed some confetti rather than glitter in the mail... or else I may have lost my shit!!! AND THAT UNICORN YOU DREW FOR ME, OH MY GOODNESS, YOU ARE SO #GANGSTERARTIST I FREAKING CAN'T RIGHT NOW!!!! AHHHHH!!!!! The water coloring on it is also SUPER on FLEEK as well... and that's coming from another artist that has worked and drawn with water color before (that shit ain't easy)!!!! Thank you so much for the jokes, I loved it!!! Cheers!!!! 😊😊😊

u/BrokenWings87 - Thankyou so much for the happy mail, and the extra envelope and stationary so I can write to someone else! You are so kind!!! Your scratched 'RAoC' design was also super cute! I loved it!!!

u/Snerdboff - I loved your Biden sticker, it was AWESOME! Thank you for your thank you card!!! Are we just going to forever send each other thank you cards for thank you cards now?!?! Lol!!! The wine label sticker was a bit interesting - you will have to tell me how you came along with that one. Lol!

u/cdnmtbchick - Thank you so much for your card! 2021 has been quite kind to me compared to 2020 - and you? I'm woefully behind on my 1,095 postcard offer for this year (I managed to get about 270 or so out) - but I will continue to forge on!!! YASSS!!!! I see that I sent you one - would you like another? Lol! Cheers!!!

u/htmljenn - Thank you so much for your 2020 Christmas Card! As you can see, I'm woefully behind!!! Card on!!! =]

u/HalfwayOutOfTown - I MISS YOU!!!! Thank you so much for your 'Happy World Postcard Day' postcard! I got it, LITERALLY, TODAY!!!! AND I LOVE IT!!!! And I miss your face. Lol. How are you?!?! 😁😁😁

u/AlmostAGypsy - Thank you for your 2020 Christmas card! I'm basically ready for 2021 to be over as well. As your card says 'GOOD RIDDANCE'!!!! I hope your 2021 went well, let me know! Let's exchange Christmas cards again, and I'll catch up on my thanks the end of 2022? Lol. Ok, just kidding - I'm doing my best to do all my catchups on my RAoC thanks!!!

Also - I need help... I have 2 mystery cards I need to thank... one is a Christmas 2020 'Purposefully Pitiful Designs' - and the other is a repurposed N'awlins Johnnys postcard stitched together in the neatest sewing machine running stitch! If anyone can help identify the owners, it would be greatly appreciated so I can properly thank them in a later thank you post!

Thank you all so much as always, RAoC - you all have been so wonderful!!!! To more cards flying around the world with the utmost snark and love!!!! ❤️❤️❤️

P.S. I finally finished writing all the thank yous I got so far (save the 2 mystery senders) on my cake day - yay!!!! MORE CARDS, HERE WE GO!!!!! ❤️❤️❤️
submitted byWork_n_DepressiontoRandomActsofCards [link][comments]

2021.10.06 23:48 SynomousRanking Drake's Discography

*Excluding WATTBA and Care Package. Drake has always had a large influence and impact on my life and the music I listen to. From middle school to my 20s, he's undoubtedly dominated the game and been my personal favorite artist. So I figured I would share my list with you all in hopes to spark some discussion! Let me know how your list would look! Without further ado,
  1. Nothing Was The Same (2013)
  • The most complete sounding album of all Drake projects.
  • Best intro/outro combo of all albums (Tuscan Leather and Pound Cake)
  • Drake was simply built different in 2013, this was the perfect follow up to Take Care. Drake's prime if you will.
  • There's not one bad song imo my least favorite being 305 To My City, which I still enjoy.
2 Take Care (2011)
  • The best RnB and deep Drake we will ever get imo. (Cameras, Look What You've Done, Marvins Room). It's very apparent that The Weeknd had a large influence and hand in the making of this album. It's extremely evident on tracks like Practice and Shot For Me.
  • TC is the most memorable album for me with timeless hits that were extremely popular like The Motto, Headlines, HYFR.
  • The features don't miss and really add a lot to each song. These artists are always great with Drake. (Wayne, Rihanna, Nicki, Rick Ross and even Andre 3000)
  • While this album defined Drakes sound and set him as a cornerstone of hip hop, it was clear there had to be another level above this.
3 If You're Reading This It's Too Late (2015)
  • Dropped as a surprise on So Far Gones six year anniversary which made it all the more better. It's nuts that WATTBA dropped only 7 months later.
  • Project starts off with a legendary 5 track run (Legend, Energy, 10 Bands, Know Yourself and No Tellin') Know Yourself was my favorite song for far too long. Ringtone n all.
  • This mixtape was Drake showing the industry he has nothing to prove. The title IYRITL was speculated to be a direct shot at Birdman as many thought he was on the verge of ending his deal and their partnership.
  • Also, Jungle is a top 3 Drake song of all time.
4 Views (2016)
  • Drake's attempt to switch things up a bit with some new sounds all while giving us the same good stuff we're used to with great rap (Weston Road Flows, Hype, Pop Style) and great RnB (Redemption, Fire And Desire, U With Me?)
  • New style spawned iconic hits like Feel No Ways, One Dance, Too Good.
  • This album is a little longer than necessary which sort of makes it boring. However it does start off with my personal favorite Drake intro Keep The Family Close. Hotline Bling also holds a special place in my heart.
5 So Far Gone (2009)
  • The first mixtape that got me into Drake's music along with the Comeback Season, SFG was the perfect first impression for me to really become a fan.
  • Best I Ever Had is the perfect radio hit. The sweatpants line was in everyones captions. Successful was also on repeat constantly for me.
  • Too many classics to count on this one. Houstatlantavegas, Sooner Than Later, and Brand New all come to mind.
  • It's just a raw sounding tape, Drake is still a rookie here and it shows. But it's clear he had a ridiculous amount of potential.
6 Thank Me Later (2010)
  • The most nostalgic Drake project for me, I wouldn't skip a track on it besides the Jay Z one. That was a forgettable one.
  • Production seems to step up and Drake is coming into more of his own. He really shines on tracks like Over, Fancy, Miss Me and Up All Night. Great Rapper Drake in full effect.
  • This album's interesting because it shows him dealing with his newfound fame, and what comes with it. (Cece's Interlude, Fireworks, Karaoke) Drake was really on the come up here, gives the music a real feeling to it.
7 Certified Lover Boy (2021)
  • Despite the overall negative reception, CLB was a solid project that I mostly enjoyed start to finish. Tracks like Fair Trade, Fucking Fans & Pipe Down were my personal favorites. Cudi feature a cool surprise. It was also nice to get a finished TSU (not around) and Love All (lotta 42). My biggest complaint with the album was Drakes immaturity and lack of substance on some tracks like Girls Wants Girls, Way 2 Sexy(even thought it kinda grew on me) and In The Bible.
  • Much like most new Drake projects, I feel it was too focused on selling and overall was too long and lacked emotion. However, it definitely felt like a complete project and was a good listen.
  • It seemed like we got a side A and a side B much like Scorpion on this album, with some of the songs sort of sounding like Scorpion leftovers (Get Along Better, Race My Mind, Fountains) I still enjoy these songs a ton though.
  • Why wasn't Laugh Now, Cry Later a bonus?
8 More Life (2017)
  • The fact that this is a 'playlist' definitely hurts this project. It sounded like a fancy way to say 'songs that didn't make the cut for Views'.
  • This has to be the weakest set of features on any Drake project. A bad verse from Giggs, underwhelming Kanye collab and I barely ever listened to Thug and 2 Chainz on 'Sacrifices'.
  • Some features did their thing however, ol' reliable Sampha on 4422 is angelic, can't go wrong with PND and Travis delivers on Portland.
  • This would be my least favorite project if it weren't for legendary tracks like Passionfruit, Free Smoke, Do Not Disturb, Teenage Fever and a personal sleeper would have to be Nothings Into Somethings. These tracks heavily carry the project and force me to give it some respect.
9 Scorpion (2018)
  • Drake really went wrong with this one in my opinion. This is the most lifeless and commercial album we have yet to receive. Again, far too long. Tracks like Nonstop and I'm Upset practically put me to sleep. One song is literally titled 'Emotionless' which helps describe the feel of the album. Pusha T also forces Drake to talk about his kid on said track. Overall just a L of a year for Drake (despite chart success, his rep tanked)
  • Although it's my least favorite Drake album, Scorpion still has plenty to offer for those who enjoy his slower songs. (Finesse, Jaded, Summer Games) There's also a handful of other decent tracks on this one but none are really too memorable for me (Mob Ties, After Dark, That's How You Feel.) The three radio hits were decent as well with Nice For What standing out most. (Gods Plan, In My Feelings both good too.)
  • Why does Jay Z constantly deliver mediocre verses on Drake songs?
10 Dark Lane Demo Tapes (2020)
  • My least favorite mixtape to date, I actually do enjoy this project though. Hence the name, the project didn't feel quite finished and some songs seemed plain lazy.
  • I expected some of the songs with features to go a lot harder than they actually did (D4L, Demons, Pain 1993.) Was definitely disappointed with these tracks and rarely come back to visit them.
  • I did really enjoy the vibes on Not You Too, Chicago Freestyle and Time Flies. Although simple, I find these songs just capture a perfect energy for the project.
  • Toosie Slide is the most shameless attempt to make a viral tik tok song I have ever seen. It sounded like a meme but he was being deadass. It's trash. I also really enjoyed FFWL until he started chanting 'booted up, turnt up, piped up'. Ruined the whole vibe for me.
  • Losses is a very underrated track.
What is your personal order? This is my opinion!
submitted bySynomoustoDrizzy [link][comments]

2021.09.28 23:51 ArthurDrakoniReview: Timestorm: Season 2

I've been catching up with a lot of audio dramas now that they have their second seasons out in full. There really isn't much more for me to add here, so let's jump right to the point. We're taking a look at season two of Timestorm
First, a brief recap. Timestorm follows a pair of twins from Newark, New Jersey named Alexa and Beni Ventura. They go on time travel adventures, usually throughout the history of Puerto Rico, to recover artifacts for their cousin Horacio and his A.I. friend Atabay. Horacio is halfway between life and death in a region outside of time and space called a Timestorm. This season, Alexa and Beni are going to take part in a multistage quest to recover the beat of three motherlands. Meanwhile, in the present day, they must uncover the identity of the mysterious author of the comic Take Back Time.
Timestorm wowed me with an amazing first season , and I was eagerly awaiting season two. I must say, it more than delivered, and the show just keeps getting better. In fact, I'd say this season was even better than the first, which was already pretty great in its own right. Waiting a week between episode was a new experience, as last time I listened after the season was completed in its entirety. Still, it wasn't like it was a great burden or anything, and the consistent quality kept me eager for more.
Last season, the main theme was about women in Puerto Rican history, especially those who have been largely forgotten by history. This season, the main theme is about how Puerto Rican culture is the result of the mixing of African, European, and Indigenous culture. To this end, most of the time travel adventures this season take place outside of Puerto Rico. We get to see Senegal in 1810 and Spain in 1852. Africa tends to get ignored in time travel media; especially ones aimed at kids. As such, I was very happy that Alexa and Beni visited early 19th Century Senegal, and that we got to explore the richness of Senegalese culture. Although, when I saw that it was 1810, I got worried. The Transatlantic Slave Trade was in full swing in 1810, and I knew things were going to get back to Puerto Rico eventually. Would these new characters be captured as slaves? Well, everyone gets through the episode okay but...well, actually, let's put a pin in that for right now.
We didn't explore Spain as in-depth in the episode where Alexa and Beni visit it. Granted, we do get to meet Francisco Oller, a famous Puerto Rican painter who studied in Spain. We also meet Frederico Madrazo, a famous Spanish portrait artist, and Francisco's teacher. Still, we probably didn't explore Spanish culture as much because it would have been redundant. Spain, arguably, left the biggest impact on what would be Puerto Rican culture. Spanish is the dominate language in Puerto Rico, after all. Still, as this season makes clear, Africans and Tainos made fairly significant contributions to Puerto Rican culture of their own.
Speaking of which, remember last time when I said that I hoped we'd get an episode centered around the Taino people? Well, this season granted my wish to me. Not only that, but Alexa and Beni visit the Taino in 1488, a good five years before the Spanish arrived on the island. This means we get to see the Taino in their pre-contact prime. Taino are the native people of Puerto Rico. You might not have heard of the Taino, but you've probably used words from their language. The words hammock, canoe, and hurricane all have their roots in the Taino language. Hurricane is derived from an epitaph for the Taino goddess of storms. I found that interesting, because the Maya people of Central America have a storm god named Huracan. Though it is probably just coincidence, as the Taino storm goddess' proper name is Guabancex.
I also recently learned a new word: Boricua. It means a person of Puerto Rican ancestry, but who does not necessarily live in Puerto Rico. It derives from the word the Taino used to refer to the island, Borikén. So anyway, Alexa and Beni get to meet Aguay, who went on to become a great cacique, a type of chief. In fact, he was cacique when Spanish explorers first arrived in Puerto Rico in 1493. His real name was Agueybana, but he had a brother by the same name, who also appears in the episode. Timestorm got around this by splitting the name. Agueybana I is called simply Aguey, while his brother Agueybana II is called Bana. Aguey recounts the creation story from Taino Mythology to Alexa and Beni. I always love when less well-known mythologies get featured. This also meant we got mention of the supreme earth goddess Atabay, namesake of a certain snarky A.I.
We even get a short bonus episode set 1510. Bana is now the main cacique, and the Taino are uncertain about what the coming of the Spanish will bring. This is shortly after Ponce de Leon has visited the island. Yes, he who sought the fountain of youth. Ah, so is that where the city of Ponce got its name from? There's a disclaimer at the start that, though it involves real people, the events of the episode are fictional. I thought it was a nice touch, and very much appreciated.
We also get more development in the Ventura Twins' present day lives. For example, we learn that Datu, the owner of the Taino Comics & Games Store, is apparently Filipino. We know this because he meant that his grandma is from Manila. I always assumed he was Boricua like the rest of the cast, but I guess I was wrong. To be fair, Filipinos are often called, with varying degrees of seriousness, often call Latinos who got lost and wound up in Asia. About one out of five Tagalong words come from Spanish, they eat flan, they're devout Roman Catholics. I'm just saying, a case could be made, but I digress.
More importantly, we meet Josie. She is Datu's boss, even though I think he owns the store...the chain of command was a bit unclear. Whatever the exact pecking order, she is his superior. More importantly, she has a magical tapestry that can transport people to the other Taino Comics & Games in San Juan, Puerto Rico. There is a tapestry there connected to the store in Newark. How did Jose get this magical tapestry? Well, that's another thing we'll have to put a pin in for now.
We also learn the series is set in 2017. I always assumed there was no definitive date, but that works. That way, there series won't be impacted by any major world events, especially if the characters travel to the future at any point. Obviously, you don't want to make predictions, only to have them not turn out to happen. As of this writing, there is speculation about Puerto Rico finally becoming a state. Personally, I'm skeptical about this, given how many times it has been proposed, only for things to stay just as they have been, but you never know. Also, this explains why none of the characters make mention of things like wearing masks or social distancing.
We'll be getting into some potential spoilers in just a minute. For now, I'd like to talk about something I thought could have been done better. There's a mini episode where the twins are attending a music festival, which includes Afro-Puerto Rican music. So, Beni is playing on the drums and having a good time when some white guys walk up and say, basically, 'that's sounds like slave music to me.' And this really hurts Beni. Really now, that's the example of modern-day racism you're going to go with? Did the white boys perhaps return and call him doo-doo head while they were at it?
Every year at the high school I went to all the students had to watch a PSA video about stranger danger and how to not get molested on the Internet. It was a poorly made video from start to finish. It seemed to have been created under the assumption that kids of my generation has somehow never used the Internet before. Then there was the incredibly wooden acting, and the fact that they made the creepy adults so over the top they were basically saying 'child molesters are so glaringly easy to spot you basically have to be trying to not notice them.' Naturally, this elicited quite a few giggles from the students. The teachers naturally didn't take this well, and tried to shame everyone into behaving, to little effect. The point being, despite their good intentions, the crappy execution of the PSA video undermined the message.
It is a disservice to your listeners to tackle topics like racism without fully committing to it. Do or do not, there is no try. Maybe that means writing uncomfortable scenes, but you know what else is uncomfortable, actual racism. You wouldn't even have to use any naughty words. You could just have the white boys pretend to be friendly, only for them to then say 'Well, if you like black music so much, why don't you go back to Africa?!' I know it's a minor point, but it still bothered me. Especially in light of the stuff we're going to talk about in the spoiler section. I've lived in Louisiana my entire life, so I'm well aware of what actual racism looks like. I could help but think 'Damn it, Dania! Real racist aren't that nice!' And if the issue is the actors feeling uncomfortable reading such lines, well, I charge three dollars per hour of production. No not really; I'd work for free if Timestorm actually offered me a role. In all seriousness, racism isn't a topic you can handle with kid gloves if you wanted to seriously tackle it.
On a much minor note, every episode ends with a reminder that Timestorm is produced on the traditional land of the Leni Lenape people. It didn't bother me, but I feel there might be better ways to honor the native peoples of New Jersey. Perhaps have Alexa and Beni go back in time to visit the Lenape. The team has shown that they're more than capable of writing time travel episodes set outside of Puerto Rico. Our maybe have some Lenape characters in the present day. That would be good because it would show that Native Americans are a living breathing people and culture; not just a topic you read about in history books. I'm a big advocate of increased Native American representation in media.
Okay, now that we've got that out the way, it is time for the spoilers. If you don't want any of that, turn back now.
Last warning. You sure you want to continue?
Well okay, if everyone who wants off is gone, then let's dive into it.
Remember when I wondered if anyone the Ventura twins met in Senegal was going to get sold into slavery? Well, turns out I was right on the money with that one. Well, in one case anyway. Idrissa was captured and taken to Puerto Rico, where he was renamed Gabriel. Alexa and Beni meet him again in 1890. I don't think they said how old he was in 1810; my guess would be twenty-something, maybe late teens. If I'm right, then he'd be nearly 100 years old by 1890. Technically not impossible, but would still be rather unusual for a man who had to endure a life of hard physical labor. That would be especially true if he wound-up on a sugar plantation
Sugar cane goes sour only one day after it is harvested. That means it has to be processed right away. The process of processing the sugar had a nasty tendency to result in hands getting chopped off. Oh, and it wasn't a question of maybe, this was a guarantee that someone would get maimed. As such, sugar plantation had large populations of slaves to supplement the workforce. That, and sugar was the oil of its day in terms of value. Sugar plantations were common across the Caribbean and Brazil. I bring this up because fourth-five percent of all slaves brought to the New World went to the Caribbean, including Puerto Rico. Fifty percent went to Brazil, and the remaining five percent went to the Untied States and the rest of mainland Latin America.
Idrissa has become a broken man from his life in bondage The horror of slavery wasn't just the threat of physical violence. It was also the psychological horror that you could be taken from your loved ones at any moment, and that you would never see them again. Or perhaps you lost your loved ones because you were captured, stuffed onto a ship, and taken to a land you'd never even heard of before. Then, upon arrival, your captors do everything in their power to stamp out your culture, and force you to adopt their strange and alien culture.
And yet, despite all of this, Idrissa survived and started a family. But not just any family. Alexa and Beni do some research in the present day, and wouldn't you know it, Idrissa is their several times great-grandfather. If nothing else, they know his life's story, and thanks to time travel, he was able to pass on some of his traditional African culture to them. So, this means that even though he lost touch with his African roots, his culture will live on in future generations thanks to Alexa and Beni. In the end, the slavers lost, and Idrissa's struggles were not in vein. Though spare a thought for all the Idrissas who didn't get to have their stories told
Alexa and Beni discovered this all partially thanks to an Ancestry.com type genealogy service. Strange that it wasn't actually the real thing. I'm pretty sure Ancestry does sponsorships, and that might help offset production costs. But I know that Timestorm is partially sponsored by The Corporation For Public Broadcasting, so maybe there are rules about that. Hmm, I guess that makes Timestorm is the closest thing to if PBS Kids were to make an audio drama. Molly of Denali doesn't count; because it was based on a pre-existing property.
Speaking of family, now let's talk about Josie. Surprise! She's another long lost Ventura cousin. Also, Janelly finds out about what Alexa and Beni have been doing. Maybe this will means she and Datu will get to join the Venturas on future adventures. It would be nice to show that you don't have to be a blood relative of the Ventura family to have adventures. Now all we need is to get Sonya and Mr and Mrs. Ventura onboard, and the gang will all on the same page Also, I now know what piraguas are. Sure, they sound like just a variation on snow cones/balls, but I'd still like to try them. Though, if I did have a magical tapestry that took me to San Juan and back again, I'd be making a beeline for the nearest mofongo restaurant. I haven't had any in years, and I still think about it often.
Well, I think that covers everything if importance. Season two of Timestorm builds upon the already excellent first season, and just keeps getting better. I can't wait to see what excitement and adventure future seasons bring. If you haven't listen to season one...you should probably do something about that, or else you'll be very confused. But if you have listened to season one, but have not listened to season two yet, do so today. You'll be glad that you did.
Link to the original review on my blog, though it is just the same as what is here: http://drakoniandgriffalco.blogspot.com/2020/11/the-audio-file-timestorm-season-2.html?m=1
submitted byArthurDrakonitoFantasy [link][comments]

2021.09.27 19:57 MymajorisTreesTitle: I am 24 years old and purchased a $275,000 home in Indiana

Section One:
Annual gross income:
Me: $46,000/year
Significant Other (Z): $63,000/ year + quarterly bonuses
Balances before home purchase:
A lot of this money is in Z’s account because if you’ve read my Money Diary you may already know Z was unemployed a lot of 2020 and he came into a large sum of money thanks to unemployment. I was more than able to support us on just my income so it has been our “emergency” money. Since he got a job we have been looking into buying a home now that our income has more than doubled and we have kept our expenses low to grow that money into a good down payment/house expenses fund.
Checking account balance: Z Checking: $22,000
Joint Checking (this is how we pay our bills): $2,100
My Checking: $1,500 (I invest most of my income currently, this will be adjusted as we become homeowners)
Savings account balance: $1,500 (this is my oh shit fund, in case I forget a payment is on auto pay or something)
My HYSA: $3,000 (emergency fund for my caMedical copays)
Retirement account balance/s:
My 401K: ~$3,500
My HSA: ~$3,500
My Roth IRA: $2,300
Z’s 401K: ~$2,000
Z’s Roth: ~$2,100
Z’s Brokerage: ~$1,100
My Student Loans:~ $12,000 (no interest currently)
My Car Lease: ~$10,000
My CC: ~$200 (paid off each month)
My Debt: $22,200
Z’s Student Loans: ~$40,000 (all no interest or an ISA currently)
Z’s CC: $1,100 (paid off each month)
Z’s Debt: $41,100
Balances after home purchase:
Checking total Z, Joint and mine: ~$~8,000 + $5,000 check from my dad we haven’t cashed yet (meant for things needed for the house!)
Savings: Basically Same as before.
Retirement: Basically Same as before thanks to some rough markets these past few weeks.
Equity: $15,270.50
Joint Debt w/o mortgage: $63,200
Joint Debt w/ mortgage: $324,500

Did you grow up in a home that was owned or did your family rent (house or apartment)?
My childhood was a little tumultuous but up until I was about 15 yes my parents owned homes. My dad sold our home when I was 14/15 and we moved into a rental. He’s rented to keep expenses low and invest heavily since never paying more than $900 a month on rent. He’s a school teacher and retiring soon and he’s starting the process of buying land/building a home in the woods somewhere. He is my financial guru and taught me everything I know about being frugal and investing early.

Do most people in your family/social circle own homes?
As of this year, my only sister (older), my mother, and I have bought or built homes. My sister bought a gorgeous home north of our hometown and it’s perfect for their little family. My mother remarried and built a house in an up and coming development that is perfect for them. My aunt even lives down the street! All of our college friends still rent, which is totally understandable, we realize a lot of our friends aren’t at the same stage that we are in our lives. We are simply more mature, in a very very serious relationship and have goals we want to accomplish together.

Are there any norms/goals associated with home-buying in your country or culture?
As a very white girl dating a very white man, I think the only culture we have about home buying is just the stigma that renting is worse than buying and tbh, I disagree with that stigma. Renting can be really great depending on your area but finding a good apartment with a good landlord and at the right price is getting harder and harder by the day. We are lucky to have the finances to buy and we had amazing resources in Z’s mom being our realtor and helping us every step. Not that the housing market is any better right now, but it truly is situational.

Why did you decide to buy?
We decided to buy because we want more space, a yard, the ability to get pets, and the pandemic has really really shown us how much we truly are home bodies. There was only so much we could do with our tiny 600 square foot apartment and TERRIBLE (I mean it, terrible) kitchen. We had a great location and our landlords were accommodating in the fact that if we found a new tenant we could leave our lease. I love to cook and bake as well as we are big houseplant people (who aren't these days). We wanted the ability to have a garden, some pets, some space, and truly make a space our own. We also don’t have laundry or a dishwasher in our apartment and have been doing our laundry at Z’s parents for a year and a half now. Giving up a whole day on our weekend/week nights for over a year to do our laundry has really made me feel like I never get a break.
Another and bigger reason is that Z and I see ourselves here for atleast 10 years, if not longer. We feel our location is climate change safe with low flood chances and low fire chances. Our only real risk is tornadoes in our area. We are getting engaged before the end of the year and hope to be married by late 2023. I’d assume kids will come eventually depending on the state of the world so we are looking for the ability to have a home and a place for all of these milestones while also allowing ourselves time to enjoy being in our twenties before we do have kids.

Section Two:
Income Industry/occupation
Me: Laboratory ManagePhycologist I work in lake and pond management and I work with algal identification and water quality.
Z: Statistician @ Medical Device Company
Monthly take home combined: $6,334

Were there any changes in income from the time you started saving/searching for a home to purchase?
Just to recap our 2020, We graduated in May and I immediately started working where I work now! Love it, best place ever and I get to do what I love. Yay. Z was unemployed/underemployed until May of this year. This resulted in a large sum ~$14,000 of unemployment money which we kept aside for flexibility to make the decision to buy a home/make a big financial decision when we were ready. So income hasn’t changed this year but i’ve already had discussions with my supervisor about my salary and title for next year and am on course for a 5-8% raise due to taking over a large portion of our business on my own as well as getting more support (assistant) in the laboratory! Z hasn’t been with his company super long but is doing great and should see annual salary increases.

Section Three: Monthly expenses
Joint Expenses (we currently split everything 50/50)
Rent: 900/month
Renter’s Insurance: $10.09
Utilities: $80-$130/month
Groceries: $300/month
Dining Out: $150/month (we usually go over this)
Subscriptions: $11.99 for Hulu Premium (so worth it)
Wedding: $200-500 a month (we are actively saving for an engagement/wedding)
Home Improvement: (Right now we are spending a lot in this) $500/month
Hobbies(Plants & Legos):$150/month
Misc: $100
Average cost of all joint monthly expenses: ~$2,500

Section Four: Home purchase criteria What type of home did you purchase/shop for
This changed as we looked at houses and really figured out what we liked and loved. We originally wanted to stay walking distance to the area we live in now (a small but lively downtown) and realized that the reason we were hanging onto this area was more so us unable to let go of being able to walk home from our favorite mexican restaurant and bars, despite the fact that we only drink maybe 3-4 times a year. The homes in this area are historic homes and built 1900 and earlier… once we toured one priced at about $350k that was completely renovated (minus the scary cistern in the basement) we realized that the amount of upkeep and limitations simply just weren’t for us. So we took a break from looking to think more about what we want.
We eventually decided that we wanted a single family home with a ½-¼ acre yard, a kitchen with an island, at least a 2 car garage, 2-3 bedrooms, 2 baths, and if it had a fenced in yard it would be a big plus. We also really wanted a dedicated hobby space or basement (we are fine with using a bedroom for this but really wanted a basement). We were fine with anything built in the past 40 years that had been kept up with. Luckily, Z’s mom was our real estate agent so she really helped us find our perfect place and was always able to talk with us about what was the right decision when we were looking at homes.
Budget: $200,000 - $300,000 What was the biggest factor in the cost of your home?
We had a very variable budget as we looked because we weren’t sure if we wanted something a little older that would need some work or if we wanted something move in ready. We quickly realized the more we looked at older homes that it would be a pain to make some of these houses our dream house. The more we looked at newer builds and even momentarily considered building ourselves that newer built would be worth the higher cost and give us exactly what we wanted in a house.

Section Five: Mortgage & Down payment
Total loan amount: $261,725
Credit score:
Me: 756
Z: 746
Interest rate: 3%
Type of loan: 30 yr Convention
Down payment + other costs required at closing: $14,270.50
We paid for our inspection and got a deal from a friend for $300 compared to his usual rate of $450. We chose 5% as our down payment because we like round numbers and also because it was close to what we had on hand with still giving us room to buy the things we would need for the house upon moving in.

Section Six: THE Home & Review
We were so lucky to find our house as quickly as we did and we were truly prepared to take months to look at houses. Once we finally decided to look further away from downtown and looked at the few areas of town we were most interested in we realized that one area wasn’t for us because it felt really stuck up? Like the neighbors would be in your business and judgy and not like that we were young/unmarried. The houses we looked at on this part of town were also about .5 miles from Z’s parent house. I love his parents but I need space lol. What we really liked about our area was that we were close to the grocery stores we love, the target in our area, and lots of our favorite restaurants (though we will miss our favorite downtown mexican restaurant). Being out of town a little bit was a big plus for both of us as we both really wanted to be able to enjoy the quiet and night-time stars. As well as the area is connected to a bike/walking trail that connects the whole town.
THE ONE: Before we saw the house we decided on, we actually saw the exact same house in the same neighborhood (it originally was the model for the builder) and we absolutely hated everything about it. So, we moved on with our list of houses we were seeing that day. We drove further down the street to look at the other one of the same builder and model thinking it would be just a quick in and out. Well, this house was flipped from the other one and we suddenly realized we hated the layout orientation of the first house. This house (we call it grey house lol) felt so much better and like home from the second I realized it was 'left handed' orientation. It’s a 1,912 square foot house with 3 car garage, 3 bed, 2 bath, with vaulted ceilings in the living room and master with a GORGEOUS tiled master shower and giant walk in closet. The kitchen cabinets already match ALL of our furniture. The laundry room is right as you walk in through the garage and the best feature of all. The loft. A staircase from the kitchen with beautiful brown woodworking leads up to the loft where there are built in bookcases and a window over the garage and front yard. This area will become our amazing and ridiculous lego room/board game room. The loft also includes access to the attic area as well as a ceiling fan since we all know heat rises. Finally, the house has a fenced in backyard with a gate out the back with access to the trail that travels around town. The back gate is wire while the sides are wooden, we plan to plant a native area behind the fence to 1.) add some natural beauty that won’t need constant mowing and 2.) act as our butterfly/flower garden I’ve always dreamed of having. We are huge plant people and have been moaning about having a garden together since we met basically. I grew up on a small farm and used to love tending the garden with my dad. This house will be the perfect house for us as we grow and one day grow into a family with pets and down the line kids.
But, omg you guys aren’t even married/engaged????
Z and I played our own game of marriage or mortgage and mortgage won lol. We have purchased a ring and are actively working towards being engaged!
They just hand out houses don’t they?
I think I said this a hundred time in our process. I can see how buying a home can be someone’s financial ruin because they just let you sign up for the most expensive house you could possibly afford if wanted. The thing we loved about our lender was that he asked us what we wanted for a payment before we even talked about the house price range. We knew we wanted less than $1500 in a payment. Less than ¼ of our takehome was our goal for payment and that’s exactly what we got with our house. Our house appraised thank goodness, Luckily, we had very few unexpected expenses during our process. A $300 roof repair for a few missing shingles and edges and we’ve purchased about $70 in paint to get to work. We are so lucky and so financially blessed. Excited to no longer pay rent (once we find a tenant to take over our lease) and finally have a garden next year!!!
My final thoughts
We moved in yesterday and holy crap. We really were maximizing the space in our 644 square foot apartment lol. We had lots of help from family and had a 17 foot uhaul. Z and his dad moved literally the entirety of our heavy furniture themselves, and zack’s mom really made it possible to get our kitchen packed up (which we had been SLACKING on). We returned our uhaul an hour early even! The only thing we’ve managed to unpack really is some of our pantry, dishes, and our router for wifi lol. We rebuilt our bed frame and Z’s desk before showering and passing the heck OUT.
Owning a home is SURREAL and crazy. I feel SO lucky and so blessed and like my dreams really came true with our house. We can’t wait to unpack and get settled. Here’s to hoping we finally get a new tenant lined up for our apartment so we can say goodbye to the apartment and fully enjoy our house without the stress of finding a sublet for the apartment! Thank you everyone for reading, and if anyone has questions or comments I’ll be lurking!
submitted byMymajorisTreestoMoneyDiariesACTIVE [link][comments]

2021.09.27 17:00 FinancialArugula347I am 31, make about $300,000, live in NYC, work as an in house counsel at a large financial institution.

HOLY wall of text. I'm so sorry in advance!
Total Net Worth: ~$500,000. I originally put $510,000 but I can't math. Sorry about that!
Retirement Balance: ~$160,000. As soon as I started working my first legal job, I made sure to max out my 401k every year.
Stock Account: ~$250,000. Just a boring mix of index funds and bonds. Admittedly, I put in the entirety of my savings into my investment account when the stock market dipped back in March 2020, and that has been a huge chunk of my gains.
Cryptocurrency: ~$40,000. I've been putting in about $125/week on-and-off for the past 5-6 years into my account, though I forget from time to time (note: a lot). I'm fully prepared to lose this money if things go awry in the crypto space, and for the time being, I don't feel comfortable having crypto being more than 10% of my net worth. I'm not quite sure how much I've actually put in, but it's probably less than $10,000 to date.
Savings Account: $35,000. Aiming to raise it to $50,000.
Health Savings Account: $15,000. I max this out every year but I am considering switching to regular old insurance since I'm getting older and my bones are getting creaky. Reddit, what are your thoughts on this? I'd love to see the discussion re: HSA with high deductible insurance v. regular health insurance, especially those that have decided to switch over one way or the other.
Checking Account: After the rent, credit card payments, and transfers to other accounts, usually around $500. This week I'm at $22 because I messed up doing maths.
Credit Card Debt: Usually from $2,000 to $2,500 in a given month, which I pay down every month. On a bad month it can get up to $4,000. I charge everything that I can to my card.
Student Loan Debt: $0. I graduated with about $110,000 in debt after university and law school, but I aggressively paid it down two years after graduating law school. I went to university on a partial scholarship and law school on a full scholarship, but I wasn't as educated on fiscal responsibility and took out a lot of loans for living expenses, etc. I learned my lesson painfully. My parents wanted me to learn fiscal responsibility, so they adamantly did not pay for college or grad school (not sure if that rationale makes sense to me to date, but oh well). But, my parent's safety net has always been there and I'm so thankful for that.
Income Progression: When I graduated university, I was working in fashion for 80 hours a week for about $12/hour, no benefits. I was really unhappy, so I quit after a few months and moved back in with my parents. I started working at a small law firm ($15/hour), but also moonlit as an SAT and LSAT tutor ($50-75/hour) on the side. Thanks to that and living with parents, I managed to save up a lot of money in the span of about a year. I went to law school a year after I graduated college, opting for a state school despite my parents begging me to go to a T14 (no scholarships offered at any of those schools, boo). I lucked out and graduated at the top of my class, and had paid summer internships ($10,000 for 2 months the first year, $20,000 for 2.5 months the second year) throughout law school. My salary straight out of law school was $175,000 including bonus (guaranteed). By the end of year 5 at the same firm I started out in, I was getting paid $360,000 a year including bonus mostly because of an industry-wise raise and lockstep salary formula. The job itself wasn't sustainable for my mental and physical health (80-100 hour work weeks, unpredictable schedule where I couldn't have any guarantee of a free weekend because work could pop up at any given time, vacations disrespected without care even with a 12-14 hour time zone difference, no holidays off because you're on call 24/7, dealing with young and old finance bros who have no Chill), so I took a pay cut to go in house last year. I now get paid around $300,000 including bonus. What stung was that the year I quit, I lost out on about $125,000 in bonus payouts (which would have brought my total comp to slightly above $400,000 had I stayed, and even more the year after) since I quit too early to qualify, but at that point I was just too tired to care. I was so tired that for about 3-4 months, I had to sleep at least 10 hours a day or I couldn't function.
Main Job Monthly Take Home: After 401k, HSA, insurance, taxes, etc., around $10,600, split into two paychecks per month. I just maxed my 401k for the year this pay period, so this will now even out to $11,600 next month. On a side note, my employer will match my 401k (around $6,000) next year, so hopefully I'll be able to max my 401k out much earlier next year! nvm no one should come to me for investment advice LOL
Rent: I pay $2,500/month in rent -- way below market rates for my neighborhood. I get 24/7 doorman service, one bedroom with a balcony, and a huge kitchen. The rent also includes electricity! I will never leave. The landlord is simply stuck with me (we are on year 5 now, and she has not raised my rent since the day I moved in).
Savings/Investment Contribution: Whatever's left over after I pay off my credit card bills for the month, these days anywhere between $3,000 to $4,000. This is split (or not split, depending on my mood) between my investment account, savings account, and crypto account.
Debt Payments: Just my monthly credit card.
Electricity: $0. Included in rent.
Wifi: $75/month. I should negotiate this down or switch providers, but I ragequit every single time after an hour or two of being on hold with my current provider.
Cellphone: $80/month. I recently had to replace my phone of six years, so it added an extra $40 to my bill. :(
Subscriptions: $13.99/month for Netflix. I bum off HBO/Hulu/etc. from my brother. $9.99 for YouTube music.
Gym Membership: $250/month. I cry every time the charge is made to my card, but it's really the only way to get me to go to the gym.
Pet Expenses: $50/month for food. $540/month for boarding as I go back into the office. Yearly cost excluding the monthly costs is about $1,500 for vet visits, vaccines, dental cleaning, meds, etc.
Housekeeping: $240/month. I have a housekeeper come in every other week.
Day One
8:00 a.m. I wake up. Freshen up. Walk the dog. I check my work email -- I generally don't do work on the weekend, but I always make sure that nothing is on fire. When I get back home, I have a banana.
9:00 a.m. I leave for spin class. I die in spin class. I take this time to shower at the gym and get ready for the day.
11:00 a.m. The worst part about my gym is that it's right next to my favorite bakery. I cave and buy a coffee, along with 3 savory pastries that I say will be tomorrow's breakfast/lunch. $18.62. Who am I kidding. I get back home and eat 2 of the 3 pastries.
11:30 a.m. I get back home and cuddle with my dog on the sofa. I suddenly time travel to 2:00 p.m. (translation: nap).
2:00 p.m. Walk the dog. I'm a bit groggy from my nap but the walk perks me back up. My dog demands rest midway through the walk, so I sit on a bench and look through my emails. I end up carrying him in my arms all the way back home. For the record, this is all within a span of an hour.
4:00 p.m. I notice that I am out of bully sticks for my dog. I usually buy these in bulk every 4-5 months or so, but this time, I'm switching to yak chews because I need a break from the smell. I log on to Himalayan Pet Supply and order a bunch of chicken and bacon flavored chews. $102.90.
7:30 p.m. It's time to repot my plants! I've been procrastinating for no good reason, so today's a good day as any to get it out of the way. One of the plants is a 3 foot tall snake plant that I decided to repot since its planter was getting cramped. It turns out it's 5 pups in one planter, so I divide them up into 2 planters. By the time I repot half of my plants, I run out of succulent mix that I need for some of my other plants. Still plenty of potting mix. I also find out that two planters have cracked at the bottom some time ago. Since I have some other plants being propagated that need to be moved to planters eventually, I immediately clean up (vacuum and mop). I scour the web for planters.
8:00 p.m. I look at my last remaining pastry from this morning and eat it. So much for breakfast/lunch tomorrow. Still searching for planters. It's about 9:00 p.m. when I eventually settle, and put in an order for planters and some succulent potting soil. $78.52.
9:00 p.m. Take my dog out. After that, wash up, then bed! Unfortunately, even though I'm in bed by around 10:00 p.m., I fall asleep around 12:00 a.m.
Total: $200.04 (Food - $18.62, Home/Pet - $181.40)
Day Two
8:00 a.m. I wake up. I doomscroll and eventually drop the phone on my face. I take that as a cue to wake up and walk my dog. I freshen up and take my dog on a quick relief walk.
9:00 a.m. I cook breakfast -- just some toast with peanut butter and homemade strawberry compote, along with two eggs sunny side up. I had some coffee in the fridge that I couldn't finish from yesterday afternoon, so I finish that up.
11:00 a.m. I check my email. Nothing on fire. I play with the dog a bit to make up for the fact that his walk was short this morning. I do some random chores -- dishes from breakfast and vacuuming. I can't bring myself to do the laundry. It looks like a lot of work.
12:00 p.m. Time to walk the dog properly. I cave and get some coffee from the local coffee shop. Since I brought my own mug, I get a discount. I tip a dollar to make up for the discount. $3.10. I walk to Central Park, where my dog is bombarded with squealing kids and adults because he is small and fluffy. Thankfully he is unphased and knows to ignore them. A grown ass adult tries to feed chicken from her sandwich to my dog, and when I tell her to stop, she gets mad and tells me if I have a problem, maybe I shouldn't bring my dog outdoors. (':
2:00 p.m. Home! My dog is not yet exhausted. He proceeds to play for 15 minutes with my doorman, who loves it. When I get to my apartment, my dog immediately crawls under the sofa to sleep. Bro, you have a bed for that. I have nothing to do for now, so I go to my balcony, burn some incense and finish up my coffee.
3:00 p.m. I realize I haven't had lunch just yet -- I feel hungry, but also feel full. Either way, I stir fry some frozen okra and broccoli in oyster sauce, and slice up some sweet peppers. I have a small bowl of rice as well.
3:45 p.m. My dog is awake. He asks to go outside to the balcony. I open the door. He goes outside. Then immediately comes back inside. He goes back to his bed and sleeps.
4:00 p.m. I facetime my mother. Surf the web. Vegetate. I have no desire to do anything.
7:00 p.m. I oil cleanse my face for about 20 minutes watching TV, and then do a clay face mask. I clean up the apartment while the mask does its work. After I finish up my skincare, it's already time to cook dinner. I don't feel like having rice, so I just whip up some broth and boil some udon noodles. Add some carrots, spinach, onions, frozen fish cakes, and an egg, and udon it is. While the broth is simmering, I mix up the last bit of my greek yogurt with some chia seeds and honey and put it in the fridge. Time to eat! Also, I don't wash the last remains of the greek yogurt from the container just yet because...
9:00 p.m. Final relief walk for the day for my dog. I have to coax him awake though, particularly with the greek yogurt container from earlier. He licks the container clean, what a good boy. :D
10:00 p.m. I grind some coffee beans, and set up my coffee maker to start brewing at 4:55 a.m. Once I finish my nighttime routine, I knock out.
Total: $3.10 (Food/Drink)
Day Three
5:00 a.m. I'm awake. Why. I lounge in bed for 30 minutes. I finally wake up to brush my teeth and wipe my face with micellar water, then some spf lotion. Time for a quick relief walk for the dog -- just 5 minutes. Normally I'd walk him a bit longer, but I'm trying to figure out a schedule that will work for both of us when I start going back into the office. I have a bit of the yogurt I prepped last night -- I'll finish it up later. And note to self: maybe not get the Greek yogurt next time, it's way too creamy for mornings, at least for me. I have half of my coffee.
6:15 a.m. I'm out to go to spin class. I cry a little and die inside in spin class. I hate exercising so much.
8:00 a.m. Back home from the gym, squeaky clean and ready for the day. It's time to walk the dog to daycare! I'm working from home today, but I'm trying to emulate my upcoming work schedule as much as possible so I can make adjustments as needed. I sip on the rest of my coffee on the go. As soon as I drop my dog off, I start walking to my office. I just want to time the walk there, and since I need to do groceries anyway (there's a Whole Foods right next to my office) it all works out. On my way over, the automatic charge for my dog's daycare package hits and I get a notification. $685.91. When I do the math, the charge works out to about $540 a month. It's OK. It's fine. Only the best for my dog. I love my dog. Yep.
8:45 a.m. I get to the office. Timing works! At Whole Foods, I buy some vegetables, eggs, and half a pound of beef. I may or may not have bought the rotisserie chicken. $44.64.
9:30 a.m. Back home. I did buy the rotisserie chicken -- an impulse buy, but not so much to eat for breakfast. Maybe. I was absolutely going to eat it for breakfast, but I had a chance to think rationally while walking back home. I instead let the chicken cool on a plate for the time being. I do take a piece of it to eat -- good, but not as good as Costco's rotisserie chicken. I'll eventually shred the chicken meat off the bones and store it in the fridge to as a topper or protein piece if I do decide to have any noodles (in soup or stir fried) later on this week. I hate prepping chicken in general and the rotisserie chicken has just enough oil and seasoning to work with just about anything.
9:45 a.m. I log on to work. About 400 unread emails from the time I went to sleep last night. More importantly, I open up the camera for my dog's daycare so I can watch him all the time because I already miss him. In any case, I brew one more cup of coffee because I'm struggling.
2:00 p.m. I'm still fielding emails. I'm also not really hungry but for the sake of keeping my stomach on a schedule, I finish the rest of my yogurt.
3:00 p.m. I feel a bit nauseous, so I eat an apple. Still not very hungry, but I feel much better. I dial into a call and mute myself. I prep some rice on the side. This call goes on forever. I consider doing my nails during this call, but I realize I still have to pick up my dog and cook dinner, so I decide against it.
5:00 p.m. Time to go pick up my baby!
5:30 p.m. I'm home. Since there are no more emails for me to field, I get started on cooking dinner. The rice is already done. I start boiling water with some anchovies and dried kelp. Then I chop a portion of beef, and also set the rest of the portion aside in the fridge for tomorrow's menu. I also chop up some zucchini (I give a slice to my dog ofc I'm not a monster), onions, and potatoes and set it aside. I realize I forgot to buy tofu. Oh well. Add more potatoes because I love potatoes. In a small stoneware pot, I stir fry the beef with sesame oil on low heat. Once the soup stock is ready, I pour it into the pot along with all the chopped veggies, and let it cook on medium-high heat. About 15-20 minutes later, I add in soy bean paste and stir to let it melt. I top it off with some dried enoki mushrooms and dried chili peppers I have on hand, and let it cook another 5 more minutes.
6:15 p.m. Done! I heat the okra/broccoli stir fry I had yesterday, along with cold side vegetable dishes, and dinner is served. I watch some Netflix while I eat. Before I forget, I log off of my work computer.
7:00 p.m. I have some ice cream. It has brown sugar chunks, cookie dough, brownies, and walnuts. It's amazing. I'm lactose intolerant. #yolo. After I finish, I do the dishes.
8:30 p.m. Texting a college friend, I realize now that we had our tarot anniversary three months ago. Every year for the past 10 years or so, we get tarot card readings done by a random shop that we find. The past couple of years, since I'm not in the same state as my friend anymore, we went digital tarot. We decide to go with the same Etsy shop we went with last year. $26.22. I'm told that the reading will come in a couple of days. Do I believe in tarot readings? Not really, no. But this is practically a tradition at this point, and it's fun to see some things match up on coincidence.
9:00 p.m. Last call for my dog. After that, I ready my coffee brew for tomorrow morning and I freshen up. It's a bit earlier than usual but I'm tired. I lounge around and practice bad sleeping habits by gaming on my phone, before falling asleep, around 11:00 p.m.
Total: $756.77 (Food/Drink - $44.64, Home/Pet - $685.91, Entertainment - $26.22)
Day Four
5:00 a.m. Unfortunately, I'm awake. Today's schedule is a bit different (no gym) because my workplace is making me come into our old office to pick up a new work laptop. It absolutely could not wait until, you know, the day that we all return to the office in our new building (we moved during the pandemic). It sucks, because the new office is a 10 minute walking distance from my apartment, but the old office is a 30 minute subway ride from my apartment. I get up, take a shower, and get ready for the day.
6:30 a.m. My dog is finally awake so I take the time to walk him.
7:15 a.m. Yogurt, granola, blueberries, and strawberries for breakfast. I realize now that I could have totally fit in a workout today, but then I'd have to rush through my morning and that's no bueno. Once I'm done eating, I take my coffee outside to burn some incense and stare blankly into the void.
7:55 a.m. My balcony neighbors (they live in the building adjacent to mine) have the window to their bedroom open and the blinds aren't fully down, and I hear some grunting. I make the mistake of looking to the source of the noise and get a gigantic flash of white ass. All I see is a partially covered view of two men going at it, with real time sound. Oh. Oh no. I'm usually OK with this kind of stuff (they're in the privacy of their own home!), but it's way too early for me to process. I head back inside and take care not to make any noise. While I'm carrying my stuff back inside (it takes two trips), my dog runs out to the balcony and starts barking at the open window -- most likely at my neighbors. Oh my god. Get back in here you little shit.
8:30 a.m. And I'm out the door and on the subway! $2.75.
8:45 a.m. I have a weekly department call, so I dial in on the subway. I eventually lose signal and get disconnected. Oh no. I guess I can't listen in on this call now. What will I ever do. I listen to some music instead.
10:00 a.m. After I pick up my work laptop, I take the subway back home. $2.75. Once I'm back home, I log onto work. I get an urgent email from a junior banker with a 200 page .pdf attached, comments due in less than 2 hours, but the senior banker wanted comments from the legal team last night. The senior banker calls me, and boy, he is furious; cue passive aggressive half screaming on the phone. For the record, it's the first time I've actually been copied on the correspondence and made aware of the mattedocument. I would like to stop being a lawyer now thanks.
10:45 a.m. I'm hungry. My eyes are crossing. Time for lunch! I decide to heat up my stew leftovers. I'm addicted. I'm also lazy. Rice, stew, and sweet peppers with dip.
11:30 a.m. I'm done reviewing the .pdf from earlier, but I also did a little bit of diligence and it turns out the 12:00 p.m. deadline on this doc is fake. Like egregiously fake. I'm pissed. The other legal team that also has to review this doc is pissed. Said other legal team also won't have comments until at least tomorrow. I decide to hold onto my comments for now because a majority of my comments depend on the other legal team's comments, but also partially because I'm petty af. I preview my comments to my boss, who also agrees that I should hold off sending it across. When involuntarily playing risky office politics, always make sure your ass is covered. :') I clear my pipeline of all other matters. Finally, I brew some black tea -- I'm fading real fast, but coffee seems a bit too much right now.
12:00 p.m. Time to walk the dog! I walk around the neighborhood, go to a local coffee shop, and pick up two bags of coffee beans. A bit pricier than usual, but it's a limited drop with a flavor profile I really like (baking chocolate, maple, and marshmallow). $34.00.
12:45 p.m. Back to the grind... oh wait. My slate is clear. :D Time for post-walk cuddles on the sofa with my dog. I take a nap.
1:45 p.m. My boss calls -- time travel to an hour later because we're literally talking about everything. I'm awake now! Back to work.
6:45 p.m. With my last email sent, I log off of work. My dog is asleep, so I don't bother waking him up. I'm not exactly sure what I did for the past 5 hours, but I'm hungry. Menu for tonight is Japanese curry. I chop some carrots (I save a slice for my dog), potatoes, and onions, then stir fry it under medium heat in a big pot with the chunks of beef I prepped last night. After about 5 minutes, I add water and let it boil under medium-high heat for about 20 minutes. I take the time in between to do dishes, take out the trash, and prep my coffee for tomorrow. Once the carrots and potatoes look adequately cooked, I put in the cube of Japanese curry and mix it around until it fully melts. This will feed me for about 2-3 days and I'll be so sick of curry that I'll avoid cooking it for about 3-4 months. I consider frying an egg on top, but decide that might be a little too much for me today. I settle for kimchi on top and it's chefs kiss. I Netflix and eat.
9:00 p.m. Last call for my dog. I lure him out from under the sofa with a carrot slice that I set aside for him earlier. He does his business and does a 180 degree turn to go back home. Guess he's feeling just as lazy as I am.
10:00 p.m. I prep for bed and turn in for the night. As usual, bad sleeping habits and game on my phone for about 30 minutes before I fall asleep.
Total: $39.50 (Transportation - $5.50, Food/Drink - $34.00)
Day Five
5:00 a.m. I wake up. I fall back asleep.
7:30 a.m. Oh my god. I overslept. My dog looks at me from his bed like I'm a failure. I quickly freshen up and feed my dog, then take him out to walk him over to daycare. It rains midway to daycare and by the time we arrive, he looks like a pathetic rat. He looks pathetic. I can tell he feels pathetic. On my way back, I pick up a bagel with lox cream cheese. $7.08.
8:45 a.m. I'm home and I miss my dog. :( I log onto work early.
10:00 a.m. I clear my slate -- only about a hundred emails -- and watch my dog on the daycare camera. I also send across my comments from the fiasco yesterday morning. I receive a 'thx' email in response from the senior banker. Cool. I silently hope that when this guy gets his coffee, the barista fills the cup to the brim so that it constantly leaks all over his hand/clothes while he's walking to wherever he's walking to.
12:45 p.m. I've fired off a few emails on and off, but it's a pretty slow day. I resort to gaming on my phone while monitoring my emails. I definitely can't do this when I go back into the office. I field a few phone calls as well, mostly to calm down junior bankers that have messed up (it's practically their first month on the job, so it's expected). I'm hungry, but I realize that I don't have any more cooked rice. I put two slices of bread in the air fryer and set to toast, and heat up the curry from last night. In the meanwhile, I prep some rice for dinner.
1:30 p.m. I have a department meeting so I dial in while brewing a cup of black tea. The rest of the afternoon is spent sending out emails, monitoring emails, and watching the doggy daycare cam.
4:00 p.m. Still watching the doggy daycare cam. My dog used to play all day at daycare pre-pandemic. Nowadays he hides behind the caretakers and avoids the action. He's not nervous apparently, and gets along with other dogs just fine. I wonder what happened. It's not a huge problem -- in the end, if that's what makes him comfortable, I'm OK with it. I'm just a little sad because I don't get videos of him playing with the other dogs anymore. He gets lots of cuddles though, so that's a plus.
5:15 p.m. Time to pick up my dog.
5:45 p.m. I'm back home. My emails have exploded in the 30 minutes I've been gone. I field emails. I'm hungry, so I... stare at the curry. I don't want it. :( I end up taking all the cold vegetable side dishes I have (about 5 total), dump it in with a bowl of rice, add in sesame seed oil and some hot pepper paste. I stir fry the shredded rotisserie chicken so that it's warmed up, and then set on top of my bowl. I also fry an egg with all the oil that came out from the rotisserie chicken, and top the rice bowl off. I mix everything and eat while I finish up work.
7:30 p.m. I log off of work. Time for a shower because I feel icky. Skincare routine. I crave something sweet, so I heat up some water. I mix the hot water with some citron marmalade I have in the fridge. As to the marmalade -- it's the closest translation I could think of, but it's not the marmalade you put on toast. The marmalade is made to make sweet tea, and it definitely does not taste good on toast because it's a lot sweeter than the ones for toast.
10:00 p.m. Grind coffee beans and set my coffee maker on a timer. I do the dishes. Brush my teeth. Hop into bed. Commence doomscrolling on the phone before I give up and sleep (it doesn't take long).
Total: $7.08 (Food)
Day Six
5:00 a.m. Up! No gym today. Every class starts at 7:00 a.m. and that doesn't fit into my schedule. I mean, I can go, but I don't want to get too attached to the classes once I start going back into the office. I freshen up. Morning walk with my dog. No daycare today because it looks like it's going to rain a lot today.
6:30 a.m. Coffee...
8:00 a.m. I log onto the computer to get ahead on my emails. I have back to back calls today from 8:30 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. I mash my face/feelings into some yogurt, granola, strawberries, and honey. I shape and paint my nails (Sundays Studio No. 30). I always do my best nail job during calls.
11:00 a.m. All of the calls thus far today could have been covered in an email. I have to give a presentation tomorrow, so I open up the prepared powerpoint and start writing down a script. The plan is to absolutely not deviate from it.
12:00 p.m. Time to walk the dog. I stop by a pastry shop I haven't been to in a while, and get a brown sugar tea latte and earl gray chocolate chip cookie. $10.05. I hurry back to make my 1:00 p.m. call but it gets cancelled 2 minutes before it starts. On a positive note, the cookie I ordered is huge -- it might as well have just been bread -- it fills me up and I don't have room for lunch. So that's why the cookie was $4.00.
1:45 p.m. I'm fading fast. I catch up on my emails and I lie down on the sofa. My dog is sleeping already and I'd hate to bother him (and he's really dirty... and smells like dog, like really dog), so no cuddling today. I monitor and answer my emails while lying on the sofa for an hour, then decide this is making me feel even more tired. I drink some water and get back to my computer.
3:00 p.m. My tarot reading is here! What's creepy at this point is that even though I've gone through different readers throughout the years, the main reading never really changes. It does make me feel better and it's an interesting read. My friend still hasn't gotten hers yet, so we hold off on wine night.
5:30 p.m. Emails have trailed down, so I log off for the day. I feel too full to function so I chug a glass of water. I go out with the dog for a relief walk; seems like he doesn't want to walk any further than necessary today.
6:30 p.m. It's raining! I open my balcony door, and my dog runs away to his bed. He hates the rain.
7:00 p.m. My friend cancelled on dinnedrinks with me tonight because of a deal that got accelerated to close first thing tomorrow morning. Admittedly, it's the bankers that I work with who screwed her life tonight. I feel a little bad for her; it's times like these I don't miss the biglaw lifestyle. I did get the rest of the potting soil and pots today, so I pick it up from the doorman/mailroom. I'm not hungry yet, so I get to repotting. It turns out that yet another one of my plants are actually 8 freakin' plants in one pot, so I divide that one into two pots. I also take this chance to repot the plants that my friend has left me to care for while she is on vacation. When I'm done, I'm net positive one plant, so in total this year I'm net positive two plants. I'm drowning in plants, send help. Maybe I'll move some into my new office when I go back in. I vacuum and mop the floor while my dog stares at me in disdain. What is he, a cat?
8:45 p.m. I'm starving. I wash my hands and notice that my nails are still good, despite the wear and tear from today. Win. I heat up some curry and plop on some rice. I'm too hungry to be picky. I also set out a side of kimchi. Still the best combo, even though I'm sick of it. Thankfully this is the last serving of curry left. I also put on Netflix.
9:00 p.m. While I'm eating, an urgent email pops up. I feel bad for the junior banker that sent the email, who most definitely messed this one up, so I log back on to quell the senior banker before things get too out of hand. Honestly, I wish people in finance would recognize that we're not doing anything life changing and nothing that we do is really that urgent and if a mistake happens, it can always be fixed. This could have easily waited until tomorrow morning. Anyway, all is well again. The junior banker calls and offers to buy me coffee the next time I see him, so it all worked out. I tell him not to make a habit out of this, because senior bankers have a 50/50 chance of listening to me and he got lucky this time. I continue to Netflix and eat thereafter. I pop open a can of beer as well just because I can.
10:30 p.m. Coffee prep. Skincare. Bed. Bad sleeping habits. Sleep.
Total: $10.05 (Food)
Day Seven
5:00 a.m. I'm up! I brush my teeth, wipe down my face with micellar water, slap on some spf, and change into my workout clothes. Time to walk the dog.
6:40 a.m. Out the door for spin class!
8:30 a.m. Back home. I have a presentation today so I take the extra time to spice up my makeup and test the camera. I'm not hungry, so I just sip on my coffee.
9:00 a.m. I look through my script for the presentation today and tweak it. Emails are slow since it's Friday, but I still monitor.
10:00 a.m. I'm finally hungry. I put on some rice with two fried eggs on top. I add soy sauce, red chili pepper flakes, and sesame seed oil. I sprinkle some chopped scallions and roasted sesame seeds to garnish. Ultimate comfort food.
11:00 a.m. I get some breathing room so it's time to make some coconut milk. I take out my alternative milk maker, put in some shredded coconut, salt, vanilla extract, and maple syrup. I press a button and wait -- exactly 2 minutes. I pour the milk out into pre-portioned jugs, then store them in the fridge. I stopped buying juice and milk and opted for a juicer and alternative milk maker, mainly because liquids are so heavy to lug around the city. Best decision I've ever made.
12:00 p.m. I walk the dog -- short walk to make sure I get back before the presentation starts. Getting hungry but not too hungry. I wash a sweet potato and steam it under low heat, because while I want it cooked thoroughly, I want it ready after my presentation.
1:00 p.m. Presentation time. All goes well. I don't stray from my script. A lot of the junior bankers are staring at the Zoom screen with blank faces. Ahh, I remember that feeling...
1:45 p.m. My sweet potato is ready! Facetime with my mother while I eat the sweet potato and have a glass of homemade coconut milk. I give little pieces of the sweet potato to my dog.
2:15 p.m. Back to work. My boss calls me around 3:00 p.m. and we laugh about how the junior bankers had no idea what I was talking about. It's really eye opening just how far I've come in less than 10 years in the industry. My boss says, try 30 years. Yeah, uh, I haven't thought that far, like, ever.
4:00 p.m. A bill from the hospital comes. I had to get a routine mammogram to check out a bump on my boob, and thankfully it turned out to be benign. The doctor recommended that I get a screening twice a year. The last time, I had to pay my deductible and the bill was over $1,000. This time thankfully, the bill is a lot less because I've met my deductible for the year. Please, when is universal healthcare coming. $248.51.
5:30 p.m. I log off. I order some Thai food because I haven't had takeout in forever. When I confirm the order, I remember why I stopped doing takeout -- so expensive. $39.94. The food arrives 20 minutes later, much faster than estimated, and I dig in. And I food coma.
7:00 p.m. Time to give my dog a bath. I love cuddling with my dog, but I refuse to let him on my bed unless he gets a bath right before. After the bath, I blowdry him. He hates me. He zoomies around the apartment for about 10 minutes, curls up by the balcony door, and whimpers/stares at me as if I just kicked him or something.
8:30 p.m. One can of beer while I watch Netflix. Group chat with some friends. Some of my friends decide to go out to West Village, but no way, it's way too late for that and I'm already in potato mode. I decide to stay in. A friend says they'll join once their deal is paper closed -- probably means the outing will go well beyond 12 a.m. Instead, I treat myself to one more can of beer.
10:00 p.m. Skincare. Sleep time! I carry my dog into my bed and snuggle. He's so fluffy and smells so fresh and is so handsome and is the best goodest boy ever. No bad sleeping habits tonight, just slightly tipsy and super happy cuddling my dog. :)
Total: $288.45 ($248.51 - Home/Health, $39.94 -Food)
Day Eight (Bonus)
1:15 a.m. I wake up to a bunch of drunk texts, chat still ongoing. The friend who just paper closed her deal is joining the party at karaoke, and the crew is ecstatic. Something about tequila shots all around. I am most definitely the youngest in the group chat, yet sometimes I feel like I'm the oldest with the creakiest bones. I check to make sure my dog is OK -- yeah, he's still weird and now sleeping on the windowsill instead of the bed. That's it. He's a cat. I mute the chat and go back to sleep.
WEEKLY TOTAL: $1,278.75 (Food - $157.43, Home/Pet - $867.31, Transportation - $5.50, Health - $248.51)
Reflection: My life is pretty boring by choice. The week before this diary was packed, so I really needed to decompress this week. I barely had the energy to deal with the day to day interactions of my job. As to my job, it's a lot less stressful than my old job, but still stimulating enough to give me some sort of schedule. I consider myself having a semi-retirement lifestyle -- which is a little sad, because I currently work regular hours. I'm still not sure what to do on some days with all my free time. Working at a big law firm definitely skewed my understanding of what work/life balance is. That being said, my spending habits are expected. I spend way more on my dog than anything else in my life, and I think that's the way things should be. My mom thinks I'm crazy, but honestly, I think the amount I spend is at the very least, the bare minimum. I definitely didn't have to order takeout and the food was super disappointing, but alas, you live and you learn. That, and I was getting pretty tired of my own cooking. I could also cut back on buying pastries/sweets, but I love baked goods too much.
submitted byFinancialArugula347toMoneyDiariesACTIVE [link][comments]

2021.09.21 23:08 NFLPowerRankersOfficial r/NFL Week 2 Power Rankings

The NFL Gods have blessed all the fans with two weeks of incredible games to watch at every time slot. With a handful of unexpected results, these rankings are as tumultuous as ever. 32/32 reporting, who hit the nail on the head? Who goofed? Discuss!
1.Buccaneers--2-0The Tampa Bay Buccaneers barreled to a perfect 2-0 after a dominating 48-25 victory over the Atlanta Falcons, who once blew a 25 point lead to Tom Brady in Super Bowl LI. Led by 5 TD's from Brady and two pick-sixes from Mike Edwards, the Buccaneers looked cleaner on both sides of the ball after a shaky start in week one. Vita Vea continues to look unblockable at 0-tech and is off to his best career start to date, but he definitely has some work to do at fullback. Next up, the Bucs play the (also) undefeated LA Rams, who this power ranker predicted would ultimately be the Bucs' opponent in the NFC Championship. Expect a violent slobberknocker of a game, and for both fanbases to assign blame to the referees depending on the outcome.
2.Chiefs--1-1Just yuck, man. The loss to the Ravens on Sunday Night was a reminder of what the 2018 Chiefs looked like and it was not pretty. Poor play, weird personnel decisions (why is Daniel Sorensen getting snaps over Juan Thornhill?), and no adjustments led to the Chiefs defense looking lost for 99% of the night. It is hard to say what the defense needs to change specifically after two poor weeks, but something does need to change. CEH joined the defense in having a night to forget with a critical fumble, as well. Chiefs don't have a break next week as they host the Chargers, so answers need to be found.
3.Rams--2-0Much like the rest of the NFCW, the Rams struggled, as sloppy action from everyone but Stafford and Kupp kept this a much closer game than need be. The takeaway from the ugly win is the mental fortitude exhibited despite many errors and momentum swings. Next up is the Buccaneers, where the Rams will get their first big test against an elite team.
4.Browns+21-1The Browns have won a home opener but the team was racked with injuries. Offensive power was on display but defenses missteps and penalties hurt Cleveland though the game. Will next week show the world what the Browns are made of? Chicago visits with an impressive defense in week three.
5.Ravens+61-1Something this team has repeatedly shown against Kansas City was the the inability to get off the early tilt. Lamar threw a pick-six and the dumbest end zone pick he's thrown since the Bills game. But then the team came roaring back, matching scores, catching interceptions. And then we went up 36-35 with 3 minutes left for Mahomes. Game over for us right?Except Odafe Oweh strips that shit out of Mahomes giving us that a glimpse of that pass rushing playmaker we've needed for so long. Then Harbaugh flexes his giant brass balls -- as he is wont to do -- and and ends the game in their own territory. Because how can we win the game if we can't get one of the greatest run games in history a single yard???
6.Bills+11-1The Bills continue to beat the Dolphins like a red-headed step child. When expectations are high, it’s easy to get lost in what’s not going perfectly, but let’s not let ourselves get bogged down with that. At the end of the day, the Bills beat their stiffest competition in the division 35-0. Over the last two games, they’ve squished the fish by a combined 91-26. You simply love to see it. Buffalo faces another tough defense in what should be a winnable home game against Washington next week.
7.Raiders+82-0The Raiders roll to 2-0 after beating a (last seasons) playoff team for the second straight week. Derek Carr is playing the best ball of his career and the defense looks anywhere from competent to good. The Ravens paid the Raiders back for beating the Steelers by handing the Chiefs a loss and giving the Raiders a game lead in the AFCW. Week 2 couldn't have gone better, meanwhile in week 3 they hope to make Allegiant Stadium resemble Taiji Japan as much as possible to stay in first place in the AFC.
8.Cardinals+12-0Finally some poor kicking goes in favor of the Cardinals. Anyone check in on Zane Gonzalez recently? Still missing kicks in Carolina? Shame. Through 2 games, Kyler “I’ve never seen Star Wars” Murray has 740 all purpose yards, 9 TDs (7 passing, 2 rushing) and a 121.5 passer rating. Minus a few untimely interceptions and sacks, Murray has picked up from his 2020 pre-injury magic and looks to continue at Jacksonville this week in a 1st overall pick showdown with the newest kid in town.
9.49ers+12-0Although the 49ers RB issues have taken the headlines coming out of week 2, the O line has quietly played exceptionally well to start the season. The unit has only allowed 7 QB pressures over the first two weeks, lowest in the NFL. After the gritty win in Philly, the team flies home for a matchup with the Packers on Sunday night football.
10.Seahawks-61-1An absolutely brutal collapse has left all of Seattle lost.. The defense looked not good. Bobby Wagner had a franchise record 20 tackles and was the only presence felt on defense... aside from Alton Robinson, who forced a fumble on one of his 6 pass rushing snaps. It is time to #FreeAltonRobinson. Derrick Henry was able to do whatever he wanted in the second half. The only thing stopping AJ Brown was himself and the only thing stopping Julio was the refs. The offense looked like they picked up right where they left off for most of the game, but ultimately could not execute in the 4th quarter or overtime. Playing conservatively and not to lose continues to be a major struggle for Pete and the Seahawks. It is only week 2 and this team is too talented to fall apart.
11.Packers+31-1The Week 1 rust seems to be firmly shaken off against the Lions, with Aaron Rodgers looking like a defending MVP with some killer throws to down the Lions after a nervy first half. Despite the second half shutout, the Packers defense is still very much a work in progress, with most of the stops coming from Goff and Co. shooting themselves in the foot with penalties and unforced turnovers rather than actual pressure brought on by solid defense. The Zadarius Smith-less front 4 finally got a sack after 7 quarters of trying and Eric Stokes might have announced his position as a CB2 with a couple clutch PD's, but for most of the game the pass rush was non-existent and the linebackers left intermediate routes wide open for easy pickings. Luckily on the offense the O-Line had a much better performance, still maybe one too many sacks given up but Aaron Jones ran super well, and good play-calling from Lafluer allowed him to score four times. All around a solid game against a team that looks to be at the bottom of the league barrel, but improvements are still definitely needed to solidify their spot as a true contender.
12.Titans+51-1The Titans went into halftime having just given up a 48 second touchdown drive to the give the Seahawks a 15 point lead. At that point the Seahawks were 52-0 when gaining a 15 point lead at home. The Titans first half performance was reminiscent of week 1 against the Cardinals and nothing looked operational. The second half was a different game, behind Derrick Henry’s second half performance the Titans were able to out pace the Seahawks, bring the game to overtime and reply on Randy Bullock's leg to hand the Seahawks their first home opener loss since 2008. The Seahawks are now 52-1 at home with a 15 point lead.
13.Steelers-51-1The Raiders. It's just getting bizarre at this point playing against them. When TJ Watt went down, that was all she wrote. He was doing it all, pressuring Carr and working in the middle of the field as well. After that, Carr got into a groove and threw at will against the Steelers' defense. It wasn't all bad, though. Najee Harris took some serious steps forward and was a definite bright spot. Chase Claypool also had a better game, but Ben kept trying to exploit Trayvon Mullen while Mullen was having an even better game. Matt Canada needed to adjust away from that. It's a work in progress, but there were bright spots even in a loss.
14.Saints-91-1Up and down performances are to be expected with Jameis Winston at QB, but boy are they rough to watch. While the Saints were down on personnel both on the field and on the sidelines, those excuses should not be used to undermine the good performance of a Panthers unit which ruthlessly exploited all of those weaknesses. While there were positives in how the team responded in the second half it was too little too late.
15.Cowboys+11-1Just as everyone expected, Dallas outlasted the Chargers in a run-heavy, penalty-filled, low scoring game decided by the reliable, confident leg of Greg Zuerlein. Vegas took a wash on all the people who smashed the under. Side note: holy crap, Micah Parsons is impressive. Last week, he matched the most forced tight-window throws by a LB in the last five years. This week, he played his first game as an EDGE since high school and led the league in PRWR.
16.Panthers+82-0I have hope? I have hope! The Panthers are 2-0 for the first time since 2017 after taking and eating the Saints’ W. Sam Darnold is playing like an above average QB while the Panthers defense looks like some of the early John Fox-era defenses. Next up is the Texans.
17.Chargers-51-1Given how the Cowboys were able to match up with the defending champs, this game was an early litmus test for the 2021 Chargers. They failed, despite Dallas not performing as well as they did in Week 1. The offense was extremely sloppy, accounting for 10 of the team's 12 total penalties. Justin Herbert played a whale of a game, interceptions notwithstanding. The Chargers defense bent too much for comfort, allowing 198 yards on the ground. There will be no room for error at Arrowhead next weekend.
18.Patriots--1-1Love a low stress spanking of the Jets. While the Pats never really got it going on offense, especially in the red zone, the Jets total failure to show up to play never had the game in doubt. Of course they were not up against a functional unit but the Defense did what it was supposed to do, relieving the Jets new QB of the ball four times. Mac Jones didn't fuck it up is about as much as you can say, he had some good throws - his protection however needs work, the O-Line was probably the weakest point for the Pats this week. All in all, a bounce-back against the Jets was just what the Pats needed, starting 0-2 in the hole to the division would not have been fun. Next week is the Saints, lets get Mac and the backs some better protection and keep the defensive momentum up against Jameis and co.
19.Broncos+32-0Courtland Sutton, the QB Proof receiver, now has a QB. Defensive backfields across the league panicking. Is Teddy Bridgewater's play under pressure sustainable? Probably not. Especially when combined with the pressure he's sustained over the last two weeks. Still — enjoy it Broncos fans. This is the best QB play the Mile High city has had in a long time.
20.Washington FT-11-1Washington was gifted this win on a platter but tried their damndest to find a way and mess it up. They may have squeaked out a victory but big questions marks remain about their very much overhyped 'elite' defense and lack of any real pressure. Chase, not 'Catch' Young hasn't looked like his DROY self yet and the competition is only getting tougher from here on out.
21.Dolphins-81-1The Dolphins don't have a clue how to compete with the Bills. They don't even look like a football team when they play the Bills. The defense almost looked competent, but that doesn't matter if the offense gives the ball up over and over and over again!
22.Colts-10-2Early red zone blunders decided the game for the Colts. Their opening drive came all the way down to 4th and goal at the 1-yard line, only to fail to convert; and then when they had the ball at the Rams' 5-yard line with a chance to take the lead, Carson Wentz threw a spectacular shovel pass interception. Despite these mishaps, the team played competitively throughout, certainly a step ahead of last week's dire performance. Wentz was solid, but just as the Colts were getting the ball back with a chance to tie or win late in the fourth quarter, he was ruled out with injuries to both ankles. Yes, both ankles. Jacob Eason came in his stead and immediately threw a pick that sealed the game for the Rams. Had the Colts simply kicked a field goal in just one of those early red zone possessions (or, you know, gotten a touchdown), the game likely would've ended differently. While the team played better overall, Wentz's injury and Frank Reich's play-calling are going to be yet another hurdle they'll have to jump to get this season back on track before things get worse.
23.Eagles-31-16 consecutive plays run inside the 49ers 10 yard line which resulted in 0 points, including a botched attempt at the (in)famous Philly Special. Awful coaching leads to awful results, and it was evident from the first drive on Sunday. Worse yet, the schedule does not get easier from here, where the Eagles - on consecutive weeks - face the Cowboys on MNF, then the Chiefs, Panthers, Bucs, and Raiders.
24.Vikings+10-2The Vikings are 0-2 with a -4 point differential after an overtime fumble in enemy territory in week one and a missed 37-yard game-winning field goal in week 2.
25.Bears+11-1The Bears' defense responded to last week's embarrassment by forcing 4 turnovers - including intercepting 3 straight passes. They needed every one of those turnovers after Dalton went down early in the game with a knee injury and the offense stalled out. In the movies, Justin Fields would have come in and led the offense to several touchdowns on the way to permanently taking the Bears' starting job. Since this is real life, Fields looked like the rookie he is -- there were flashes of brilliance but also mistakes ranging from small to huge. Every mistake Fields make is an investment in his long-term future - and the Bears managed to still win the game, too, so that was a bonus!
26.Bengals-31-1Losing games they should have won has become the M.O. of the Zac Taylor era for the Bengals. The offensive game plan seemed questionable through three quarters. It seems like the team is unwilling to take deep shots down the field despite having very talented receivers. The middle of the offensive line has become a big concern as its evident Trey Hopkins is not yet back to 100%. If the coaches don't fix it soon, this team will not win very many games.
27.Texans+11-1For a moment, there was hope. And then like some suddenly punctured zeppelin it all came crashing down. Oh the humanity. Now Davis Mills takes the helm of this team that isn't sure if it's tanking or not, and we will all have to wait and see how the Texans play on a short week with a rookie QB on his first start. Expert analysis points to 'Outlook not so good'
28.Lions-10-2Jared Goff was surgical in the first half, cutting up the Packers outside the numbers for over 100 yards and two TD's. That's where the scoring stops for the Lions. After going into the half with a lead 17-14, the Packers rallied. Ultimately ending at 17-35, the Lions made waves with the first half alone. There are still obviously negatives on the team, but Ifeatu Melifonwu played well considering he's a rookie shadowing Davante Adams... until he left the contest with an injury. On to the Ravens.
29.Falcons--0-2Those damn dirty birds showed flashes of hope again. Down 10-28, a pumped up team came within three points on the road Raymond James. AJ Terrell concussed himself leaping ala Brent Grimes to deflect a Brady pass, Deion sacked Brady on a blitz, and Ridley made a diving catch in the end zone. Ryan played fired up, Cordarrelle played hungry, and Dean Pees gave a teaser of what this defense can be capable of. But facing Goliath means you can't let up for a single minute of sixty, and for most of the game Atlanta looked like they were struggling through Rock Tunnel with nothing but a worm light. Consistent inconsistency, weak trenches, and dumb mistakes have plagued this team for fifty plus years. Last Sunday was no different.
30.Giants--0-2Say it with me: We. Will. Not. Blame. The. Refs. The NY Giants had several chances to put the game away on Thursday night, and failed to do so each and every time. Sloppy execution seemed contagious for Big Blue, but Daniel Jones showed an immunity as he had one of the strongest performances of his career. In a year where everyone expected this offense to be bad (at least to start), it's troubling to see a defensive unit that was top-10 a year ago underperform to such a degree through 2 games. The Giants get a chance to right the ship on Sunday when they take on Atlanta at home.
31.Jets--0-2Most of the national attention will focus on Zach Wilson’s abysmal Week 2 performance, and rightly so, but there were some positives to take out of the first two games for the Jets. The defense has played well despite injuries to key players. In particular, the secondary has been better than expected with second year player and 5th round draft pick Bryce Hall looking like a legit starting corner early in his career. A long way to go on this rebuild but there are pieces in place.
32.Jaguars--0-2The Jaguars did something they haven't done since the Obama administration: returned a kickoff for a touchdown! The Jaguars also did something not done since the Bush administration: tied the longest streak of consecutive losses since the '07-'09 Lions (17). Stay tuned to find out next week if they exceed that number! If you don't feel like waiting, I'll be starting a new business that will scoop your eyes out with a melon baller this week.
submitted byNFLPowerRankerstonfl [link][comments]

2021.09.14 16:20 KonekoBotTue Sep 14 23:20:04 2021

🍀🍀 CLOV still on sale... Get on the ride now, cuz we going to 🚀🌙🤑🤑
KEYWORD : CLOV DATE : Tue Sep 14 12:09:16 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
Still here, with 4,880 Shares of CLOV.
KEYWORD : CLOV DATE : Tue Sep 14 12:04:12 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
Finally ! - CLOV is going to pull it's finger out of it's arse today I know it !
KEYWORD : CLOV DATE : Tue Sep 14 12:03:50 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
CLOV will close above $5 EOD baby
KEYWORD : CLOV DATE : Tue Sep 14 12:37:31 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
What you think is CLOV price at end of day?
KEYWORD : CLOV DATE : Tue Sep 14 12:13:44 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
CLOV is bull shit GME and AMC is the real deal. Long Ape
KEYWORD : CLOV DATE : Tue Sep 14 12:48:04 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
CLOV sucks - how did it become a meme?
KEYWORD : CLOV DATE : Tue Sep 14 12:44:01 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
My prediction is CLOV will flatline all day with 25 mil volume
KEYWORD : CLOV DATE : Tue Sep 14 12:44:31 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
CLOV Usually buying
KEYWORD : CLOV DATE : Tue Sep 14 12:55:16 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
Lol mods still bag holding CLOV I see 😂😂
KEYWORD : CLOV DATE : Tue Sep 14 12:55:31 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
All the shit talking with CLOV in the response.
KEYWORD : CLOV DATE : Tue Sep 14 12:43:15 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
Yeah show me your CLOV YOLO's asshole
KEYWORD : CLOV DATE : Tue Sep 14 12:29:47 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
So the solution is to buy short dated OTMs in a meme stock promoted by a four line DD from a desperate bagholder. I choose mine based on the number of times the word 'hedgies' is used in the post. Or just go to the CLOV sub.
KEYWORD : CLOV DATE : Mon Sep 13 23:22:10 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
CLOV is absolute gold compared to this!
KEYWORD : CLOV DATE : Tue Sep 14 08:45:30 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
I remember someone on this sub saying that CLOV had no real reason to pump or perform well long term. But I figured with the amount of attention this stonk gets that at least it would have done well short term.
KEYWORD : CLOV DATE : Tue Sep 14 01:12:39 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
I long CLOV at 8/share and did not sell a single share, CLOV will go up soon.
KEYWORD : CLOV DATE : Tue Sep 14 04:29:52 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
That’s why you don’t buy options. From the appearance of your break even it looks like CLOV started going up, you thought you would get rich (like all other wsb degenerates) and it went down and now you’re praying for a spike before expiry. When every one of you buys options every time it moves up, it doesn’t help move it up any.
KEYWORD : CLOV DATE : Tue Sep 14 01:15:49 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
I added more CLOV to my account today. Let's go CLOV.
KEYWORD : CLOV DATE : Tue Sep 14 05:19:39 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
This is only the tip of the iceberg. Wish there was a way to see everyone's loss on CLOV combined.
KEYWORD : CLOV DATE : Tue Sep 14 01:25:45 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
Apes...Buy shares! Better for you,for us,and worser for assholes HF. Sorry to say,but only buying options and no shares is pretty selfish against other apes. 135k € CLOV here 💎hands to moon✅
KEYWORD : CLOV DATE : Tue Sep 14 07:03:47 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
CLOV is the dickbutt of WSB
KEYWORD : CLOV DATE : Tue Sep 14 05:42:12 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
I’m holding CLOV too and want to scream.
KEYWORD : CLOV DATE : Tue Sep 14 02:49:36 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
Hahahahahaha CLOV gang hahaha
KEYWORD : CLOV DATE : Tue Sep 14 03:42:32 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
Wtf CLOV? It was down 3% when I checked it a hour ago and now it's up 1%? This ticker is cracked out.
KEYWORD : CLOV DATE : Mon Sep 13 15:07:59 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
CLOV man what the hell are you doing? last week i was picking out my new tesla. this week i may need to take out a 2nd mortgage to afford to pay my bills
KEYWORD : CLOV DATE : Mon Sep 13 19:08:21 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
' GME CLOV AMC ' Havent seen this before...
KEYWORD : CLOV DATE : Tue Sep 14 05:00:15 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
I hope CLOV keeps going up because that would mean I make more money than I would if CLOV goes down
KEYWORD : CLOV DATE : Mon Sep 13 15:11:20 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
what f happened to CLOV da moon is up, not down. to da moon CLOV!
KEYWORD : CLOV DATE : Tue Sep 14 04:19:26 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
CLOV is like inserting a rectal thermometer, it might feel weird at first, but then you either don’t mind it or you enjoy it.
KEYWORD : CLOV DATE : Mon Sep 13 16:46:33 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
I will donate CLOV profits to the Church of Latter Day Saints if hits $50 this week
KEYWORD : CLOV DATE : Mon Sep 13 13:50:30 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
CLOV reminds me of my high school girlfriend: not afraid to go down every day.
KEYWORD : CLOV DATE : Mon Sep 13 14:08:17 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
I just joined the CLOV bag holders association at 8.34(https://i.imgur.com/KHerLHW.jpg)
KEYWORD : CLOV DATE : Mon Sep 13 14:10:49 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
Come on CLOV, slow and steady
KEYWORD : CLOV DATE : Mon Sep 13 15:00:47 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
Timed the bottom perfectly on CLOV 😋
KEYWORD : CLOV DATE : Mon Sep 13 14:42:15 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
KEYWORD : CLOV DATE : Mon Sep 13 12:18:51 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
Good CLOV yolo time
KEYWORD : CLOV DATE : Mon Sep 13 13:39:46 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
So CLOV falls when GME and AMC falls, but ignores when they go up?
KEYWORD : CLOV DATE : Mon Sep 13 17:26:05 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
CLOV coming for ya
KEYWORD : CLOV DATE : Mon Sep 13 14:35:04 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
CLOV otw
KEYWORD : CLOV DATE : Mon Sep 13 14:31:58 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
KEYWORD : CLOV DATE : Mon Sep 13 14:39:26 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
In life, you should do what you CLOV.
KEYWORD : CLOV DATE : Mon Sep 13 12:15:52 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
CLOV forming the closepin spring!!
KEYWORD : CLOV DATE : Mon Sep 13 15:09:46 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
KEYWORD : CLOV DATE : Mon Sep 13 12:02:56 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
CLOV ——> 🌝 💎 🙌🏻 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀 💰💰💰💰💰
KEYWORD : CLOV DATE : Mon Sep 13 12:20:58 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
I am a CLOV bull I have 1500 shares and leaps but I think it might go back to 7s for more accumulation. This stock is highly manipulated. I think having at least 1000 shares will make someone a millionaire in 5-10 years. Like getting in early on TSLA
KEYWORD : CLOV DATE : Mon Sep 13 12:24:01 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
If I never make a single profit on CLOV who fucking cares. My knowledge of Clover Health just got me a job selling insurance..just have to get my insurance license 🤑
KEYWORD : CLOV DATE : Mon Sep 13 16:42:28 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
So CLOV going back to 9 today or what?
KEYWORD : CLOV DATE : Mon Sep 13 13:11:50 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
Unsure on if they’re going to short CLOV even more or if they were content to cash out their $9 puts. Probably going to give it a day or two to see what it does.
KEYWORD : CLOV DATE : Mon Sep 13 12:53:11 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
CLOV is a growth play. How many health care plans also offer up a pretty slick technology as well? When you play clover you get two for one. Look at United Health Group. over 400.00 per share. This will get to 50 in a very small amount of time. I'm guessing within 18 months.
KEYWORD : CLOV DATE : Mon Sep 13 12:26:31 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
I imagine bag holding GME is less stressful than bag holding CLOV. Can anyone confirm?
KEYWORD : CLOV DATE : Mon Sep 13 16:35:34 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
CLOV is up 1% on the month, there’s retarded and then there’s CLOV.
KEYWORD : CLOV DATE : Tue Sep 14 01:12:13 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
Of course CLOV closes red
KEYWORD : CLOV DATE : Mon Sep 13 23:40:15 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
CLOV pls fly again Edit: what’s that red circle on my guy
KEYWORD : CLOV DATE : Mon Sep 13 17:35:07 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
CLOV oh oh oh. Makes me cumm
KEYWORD : CLOV DATE : Mon Sep 13 16:41:05 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
Buy CLOV now because its low, soon a free lambo 🍀🚀👏🏻
KEYWORD : CLOV DATE : Mon Sep 13 17:59:57 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
Why does CLOV have to be included It just invites the shills
KEYWORD : CLOV DATE : Mon Sep 13 19:12:18 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
CLOV baggers i hope those bags become lighter and you guys moon!
KEYWORD : CLOV DATE : Mon Sep 13 16:43:08 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
KEYWORD : CLOV DATE : Mon Sep 13 16:00:45 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
The new generation of CLOV bag holders was predictable 🤡💼👜🧳💼👜
KEYWORD : CLOV DATE : Mon Sep 13 14:15:34 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
Why CLOV still here? Don’t downvote me I’m genuinely curious
KEYWORD : CLOV DATE : Mon Sep 13 14:04:38 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
Yo Gary Gensler, you lurking here? Please investigate Cowen for buying put options on CLOV and then releasing a $7 PT. Sniff sniff…. I smell market manipulation 🥴
KEYWORD : CLOV DATE : Tue Sep 14 04:54:09 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
AMC and GME holders argue like family. CLOV is sort of the energetic annoying kid on the bus that has to listen to us.
KEYWORD : CLOV DATE : Mon Sep 13 17:13:15 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
They can't even afford fractional shares of GME, why do you think they're in CLOV 🤣🤣🤣
KEYWORD : CLOV DATE : Mon Sep 13 15:54:13 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
Haha.. i am sure you would require healthcare from CLOV then!!
KEYWORD : CLOV DATE : Mon Sep 13 17:48:56 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
They'll start posting CLOV Yolos on the front page... That's their catalyst
KEYWORD : CLOV DATE : Mon Sep 13 12:33:34 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
Kinda true, but it depends, really. As we've seen a few times recently, you don't exactly need a fundamental catalyst. Sometimes it's catalyst enough if some apes push the price above the breaking point and actually manage to cause a short squeeze, which absolutely seems possible for CLOV rn. Personally, I'm in it for the long-term, but the possibility of it squeezing is just an added bonus.
KEYWORD : CLOV DATE : Mon Sep 13 13:34:51 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
Please don’t be nostalgic; CLOV will strive stronger than ever when we less expect it. Remember Tesla few years ago? We just have to be patient and keep buying and holding. Great fortune is awaiting who knows the virtue of being patient. This is a great company!
KEYWORD : CLOV DATE : Mon Sep 13 16:37:59 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
CLOV is the younger brother who gets bullied by the older brothers GME and AMC but ends up growing up to be the chad in the family.
KEYWORD : CLOV DATE : Mon Sep 13 17:42:24 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
My puts on CLOV are WORKING. proof on that 60%?
KEYWORD : CLOV DATE : Mon Sep 13 20:32:19 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
8 B for CLOV vs 800 B for United health group. Still, just because 2 companies exist in the same industry doesn't mean they're destined to be priced the same. I doubt OP has looked at P/E or balance sheets if they rely on prices to evaluate the stock lol
KEYWORD : CLOV DATE : Mon Sep 13 13:26:33 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
All this CLNE pump makes me feel nostalgic for those halcyon days in May, when cow data farts were on everyone's mind, and CLNE was the greatest short squeeze since CLOV. More innocent times. That being said, I like losing money, so time for more 9/17 10c. Even if it expires like a cow fart in the wind, it's more fun than a lottery ticket.
KEYWORD : CLOV DATE : Mon Sep 13 19:15:53 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
SPOT is down below 1$ CAD rn for no reason. Good time to load up
KEYWORD : SP DATE : Mon Sep 13 14:28:10 2021 SUBREDDIT : pennystocks
Based on the latest action and the competency of the management, I think the acquisition will happen and result in a pretty nice bump of 100-300% before settling back into its new levels. For perspective, TLSS acquired a company that did around 4 million in revenue in march and the SP double that day from 3-6 cents (it did come quickly back down). This is a 100 million dollar company
KEYWORD : SP DATE : Mon Sep 13 21:26:06 2021 SUBREDDIT : pennystocks
Man I traded this stock a couple of times. A couple of weeks ago I noticed it was in the 5s and I told a friend if it stayed below 6 I'd buy some again. Then it bumped so I grabbed some ANY. Now I'm stuck and ATNF is back below 6 and I want some but I don't want take the L on ANY and my other positions I've sold covered calls on don't expire until this Friday. I hope it stays in the 5s range... I love some ATNF at current SP.
KEYWORD : SP DATE : Mon Sep 13 01:43:45 2021 SUBREDDIT : pennystocks
Fed purchase of treasuries and MBS flooding the market with cash with most of it going directly into market causing the immediate correction you see each time it dips. If you compare SP growth over last nearly 2 years, it corespondent almost exactly to the feds balance sheet growth. TLRY: Fed asset purchase is elevating stocks.
KEYWORD : SP DATE : Mon Sep 13 18:21:25 2021 SUBREDDIT : StockMarket
Yup, trying to add as much as I can while it's still this low. I believe they have a bright future ahead. Eventhough I've heard speculations of 2022 SP at 10$, I'm hoping for 1-3$ next year. Lots of upcoming catalysts, so who knows. This is a long term play anyways.
KEYWORD : SP DATE : Mon Sep 13 14:49:52 2021 SUBREDDIT : StockMarket
SPX 100P furthest expiry
KEYWORD : SP DATE : Mon Sep 13 13:52:07 2021 SUBREDDIT : stocks
KEYWORD : SP DATE : Mon Sep 13 08:02:18 2021 SUBREDDIT : stocks
SPXL after a 20% drop in the S&P500
KEYWORD : SP DATE : Mon Sep 13 15:41:38 2021 SUBREDDIT : stocks
Theres a lot of overextended technicals, thats really it. People comparing a lot of charts that correlate inversely, SP vs VIX for example and also more advanced comparisons that I dont really get into
KEYWORD : SP DATE : Sun Sep 12 16:27:50 2021 SUBREDDIT : stocks
SPX doubled in a yr and everyone not bull blind knows that is fucking insane!
KEYWORD : SP DATE : Sun Sep 12 15:12:53 2021 SUBREDDIT : stocks
SPY up 15%, ARKK down 15%
KEYWORD : SP DATE : Mon Sep 13 17:05:34 2021 SUBREDDIT : stocks
SPY and VOO are the exact same just different fees. So trigger tax event is not ideal.
KEYWORD : SP DATE : Mon Sep 13 15:11:22 2021 SUBREDDIT : stocks
SPY as in S&P 500? That’s what google says at least. Another index fund, right? Similar to Vanguard?
KEYWORD : SP DATE : Mon Sep 13 01:09:33 2021 SUBREDDIT : stocks
SPX looks bearish af this morning
KEYWORD : SP DATE : Tue Sep 14 11:49:45 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
KEYWORD : SP DATE : Tue Sep 14 12:30:18 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
SPY never dies!!!
KEYWORD : SP DATE : Tue Sep 14 12:33:57 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
SPY calls? https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/2021/09/14/august-inflation/ tldr - i see spy!
KEYWORD : SP DATE : Tue Sep 14 12:40:28 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
SPY puts it is then!!
KEYWORD : SP DATE : Tue Sep 14 04:05:26 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
SPY 600 1/22, who says no?
KEYWORD : SP DATE : Tue Sep 14 04:08:22 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
SPY Weeklies. Just like the OG WSB days.
KEYWORD : SP DATE : Mon Sep 13 13:39:42 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
SPY has been my bank! Scalp options, take profits at end of day.
KEYWORD : SP DATE : Mon Sep 13 23:02:17 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
SPY puts
KEYWORD : SP DATE : Mon Sep 13 22:06:43 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
SPY and various other ETFs let you trade options until 4:15 pm.
KEYWORD : SP DATE : Tue Sep 14 00:10:02 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
SPY rebounds only when I decide to not take the risk
KEYWORD : SP DATE : Mon Sep 13 23:04:04 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
SPAC, look at last 5 days and see it spiked to $30+ then tanked to $17. Yea, that's gonna be a no from me, dawg. Good luck to all you squeeze chasing dipshits. I hope you get rich.
KEYWORD : SP DATE : Mon Sep 13 16:26:42 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
OTM Options become ITM as SP climbs and MMs have to keep delta and gamma hedging massive amounts of ITM options by continuing to purchase shares of the low float. Thus driving the price up and having further OTM strikes go ITM.
KEYWORD : SP DATE : Mon Sep 13 20:41:40 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
SPY crashed hard in the Zimbabwean Exchange - dropped 5 goats and 2.5 grains of rice in under 10 minutes.
KEYWORD : SP DATE : Tue Sep 14 09:46:09 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
SPY is trying to end my whole career
KEYWORD : SP DATE : Mon Sep 13 22:17:05 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
KEYWORD : SP DATE : Mon Sep 13 12:27:21 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
SPY up .69% pre market. NIIICE
KEYWORD : SP DATE : Mon Sep 13 13:13:43 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
SPY gonna end 1 cent in the red just so we have '6 red days in a row' lol
KEYWORD : SP DATE : Mon Sep 13 16:55:26 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
KEYWORD : SP DATE : Mon Sep 13 12:08:17 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
SPY gonna end up 0.01% just so they can say it was a green day lol.
KEYWORD : SP DATE : Mon Sep 13 19:42:53 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
SPy is taking a 6 day beating
KEYWORD : SP DATE : Mon Sep 13 16:04:23 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
SPY has not closed red 6 days in a row since the beginning of the pandemic in late February 2020. If we close red today it will be the first time since then. Interestingly, we still have not touched the 50-day or 200-day MA in this current drop, even though we've hit it many times in the last 2 years on shorter, more intense sell-offs. If only I were smart, I would know what this all means.
KEYWORD : SP DATE : Mon Sep 13 17:38:47 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
SPY is not going to be as forgiving to overnight call holders as it has been the past week. Goodluck Bulls
KEYWORD : SP DATE : Mon Sep 13 18:58:15 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
SPY is a tech company
KEYWORD : SP DATE : Mon Sep 13 19:17:16 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
SPY 456 eow
KEYWORD : SP DATE : Mon Sep 13 13:10:09 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
SPY totally slays the pussy, and by that I mean it kills a lot of cats.
KEYWORD : SP DATE : Mon Sep 13 13:53:39 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
SPY gonna bull trap all the way down to 440
KEYWORD : SP DATE : Mon Sep 13 15:46:40 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
SPY Bulltrap 13. September 🤡
KEYWORD : SP DATE : Mon Sep 13 17:56:03 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
SPY does not look good. More drop incoming.
KEYWORD : SP DATE : Mon Sep 13 18:17:22 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
SPY with the power hour kamaya-maya
KEYWORD : SP DATE : Mon Sep 13 19:30:39 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
Finish school, no reason not to. You won't make a lot more by not completing school. I've been trading for five years, took is serious 3 years ago and have been averaging $350k to $600k per year. I still work full time. Your smart dude or at least disciplined to hold for big gains. My concern is you've rocketed up out of no where. You've not hit many rough patches. And sometimes your not tested as a trader until your punches in the balls and see how you react. Like will you still keep the same strategy, etc? I can tell you from personal experience, that once you hit 1Mil plus cash in your trading account you will only need to take small moves to be successful. Also, I'd suggest leveling up your stocks to market makers (Apple, AMD, etc). I trade the same stocks everyday. I have a basket of 10 of them. I don't know any consistently profitable trader (5+ years)who trades meme, low float or penny stocks. I wish you all the best!
KEYWORD : AMD DATE : Tue Sep 14 00:19:03 2021 SUBREDDIT : Daytrading
Bingo! My dad actually did buy Apple back then and if he held onto it we’d be millionaires. Instead, he sold whenever he did and was able to pay off his mortgage and was able to leave his job which he hated and opened up his own practice which he loved until he sold it for more money. In 2017 I bought my first stock purchase of AMD at like $9. Sold at $13 feeling like a boss :) Gains are gains no matter what they could have turned into
KEYWORD : AMD DATE : Mon Sep 13 12:56:03 2021 SUBREDDIT : stocks
Intel is a big one with the rediculous hype NVIDIA and AMD get over it.
KEYWORD : AMD DATE : Tue Sep 14 05:24:53 2021 SUBREDDIT : stocks
Intel will continue to get hate until they turn things around. So far it’s just been disaster after disaster and AMD advancing by leaps and bounds ahead of them with their chips.
KEYWORD : AMD DATE : Tue Sep 14 09:05:43 2021 SUBREDDIT : stocks
They deserve some of that hype considering AMD is taking some market share and is far ahead of Intel in their tech. It won’t last forever, but for now Intel is getting its ass handed to it.
KEYWORD : AMD DATE : Tue Sep 14 09:03:28 2021 SUBREDDIT : stocks
Your analogy is slightly flawed. Intel is the like the runner who blew everyone else away at the start and has now stumbled repeatedly and everyone else is starting to catch up. They are still ahead, way ahead. I don’t mean with innovation etc as everyone likes to say they are way behind on that and that’s likely true. But revenue last few years of 70 Billion 71 Billion 77 billion for Intel and 6 Billion 6 Billion 9 Billion for AMD. Intel is waaaaay ahead even with their falls, and have a ton of money to throw at getting their tech back to the best.
KEYWORD : AMD DATE : Mon Sep 13 19:25:12 2021 SUBREDDIT : stocks
As shown in your list, AMD is a much better play for sure, where the downside is limited and the upside is not. Only AMD announces a buy-back plan recently. The insiders are apparently much more optimistic than the outsiders.
KEYWORD : AMD DATE : Sun Sep 12 15:29:45 2021 SUBREDDIT : stocks
AMD looks so solid and yet its stock is always underperforming compared to the other semiconductor stocks. I don't get it...
KEYWORD : AMD DATE : Sun Sep 12 15:43:17 2021 SUBREDDIT : stocks
AMD has the most room to grow
KEYWORD : AMD DATE : Mon Sep 13 00:50:07 2021 SUBREDDIT : stocks
TSM, AMD, NVDA, but MMAT is the slow burn sleeper
KEYWORD : AMD DATE : Mon Sep 13 01:06:11 2021 SUBREDDIT : stocks
At the current valuations I'd honestly say that AMD is a better pick than Nvidia. They're both gonna keep growing as long as the world continue to need more and more chips. However I also think ASML seems like a pretty solid choice. They basically have a monopoly when it comes to making the high end chip making machines if I understand the situation correctly. Considering the difficulty of that product category, I don't see much chance that they start facing serious competition any time soon, and they're also just gonna keep growing as the world continues to need more and better chips
KEYWORD : AMD DATE : Mon Sep 13 02:24:35 2021 SUBREDDIT : stocks
They're all pretty appealing tbh. But from that list, I'd say AMAT and AMD seem like good bets.
KEYWORD : AMD DATE : Mon Sep 13 06:26:36 2021 SUBREDDIT : stocks
Imo AMD has been doing very well lately.
KEYWORD : AMD DATE : Mon Sep 13 07:31:01 2021 SUBREDDIT : stocks
>y for sure, where the downside is limited and the upside is not. Only AMD announces a buy-back p really thought the same, but a buyback also signals limited investment opportunities which can limit growth. Which is why the stock dropped after the announcement.
KEYWORD : AMD DATE : Mon Sep 13 11:07:01 2021 SUBREDDIT : stocks
Yes, are more or less 5K, but I want to add about other 5K. So, this 5 companies must be all in the same sector, in my case semiconductor or do I have to change? For example I have to add to my 5K TSM other 5K in total of INTC, AMD, ASML, LAM? Or I must have 5 stocks of different sector? Warren buffet says don’t diversify too much
KEYWORD : AMD DATE : Sun Sep 12 20:40:06 2021 SUBREDDIT : stocks
Well in their current state I wouldn’t say they are undervalued. They are going to have declining revenues and earnings for the foreseeable future. No reason to pay a premium on that. If you believe in the blue sky scenario, then yeah they are incredibly undervalued. I just don’t see them delivering on their roadmap without hiccups; they never get things out on time. They will continue to lose market share across all their CPU lines for the next 2-3 years minimum. AMD is just now eating away at their server market share which will be pretty disastrous for intel since they have great margins. I think intel is an interesting turnaround play, but there still is downside risk.
KEYWORD : AMD DATE : Sun Sep 12 13:45:42 2021 SUBREDDIT : stocks
>declining revenues and earnings That are still more than whatever AMD + NVDA make put together lol
KEYWORD : AMD DATE : Sun Sep 12 14:45:36 2021 SUBREDDIT : stocks
I think they've set their targets more realistically now, their 7nm shrink was too ambitious given they were using DUV. Now all Fabs are using EUV from ASMR, and will likely stagnate, given none of the companies have moved to alien technology like graphene or cobalt. I had predicted AMD would catch up due to stagnation of processors, given electron leakage at such a small scale, now I believe Intel will do the same on the Fabs side. Given TSMC's valuation this would be very profitable for Intel. But its important to note that the 14nm/7nm/5nm/3nm scale is effectively meaningless at this point. Even Intels 14nm was a meaningless number, its effectively a marketing number now, similar to a 3600 or 5700XT.
KEYWORD : AMD DATE : Sun Sep 12 19:37:32 2021 SUBREDDIT : stocks
I’d would personally stay away from these companies except BABA, which I bought the dip on...at 220 smh lol. It’s actually a healthy company compared to the others. You could argue intel is healthy but there’s a reason NVDA and AMD command the P/E ratios they have they’re just innovating faster and more efficiently than intel.
KEYWORD : AMD DATE : Mon Sep 13 02:16:31 2021 SUBREDDIT : stocks
I hope I can rotate between INCT, AMD and NVDA for a the next few decades :D
KEYWORD : AMD DATE : Sun Sep 12 13:14:54 2021 SUBREDDIT : stocks
Maybe for business? On consumer laptops I consistently have noticed Lenovo/Thinkpad being better quality and lower prices in each category. Exception possibly for some newer Alienware laptops, in a break from tradition. Notably, Lenovo has been much more aggressive than most in business and consumer notebooks for AMD integrations when they started to be better than Intel offerings, with Dell being slowest to adopt.
KEYWORD : AMD DATE : Sun Sep 12 20:33:17 2021 SUBREDDIT : stocks
Intel’s market share says otherwise. They don’t have a lot to gain as they’re already dominant. As for AMD, sure they’re a competitor but the stocks are viewed entirely differently. AMD is a growth stock and Intel is a cyclical.
KEYWORD : AMD DATE : Sun Sep 12 16:22:34 2021 SUBREDDIT : stocks
submitted byKonekoBottoBizSMG [link][comments]

2021.09.13 16:30 NazbazOGRanking Contest Entries 16-1

Welcome to the final part!
16th:The Lying King By u/ChipperClegane [Theme: Anniversary Contest] Not enough words, shit was funny, wish there was more. (5th in Chipper's)
This was funny as mad. second funniest entry in the contests.
Also, bonus points for rightfully giving my comedy one the win.
15th:Oats In The Water By u/GreenBread01 [Theme: Tragedy] 1694 words (21st in Chipper's)
Tragedy, right? So let's drink alcohol to forget the tragedy. How basic.
I liked the transitioning of past time and present time.
It was a good story of Clem losing AJ. And what a decision to have Kenny come into the mix. Suitable. But, Chipper used Kenny in his one too. So... how dare you copy him?
14th:Goofball's Pet Dragon By u/CommunistPies [Theme: Desperation] 1213 words (50th)
This was a great story of a child having cancer and a mother wannabe going through losing 'her' child. I liked that the start was not the start, that was cool and done right, I feel.
13th:Insane Crazy or Crazy Insane? By u/NazbazOG [Theme: Insanity] 2987 words (26th)
Loved this title.
The reaction of Chipper to my win shows that my win was well deserved.
12th:Innocence By u/Super-Shenron [Theme: War] 4802 words (15th)
About time I read this! I heard some good shit about this, and bro, Shen, if I get disappointed...
Ok, this is betrayal, not war- I'm kidding relax lmao.
Lilly's excuse to justify her actions is something that may never ever even happen. People coming along raping and shit like what? I don't like this argument, 'If we don't do it someone else down the line will. So, let us do it!' Kinda thing. Lilly fully said 'ill-intentioned' because kidnapping is not ill-intentioned and to force you into fighting isn't either. 🤡
Okay, this is a bit... interesting? Lilly says she wants to see if the kids are worth welcoming into the 'family'. Yet she is blindly taking two kids from Ericsons. I guess just to see how they do... (because y'know, everyone from a community is the same) I still don't get why not just take all the kids from the get-go. Like, do the deal, and then, literally, scam them, and take Marlon and Brody. Boom. That's twice as many, and four fewer kids to defend the school. Then, try and find the school but even if they don't manage, mate, ya got 4 now. Anyway, Lilly be investing, a businesswoman.
But it sure af sounds like Lilly knows or can find Ericsons... so even more reason to actually do it.
Minerva was sleeping, whilst being captured before even day 1 was a thing. I guess day 0 is a thing here.
In just day 1 they could stay for a fucking week or a month. In just one day.
Either I'm misunderstanding which surely is the case, but it literally says 'Day 1' then follows to say 'How long has it been since they were kept in there? A week? A month?'
So day 0 is a thing, and a month can pass in just day 1. Sheesh, not gonna lie, if 30 days is just one day, brainwashing gotta be inevitable. (You know, probably clarify that's not counting the journey to the Delta...?)
We haven't got to the war part yet and we are halfway through... Is this bad? No! With a theme like this, you either have to go straight away into it, or right after it (impacts and shit) or what this is doing, building it up. Now... I just really hope, and I do have a doubt it will be this, but I really hope the battle isn't against Ericsons...
I bet Minerva is the type of person who can be controlled by money.
Okay, day 2 started. So far, I don't see the supernatural of this entry that people made it out to be. It got hyped... The writing is like how I expected it to be. Top class. It's obvious Shen's writing is beautifully good. But, I hear it gets better towards the end. And I like that.
Also, if this is how Minerva is being 'brainwashed'... damn that was easy lmao. Not even into day 2 and was all in for it. This 'can't even kill a walker' was a lie. She just didn't want to get her clothes dirty.
Okaaaayyy wait a minute. '2 weeks with them' Motherfucker what two weeks we are literally on day 2! Faam! Okay, maybe this time it is including the journey!
'some hot water is all it takes' I'm telling you. Minerva would be controlled by money.
'the adults in our school wouldn't let us' I guess they mean Marlon and Louis etc, as the adults. Because, what adults?
Like, shouldn't Lilly get alerted by this? You know... adults... Seems, how do I say this.... spicy? enticing? Interesting?
Okay... Surely the war is gonna come soon.... right? The war isn't just gonna be one paragraph... is it?
Minerva became a master gunwoman in just her second attempt. Not that she fully missed the first shot either.
Fam, my guy, she will no doubt be into killing humans soon. She easily without a single hesitation shot the walkers. This 'wouldn't even kill a walker' is just not to get herself dirty, I'm telling ya. It's a myth.
Day 7?! In what world does 7 come after 2? tf?
At least the writer knows 7-6=1.
A man beating up Sophie, how nice that he happens to not have a gun or a knife?
Oh, wait nvm he does have a knife. Ayyo, what type of plot armour is this!??!!??!?!
Someone tell Shenron that 'approched' isn't a word and 'approached' is the correct spelling.
The person who seems to be brainwashed here is... Lilly.
Lilly, you fucking genius. He literally said he has people who will come to fuck you in the ass. Fam wdym he has more people because of other reasons? The dude already told you he has more people. Stop trying to show off that you're this smart ducktective.
Okay, done with Innocence!
Got quite a bit to say. First, this was actually a great read and a great story. Am I disappointed? Kind of... I was expecting some serious war shit... but I didn't get that. But, that's not in any way faulting this story, it was just something I wanted to see. But, great that it wasn't against Ericsons at least lmao.
I feel Minerva... Idk... I didn't expect her to just do everything so easily. I thought she wouldn't want to and resist, hesitate in everything and whatnot. You know, apparently to how innocent she was but she took a gun with ease, shooting like she has aimbot, going into a fight with no problem, then watching the torture pretending to feel bad and then kill him. Sheesh. all in 8 days. Just 8. I feel like this happening would be cool (in canon) with some adjustments like time and whatnot. I get this is one shot and space is a problem.
For real though, this is one of the best stories I've read. Disappointed only because I thought this was some next-level supernatural one-shot that people made it out to be... but it was just a one-shot entry. Jeez y'all, relax. this is goated but feckin hell back your own shit too. Don't just give in, fucking fight. I will compete with Shenron this month, I know it ain't easy do I give a shit I ain't gonna give in. Man's still gonna do his shit (unless the theme fucking sucks - ayyo it doesn't! goated theme). gg though, Shenron, this was a great masterpiece.
11th:Here is a title not relevant to the post/them because I am butthurt that the theme isn't what I expected/wanted By u/NazbazOG [Theme: Comedy] Not enough words, it's so funny keep it going! (28th)
Funniest entry in the contests.
10th:The Tenth Month By u/kcheung91 [Theme: Tragedy] 2290 words (19th)
I haven't read this since October, but it still is one of my favourite endings to an entry. It's sad to see this guy long gone now.
Them man know the dates!
'I'll say hello to Larry in hell, then go back to heaven' What Chipper said.
This was a great Tragedy story
9th:Captured By u/ChipperClegane [Theme: Tragedy] 3484 words (3rd)
Ah, this iconic story! Which is still one of my favourites.
'Are you sure? Clementine asked?' So... what? Did Clementine ask? Why are we questioning the questioning? Like. what?
For real, Chipper. This woulda have been a better betrayal story than a tragedy one imo. Still, I remember the dilemma I had to face, scratching my head over and over on who to pick as a winner. It's like I gave it the exact same rating, and then have to pick one. Tragedy strictly wise, I'd choose his, because of the feeling. The whole feeling of the ending was a tragedy... but this one was betrayal, and all in moments. Whereas in kcheung's one, the feeling was there, and slower so it is like lasting longer (I suck at explaining). What I'm trying to say is fuck you but have a nice day.
8th:Wish It Wasn't You By u/mschneider1217 [Theme: Anniversary Contest] 6491 (11th)
Fecking goated.
7th:Nightmares By u/Ranvijay_Sidhu [Theme: War] 4170 words (13th)
'We're smart, he's not. We're smarter than all of them.' Goated reference! Good stuff!
'Great, just great another thing to add to her list of headaches' Had I been Chipper, I'd spend three months whining and crying and accusing you of intentionally copying my Desperation entry. But no, rather, I, Nazbaz, would like to thank you for reminding me of my desperation story.
'I like to think...' Clem smiled. 'If they were alive, they'd probably want to help you.' Another goated reference. I'm real impressed, Ranvi.
'She thought to herself.' Okay, I was just about to go not this shit again but, no. I'ma take this as another goated reference. Because, there is only one of it so far. Any more, and it isn't a reference anymore. But, atm it is. So good shit.
Right, big problems. This 3 year old AJ, who we all seen in the game, look at him, knows apparently what stealing is, able to speak, and able to stab a walker in the head. Ranvi, are you SKUNKED fam?
A rock being in someone's calf? I want y'all to confirm the realism of this. Is this a thing? Because I ain't too sure about this one, chief.
Okay, trust seems to be a topic here... So I don't trust this Bruce guy...
AND BOOM! Fully called it. I knew it. Bruce isn't to be trusted, and I knew he would turn on Clementine.
Holy shit! Another GOATED reference! Shane and Rick! This is the best reference ever. And this is the best story I've read from you, better than your revenge one!
This was really good, and I'm kinda surprised this didn't win lol People hyping up Shenron so much smh. Good shit, Ranvi. You have impressed me so much.
I think Shen's impeccable writing, is what eluded into his beating you. Also on the English part, which I try to give a lot of passes on. Shen' writing is unmatched, but I believe this was a better story, and more intriguing.
Bruce was well written, in my opinion. This story showed a great impact on young individuals because of wars, and the stuff they had to do in the wars. I really wanna say this was perfect.
6th:Siege By u/ChipperClegane [Theme: War] 5585 words (6th)
'We're not eating Rosie!' AJ shouted. 'Don't joke about that.' Man, shut the fuck up, kid.
'When Clementine crashed her car and threw a grenade at it' lmaooo. This just goes to show how dumb they think Clementine is.
'Clem, your up!' you're* dumbass.
'Maybe you should sing, then all the soldiers will shoot themselves.' AYOOOOOOOOO SOMEBODY APPLY COLD WATER TO BURNED AREA FAMMMMM VIOLET JUST GOT MURDERED FAMMMMMMM.
This plan of Clementine is actually... dumb. It's been days, clearly there is no herd coming. And if now they eventually outta nowhere come, that would be bullshit.
Gotta say though... Clementine is clearly the leader. Personally, I would obey the leader's decision, as the final decision. I may argue, to try and see if we can maybe have a decision be changed, but if not, I'll respect it. I'm loyal af, I'd stick with my leader till death. These people however... unloyal. Af. If I was there, I'd suggest some ideas or whatever but I sure as hell ain't leaving my people and leader especially behind. Unless... it's part of a plan...
This was a great idea but... not only is walkers showing up bullshit I'm actually incredibly confused at that ending. Until, Chipper explained it for me. Thanks! And with this, I know I said Ranvi shoulda won, but I actually never read this... until now. And now that I read this masterpiece, I believe Ranvi shoulda been second, but Chipper should've been first. This was a great war piece. Good job, Chipper.
Also, just read your reviews on this entry. What. The. Fuck?! The jokes in it was a criticism?! Okay, I didn't wanna have to say this but it is quite clear now... Chipper, you and I are rivals, but we gotta stand together against this racism. Or, jokeism. (kinda the same thing, both just as bad, if not, worse). So, I'll go forth and say it. Chipper, you have been absolutely fucking robbed. Zee was the host... I know you know this guy... because go back a few months back and you will see how this Zee tried to rob you of your deserving win. But, I was there to save it, and make sure justice is done. But... this time I wasn't there to judge. Zee took advantage of a fresh, new person judging, them not being a mod too, and said this is the time for revenge and successfully robbed the holy fuck out of you. Sheeeesh. This feels like how I got robbed in Sacrifice, or in Halloween - which was before you won anything, and Zee didn't see any reason to rob you, but saw reasons to rob me. Maybe I saved you, in revenge for his robbery against me? Anyway. This went on for quite a while. Fuck this corruption, even though you're corrupted yourself... but you werent racist about it. (Except a little in my comedy entry in the rankings of all entries). Anyway, riordrian, or riordian, Or ria- donkey, I am rather disappointed in you. And Zee... you are wrong for that one.
5th:Be Careful What You Wish For By u/ChipperClegane [Theme: Desperation] 2510 words (7th)
Last one left to read!
Someone tell Chipper that 'through' and 'threw' are two different words with two different meanings.
Lee taking two sticks so Clem doesnt take one... fucking goated. What a fucking Leegend.
I feel like, since Lee drew the longest and the shortest, the second shortest stick gets sacrif- hold on a minute... Sacrifice... yo, this is sacrifice themed not desp- I'm kidding. Rather, this reminds me of how I titled my desperation entry 'Sacrifice' and my sacrifice entry as 'desperation'.
I said this to like almost every entry, or it feels like it. But, this is easily one of my fav entries and stories. The first ever entry. What a goated story, and just like you Chipper, our first entry is our best.
4th:Sacrifice By u/NazbazOG [Theme: Desperation] 4384 words (24th - fuck off)
What a goated story, man. Easily one of my favourite stories, and my favourite one of my own. Truly a masterpiece, and something I can never repeat. This will forever be special to me. (Only to get robbed in the rankings, which fucking sucks.)
3rd:Bay For Blood By u/ameliadoesstuff [Theme: Revenge] 4054 words (10th)
Yeah, just as I remembered it. Still amazing as Naz.
This revenge story is so amazing, It is so believable for the feeling of revenge, and I feel like I could relate to this. This anger... I'm feeling it. Well written, well thought out, well done.
The journey totaling just two days? So is this day 7 now? It said Day 5 was the fateful day, so is it actually?
What. A. Story.
The revenge for her sister... Was stopped by the family bond. Family, the only thing that matters, as Sophie said. She went to get her, but her revenge was actually a turn of events, not her sister specifically, no, it was to the people who did this to them. The people who made Minerva betray her. So she turned on Lilly and co, still holding onto the hope her sister and her can go back home. Together. Forever.
One of the best stories I've read, and it really is a shame this didn't win a contest. It is worth winning any contest.
2nd:Enough To Kill For By u/Riordain2 [Theme: Revenge] 5008 words (9th)
Oh, we got to this masterpiece! The only entry I can recall right now that was focused on Molly. This was such a goated story from what I remember.
One part of contradiction in this story, is how Molly was locked up and not kicked out or executed. Since Crawford is all about survival and don't like extra mouths to feed, I doubt they'd want to take prisoners. Did they think they'll get Molly to move on and continue abiding by the rules? I mean she was technically guilty of breaking the rules too...
Really well tied to the canon story, and very well motivated by the theme.
My emotions were attached with Molly. This corruption, this bullshit, oppression, was enraging. And just like Amelia's one, it was sister bond involved. Except this one was for what they did to Molly's sister. Molly was so enraged with the feeling of revenge, she wanted to show no mercy. She wanted to stop this all. Not only for what they did to her sister... But so that no other sister out there would be oppressed like this.
Greatly written, very good story with clear motivation for revenge, is easily the best one shot to have entered a contest. Needless to say, but one of my all time favourite stories. Deservingly winning the contest, and I'm super glad that I was hosting this, and not competing against this. It would be a shame to lose so badly. And I believe, just like I cant outdo my desperation entry, I don't think you can outdo this one. There's no way. It's just too good.
1st:The Champion, u/ChipperClegane
Easily the champ. Won the most contests, and does well in practically anything. I am so happy to be able to compete with someone like this man. Thanks for some good time, brother. Keep doing your shit bro.
Both of us get robbed the most in this shit.
I hope we can continue this rivalry for many more months.

I'd like to apologise if I offended anyone with this, I know I offended xenon, my bad g. Loosen up a lil.
A reminder that this is mostly for comedic purposes and entertainment purposes. And if it wasn't funny or entertaining to you, you don't need to talk about it. Sheesh. Not all about you.
So I may have your entry take a hit if I feel it is better for comedy reasons.
Be sure to check out Chipper's one if you haven't already.
I have a poll coming out regarding this soon...
submitted byNazbazOGtoTWDGFanFic [link][comments]

2021.09.06 17:42 CanadianErkDub Check-In for Sept 6th, 2021 #14: Netflix rules the week;

Good morning, happy Monday! Another busy week as the Fall anime season looms, not a lot of dub-specific news unfortunately, but there is still lots to look forward to! Let's jump right into it.
Multiple and International Dubs:
  • Horimiya kicked off with Ep 1-6 on Thursday. Funimation
    • Spanish and Portuguese
  • WONDER EGG PRIORITY Ep 1-6 premiered on Thursday. Funimation
    • Spanish and Portuguese
English Only:
  • Vinland Saga S1 launched on Home Video, last Tuesday. Sentai Filmworks
  • Kageki Shojo!! raised the curtain last Saturday. Funimation
  • Pokémon Evolutions - a new 'Twilight Wings'-style series of shorts begins this Thursday on YouTube and Pokémon TV. It will release a new episode every two weeks, and focus on a different region each time - starting from Galar, and wrapping in December with Kanto. Check out the trailer! For more details, check out Pokémon.com!
    • To clear up any possible confusion - this is being dubbed. It's being distributed on English platforms - none of the prior undubbed shorts have been - and Pokemon has never officially made a simulcast / EN Subs, for any of their content.
  • Interest: A Shueisha Producer has spoken out against leaks. He claims that leaks make it harder for companies to assess how popular the IP will be, makes it more difficult to find investors and licensors, and harder to create 'screen adaptations' (anime). For more details on his perspective, Anime News Network has the story.
  • Anime News Network discusses the recent history of the 'Cool Japan' Fund, an initiative which has invested millions into Sentai Filmworks, and other initiatives to promote anime around the world, and whether their goals are misplaced. Learn more.
  • One Piece Mangaka Eiichiro Oda is once again promising that the story is in its 'final stage' - more details.
Upcoming Anime Announces (License Unconfirmed)
  • You Can Do It Dōki-chan premieres Sept 20th. AtelierPontdarc
  • Tesla Note premieres Oct 3rd. GAMBIT
  • The Moon, Laika, and Nosferatu premieres Oct 3rd. Arvo Animation
  • takt op. Destiny showed of its 'main visual' - premieres Oct 5th. MADHOUSE x MAPPA
  • Puraore! PRIDE OF ORANGE premieres Oct 6th. C2C
  • Banished From The Heroes' Party will premiere Oct 6th. Wolfsbane x Studio Flad
  • Dance Dance Danseur premieres in 2022.
  • Encouragement of Climb: Next Summit premieres in 2022. 8-Bit
  • Under Ninja is receiving a TV anime adaptation. More details tba.
  • Simulcast Update:
    • Lupin III Part 6 released a new key visual, and more plot details. It premieres on Oct 9th. Learn more.
  • To Your Eternity Season 2 has been announced, and released a new image. It is scheduled to premiere in Fall 2022.
    • Note: CR license not confirmed, but 99% guaranteed - the main thing is whether CR is still actually around by then.
  • Simulcast Updates:
    • 86: EIGHTY SIX Part 2 has a new key visual - it premieres Oct 2nd. A-1 Pictures
    • The Night Beyond the Tricornered Window premieres Oct 3rd. Zero-G
    • World End's Harem kicks off Oct 8th. Studio Gokumi x AXsiZ
    • Orient premieres January 2022. ACGT
  • Standard and Collectors Editions for Evangelion's return to home video (it has been out of print for over a decade) have been announced. The 'classic' dub and sub is only available on the Collector's and Ultimate Editions.
  • GKIDS is handling North American release - Standard edition releases on Nov 9th, while Collector's Edition is Dec 8th. Digital purchases for the series open up Nov 2nd. Learn more.
  • Anime Limited/All The Anime is handling UK/IR Release. Both release Dec 6th. The Collector's Edition is exclusive to Zavvi, and the announcement gave some more clarity about what the Standard Edition includes, which is expected to be near-identical to the US version in bonus features. No information about digital availability has been announced for the UK/IR. Learn more.
  • AoA has licensed 'Build Divide -#00000 (Code Black)' - an original card fighting anime! We haven't had one of those in awhile! Check out the key visual. It premieres this October, and the second season/half premieres in April 2022.
    • Streaming home is tba, and dub is unconfirmed. To learn more, check out the official EN website.
    • Studio: LIDEN FILMS (Tokyo Revengers, Suppose a Kid from the Last Dungeon Boonies movied to a starter town?)
  • Demon Slayer Season 2 (Entertainment District Arc) has been confirmed to have 2 Cours,and be premiering this Fall. It was previously only announced for 2021, leading some to speculate it would be scheduled like Attack on Titan S4 Part 1, or be delayed to 2022.
    • It will also apparently air unedited in Japan - whether that will be applied to the simulcast is unannounced.
    • So far, only Funimation has announced it will stream this season - making it likely this is a TPN S2 situation, where they will be its exclusive home, but that is unconfirmed.
  • Moriarty the Patriot is receiving a 2 ep anime-original OVA - license unconfirmed, but expected to be an easy license for Funi. More details.
Catalog Additions:
  • More Gundam titles are joining the Funi catalog tomorrow, across all its English-majority territories. Release date for LATAM is TBA.
  • ICYMI: One Piece S11 Voyage 8 - 720-732 joins the Funi catalog tomorrow.
  • UK/IR: Funi is adding 34 different titles - over 700 episodes - most with dub options available. Full list available here.
Simulcast Updates:
  • Science SARU's next project has JUST been announced - and is directed by KyoAni alum Naoko Yamada! The Heike Story begins its simulcast a full ~3 months ahead of Japanese broadcast, on Sept 15th.
  • Mieruko-chan has been licensed by Funimation - it premieres Oct 3rd. Passione
    • 'Tt follows Miko as she tries to balance her school life with her newly acquired sense—noticing horrifying monsters all around her.' Learn more.
  • Taisho Otome Fairy Tale, already announced by Funi, has revealed that it premieres Oct 8th. SynergySP
  • Selection Project premieres this Fall on Funimation. Doga Kobo
  • Fuuto Pi, a Karmen Rider sequel project, revealed two new images and staff members. Premieres Summer 2022. Studio KAI
  • New Release Dates!
    • The Seven Deadly Sins: Cursed By Light film will premiere Oct 1st - just over a week after the second half of the final season!
    • Baki Hanma, previously releasing on an unknown September date, will arrive Sept 30th.
    • Scissor Seven Season 3 arrives Oct 3rd. A behind the scenes video of the EN Dub from last fall is available here.
  • New Project Announcement! Netflix has announced 'Lady Napoleon', their newest original anime announce. The project was first announced to be in the works in Feb 2020 - all we knew was that it was a Netflix project, and they were working with mangaka Shin Kibayashi on the story.
    • Description: ' The action fantasy anime will center on Sophie, a descendant of Napoleon and the leader of the Lady Napoleon organization bent on world domination. Napoleon once had three sacred treasures and Sophie, her jack-of-all-trades butler (named Butler), and the martial artist master Guy search the world for these lost treasures.'
    • Zero-G (High-Rise Invasion; My Roomate is a Cat) is animating the project. It's a worldwide Netflix exclusive, and will have 13 episodes. Release details TBA. More Info.
  • Kuroko's Basketball S3 was scheduled to arrive last week. For some reason, its dub hasn't yet. Unfortunate, but we'll have to wait and see
Upcoming Titles:
  • Pokémon Master Journeys: The Series Part 1 (US Only) Fri Sept 10th - Trailer.
  • Bakugan: Geogan Rising (Part 2 - 13 Episodes) Wed Sept 15th
  • The Seven Deadly Sins: Dragon's Judgement Part 2 Thurs Sept 23rd
  • Baki Hanma Wed Sept 30th
  • The Seven Deadly Sins: Cursed By Light (Film) Fri Oct 1st
  • Scissor Seven Season 3 Sun Oct 3rd - Behind the Scenes.
  • Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: Stone Ocean December 2021 - Key Visual
  • 'Thermae Romae Novae', 'Vampire in the Garden' and 'Super Crooks' are currently still slated for 2021 - subject to change.
  • Incomplete list of upcoming original anime on Netflix.
submitted byCanadianErktoAnimedubs [link][comments]

2021.09.05 15:00 AutoModerator[59 Teams in 59 Days] Ferris State University Bulldogs

Ferris State University

Central Collegiate Hockey Association (1979-2013,2021-Present)
Western Collegiate Hockey Association (2013-2021)
Founded: 1884
Location: Big Rapids, MI
Attendance: 14,707
Nickname: Bulldogs. The school newspaper named the team Ferrisites, and the Big Rapids Pioneer called them the Spartans. It wasn’t until 1931 that the name Bulldogs was used to describe the school’s basketball team. “…He asked what would happen if an irresistible force met an immovable object, then said that [basketball coach William T.] McElwain believed the question might be solved when the ‘irresistible Central State Teachers College Bearcats met Ferris immovable Bulldogs.’ He went on, ‘…it is discovered that the name (Bulldogs) has been applied to them because of their demonstrated ability to hang on to their men and never let go…’”
Mascot:Brutus. Their large bulldog spends the game wandering the arena entertaining the kids or messing with the students in the Dawg Pound. During the second intermission, he typically takes a sled on the ice, skates from the red line to the blue line and attempts to “score a goal”. BONUS!Pre Makeover Brutus!NSFL
Unofficial Mascot:Monkey Man. The Monkey Man has spent the past few seasons dressing up in a monkey suit to cheer on the Bulldogs and harass the opponents during warm ups and the games. The most fun is during pregame stretching. The building is so small, the only place to get the entire team together to stretch is on the concourse (usually a little after 2 hours to game time, so the only fans in the building are students waiting to get in the Dawg Pound), so Mr. Monkey Man likes to heckle everybody except Bowling Green, who has invited him to join on a few occasions.
Band: Ferris State Pep Band. The band is not well received by students (per fans in 2015). They play songs at wildly inappropriate times (i.e. playing Tequila immediately after a goal against or playing something as fans are attempting to salute a player recovering from a serious injury), and have a habit of walking in front of everybody during play. It's nice to have a band at a college game. Fans just wish they would work with them a little better.
Fight Song:
Cheer those Bulldogs,
Watch them fight.
Boost those Bulldogs,
They’re alright.
We’ll stand by the Crimson and Gold,
Fight, Fight, Fight!
Bulldogs of Ferris,
Cheer that Bulldog Varsity,
Steer that team to Victory.
Fight you Ferris Bulldogs and gain another victory.
Fight! Fight! Fight!
Fight for the Ferris Crimson and the Gold.
Note Nobody sings the song, except the part where you say “WOO!”
Arena:Robert L. Ewigleben Ice Arena. Opened 1976. Capacity: 2,493. Named for the former school president who is responsible for getting the program to jump from ACHA to NCAA Division 1. The rink is part of the Ewigleben Sports Complex which includes the D1 rink, a small half sheet used for 3 on 3 games and youth practices, Wink Arena (basketball) and a volleyball court.
Student Section: Dawg Pound. Known for being one of the top student sections in college hockey [Citation Needed], the Dawg Pound is both rowdy and ruthless, especially when it comes to the opponents goalie. There are typically 2 white boards floating around the section with witty, funny or downright obscene phrases or drawings, often drawing laughs from opposing players during warm ups. Because it is a general admission student section it's normal to see students lined up at the doors as early as an hour and a half before the doors open. The doors open at 6 and the first three rows are typically full by 6:05.
First Season: 1979-80 (CCHA) 26-11-1
All Time Record: 563-628-129
Championships: 0
Frozen Four Appearances: 1 (2012)
Tournament Appearances: 4- 2003 (Lost Midwest Regional Final to Minnesota), 2012 (Lost National Championship to Boston College DAMN YOU JONNY GAUDREAU!), 2014 (Lost Midwest Regional Final to North Dakota), 2016 (Lost West Regional Semifinal to St. Cloud State)
Conference Titles: 2016 (WCHA)
Western Michigan University. This is simply a geographic rivalry. Being just 2 hours north of Kalamazoo, Ferris and Western battled for supremacy of Western Michigan. Our most memorable moment is a game from 2013 that involved a line brawl, a goalie challenging his counterpart to a fight (Frank Slubowski didn’t answer the call, if you were wondering), a last minute tying goal and a shootout win for the Bulldogs!
Minnesota State University. Coming out of the realignment of the WCHA, Minnesota State and Ferris have had a handful of very tight and physical games, one involving a full line brawl featuring goaltenders, and met twice in the Final Five.
Uniform HistoryNote Ferris State’s hockey is not well documented on the internet, so the dates are estimated based on my memory of the team photos hanging in the rink.
2020-21 Season: 1-23-1
Coach: Bob Daniels (1992- Present) 462-538-107
2020-21 Roster:
Captain: Liam MacDougall, F, Sr
Leading Scorer: Coale Norris, Sr, F 8-9-17
Leading Goal Scorer: Coale Norris, Sr, F
Big Moments:
Jan 16 vs. Trine - Ferris's lone win last season came vs Trine, a DIII school from Angola, Indiana. A 7-0 Victory sent Bulldog fans home happy, avoiding a winless season, albeit it was against a DIII team. Ferris State junior forward Ethan Stewart potted a pair of goals with an assist for three points, while junior goaltender Roni Salmenkangas made 12 stops for his second collegiate shutout.
Feb 5 vs. #18 Bemidji State - Ferris takes down a ranked Bemidji team in a shootout. A back and forth game in which Ferris took a lead midway through the second only give up a game tieing goal at the end of the period. Ferris Goaltender Logan Stein would save all 3 of Bemidji's shots in the shootout. Earning a much deserved point against an eventual NCAA Tournament Regional Finalist.
2020-21 Summary
It was bad. Very very bad. With no wins vs. a D1 opponent it was a season to forget for Bulldog fans. A win vs Trine and SO win vs Bemidji being the likely only bright spot in deep, dark, dismal basement of the WCHA.
2021-22 Season
Draftees None
Key Games
Oct. 8-9 Home and Home against old rivals Western Michigan University
Oct. 22-23 At. Saint Thomas - First vs the Tommies and First game for ferris in the new CCHA
Nov. 5-6 Home vs Minnesota State
Players To Watch
2021-22 Roster currently Not Available
Greatest Players:
Chris Kunitz (1999-2003): 152 GP 99 G 76 A 175 Pts, Hobey Baker Finalist (2003). NHL: Anaheim Ducks (2003-09), Pittsburgh Penguins (2009-Present) 733 GP 224 G 287 A 511 PTS, Stanley Cup Champion (2007, 2009) First Team All Star (2013). International: Team Canada- Olympic Gold Medalist (2014), World Championship Silver Medalist (2008)
Kunitz is undoubtedly the greatest player the school ever had both during his days at Ferris and in his professional career. He made an instant splash for the team when he scored 20 goals during his freshman year. After two more great seasons that saw him put up 29 and 38 points, Kunitz was ready to make a name for himself on the national stage. The 2002-03 season was historic for the Bulldogs, and much of that is due to Chris Kunitz's play. He smashed school records by scoring 35 goals, 44 assits and 79 points in 42 games. The team would end up winning 30 games and making its first trip to the NCAA tournament. The following season, he was signed by the Mighty Ducks of Anaheim, where he would split time between the NHL and AHL for a few seasons before scoring 25 goals for the Ducks en route to their first ever Stanley Cup. Two years later, he was traded to Pittsburgh where he would win his second Cup. 2013-14 proved to be his best NHL campaign as he tallied 35 goals and 33 assists and earned a spot on the Canadian Olympic team that would bring home Gold.
Zach Redmond (2007-11): 141 GP 22 G 68 A 90 PTS. NHL: Atlanta Thrashers Draft Pick (2008. Rd 7 184 Overall) Winnipeg Jets (2012-14) 18 GP 2 G 5 A 7 Pts, Colorado Avalanche (2014-Present) 59 GP 5 G 15 A 20 PTS. International: Team USA- World Championship Bronze Medalist (2015)
Atlanta Thrashers draft pick Zach Redmond led the Bulldogs from the blueline for four years. He put up career highs in assists and points during his junior year with 6 goals, 21 assists and 27 points. He was on pace to surpass those during his senior year, however, injuries limited him to just 26 games where he tallied 7 goals, 13 assists and 20 points. Redmond spent the 2011-12 season with the St. John's Ice Caps of the AHL. Due to the NHL lockout, he remained there to start the following season as well. When the NHL resumed, Redmond was called up the the Winnipeg Jets where his career was nearly ended. During a practice, Redmond took a teammates skate to the thigh, cutting his femoral artery leaving him with a nasty scar. Redmond would recover and return the next season where he played 10 more games in the NHL. In the Summer of 2014, he signed with the Colorado Avalanche. Redmond was selected to play for Team USA in the 2015 World Championships where he took home Bronze.
CJ Motte (2011-15): 127 GP 66-49, H. AHL: Bridgeport Sound Tigers (2015): 4 GP 1-2-1, Rochester Americans (2015-Present)
CJ Motte, nicknamed Dexter by a small group of fans, split time with senior Taylor Nelson during his freshman year, the brilliant 2011-12 season that saw Ferris State run all the way the the National Championship game. After Nelson graduated, CJ became the obvious choice to be the starting goaltender. Motte hit a bit of a sophomore slump in 2012-13, as he was good but nothing spactacular and finished with a .500 record and 5th in the CCHA. 2013-14, however was an entirely different story. The season started with Motte and sophomore Charles Williams alternating the first 4 games of the season. CJ won both of his starts and took over for the rest of the season, and what a season it was. Motte was 28-9-3 and was absolutely unbeatable at home. His play earned him a Hobey Baker nomination and he finished as a Top 10 finalist. Motte would shut out Colgate in the first round of the NCAA tournament before allowing only 2 goals in 5 periods to North Dakota in the regional final. His play as a junior earned him the Captain's 'C' for his senior year where he would continue his stellar play. This time, however, the team wasn't able to back him up, so he finished 18-20-2 despite posting career highs for GAA and SV%. Motte left college and immediately signed with the AHL's Bridgeport Sound Tigers where he won his first start. This summer, CJ Motte signed another AHL deal with the Rochester Americans.
Best Coach:
Bob Daniels- 1992-Present- 462-538-107. 2x CCHA Coach of the Year (2003, 2012), 2012 Spencer Penrose Award (Top Coach in NCAA as voted by American Hockey Coaches Association), 2014 WCHA Coach of the Year
Greatest Games:
2012 Midwest Regional Final: Cornell vs Ferris State 2-1 Win- 5 minute penalty kill and a goal immediately at the end of the penalty propelled Ferris to a 2-1 win and a trip to Tampa for their first ever Frozen Four!
2012 Frozen Four: Union vs Ferris State 3-1 Win- A late goal by junior Kyle Bonis ended up being the game winner and Ferris State moved on to the National Championship Game vs. Boston College
2013 Western Michigan vs. Ferris State 3-2 Win SO- We fought, We won.
2014 WCHA Playoffs Round 1, Game 2: Bemidji State @ Ferris State 3-2 Win 2OT- Captain Scott Czarnowczan scored on a strange, fluttering shot to send Ferris to the WCHA Final Five
2014 Midwest Regional Semifinal: Colgate vs. Ferris State 1-0 Win- In the 4th matchup of the season against the Raiders (who had won 2 of the 3 games with shutouts), it took freshman Gerald Mayhew batting a puck out of the air to beat goaltender Charlie Finn and Colgate 1-0
2014 Midwest Regional Final: North Dakota vs. Ferris State 2-1 Loss 2OT- Despite being the #2 seed in the region, Ferris came into this game as slight underdogs against the powerful University of North Dakota. The Ferris State onslaught was repeatedly turned aside by goaltender Zane McIntyre (then Zane Gothberg), who stole the show by making 43 saves in the 2OT win.
2015 WCHA Playoffs Round 1, Game 2: Bemidji State vs. Ferris State 3-2 Win 3OT- Ryan Lowney ends the longest game in school history to send the Bulldogs back to the Final Five for the second straight year
Just before game time: “I! I believe! I believe that! I believe that we will win! I believe that we will win!...”
Before opening faceoff: “Drooooop It! Drooooop It! Drooooop It! Thank You Asshole!”
Ferris Powerplay:
Leader: Ice cold beer!
Students: Makes you wanna cheer!
L: Ice cold wine!
S: Makes you feel fine!
L: Ice cold whiskey!
S: Makes you feel frisky!
L: Ice cold puck!
Goalie plays puck behind net: L: Know your role! S: Stay in your hole!
City: Big Rapids, MI
Population: 10,517 (2013)
History: Big Rapids Industrial School was founded in 1884 by Woodbridge N. Ferris. A year later, the name was changed to Ferris Industrial School and later Ferris Institute. 1893 was an incredibly significant year for the school. A young student asked Mr. Ferris to train him for a career as a pharmacist. He did, and state officials were so impressed with how well he did on the state board exam, Ferris was encouraged to establish a full time pharmacy program, which remains the most well known program at Ferris State. In 1898, the school made the change from private to a public school. In 1949, the State of Michigan purchased the school and it was again renamed Ferris State College. Before the state could take control, however, a fire broke out destroying all but three buildings (Alumni Building, Old Main and Prakken) which are all haunted. In 1963, the name was changed from Ferris Institute to Ferris State College. In 1987, the FSC became Ferris State University. The Bulldogs' magical run in the 2012 NCAA tournament proved to be quite huge for the school as well. The National Championship appearance was immediately followed by record enrollment over the next 3 years.
Local Dining
Crankers Brewery- Great food, and open into the wee hours of the morning, so pretty much all you can ask for in a college town
Schuberg’s- Old school bar in downtown Big Rapids with some fantastic burgers
Other Sports:
Hockey is the school’s only Division 1 sport and the most successful sport. Football went undefeated through the regular season and into the 2nd round of the playoffs. Ferris also haven’t lost to Grand Valley State since 2011, which isn’t really relevant except it pisses them off something fierce since it’s the only sport they care about and they still can’t beat us. Basketball and volleyball also came home with GLIAC titles.
If you’re ever in Big Rapids, The Wildlife Center is also a fun time. If you’ve ever wanted to go nose to nose with a huge stuffed giraffe (we all know you do!), this is the place to do it. Most importantly, if you happen to be in town in January of February, grab your skates and a stick and get in on a pickup game at Hemlock Park! Nothing beats outdoor hockey under flood lights with the snow falling!
Ferris State University is has over 150 programs divided into 7 colleges.
College of Arts and Sciences
College of Business
College of Education and Human Services
College of Engineering Technology
College of Health Professions
Michigan College of Optometry
College of Pharmacy.
The Optometry and Pharmacy programs are very prestigious and considered by many to be the best in the nation. These are the programs that are typically brought up when discussing Ferris State, but they are not the only highly touted programs.
Notable Alumni:
If you wear glasses or have had eye surgery, A Ferris State alum most likely played a big role in correcting your eyesight.
Red Wings Head Coach Jeff Blashill
Woodbridge N. Ferris. Ok, so he's not exactly an alum, but he founded the school so it kinda fits. After founding the school in 1884, Mr. Ferris went on to serve as Governor of Michigan from 1913-1917. After that, he went on to Washington to serve as one of Michigan's senators from 1923 until his death in 1928. Plus, he has an awesome name.
Also awsears25
What’s Next?
Good News for Ferris they will definitely not be in the basement of the WCHA As it is dead . Ferris looks to get off to a good start in the new CCHA, as coach Bob Daniels enters his 30th season at the helm. The Bulldogs hope to turn their fortune around and improve their record, and hopefully get a win vs a D1 program this season.
Let’s Go Dawgs!
Relevant Subreddits/FerrisStateUniversity
Contributors: redsoxfan2194 adapt and updated from awsears25
submitted byAutoModeratortocollegehockey [link][comments]

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2021.09.04 22:54 AnthropolyI made a tier list ranking every Raptors uniform in history from my least favorite to best.

I'm tired of reading some dude proposing trading OG for Simmons and another 80 guys saying no to it every other day.
So I put in a concerning amount of effort into ranking the worst to best Raptors jerseys in franchise history that I know of. Please let me know if I missed any, and I'll update accordingly.
Factors I have considered in this list include: how they look with shorts, the designs of the back, as well as their place and what they represented in Raptors history.

Scroll to the bottom to see the overall tier list.

31) 08-12 St Patrick's Day

Raptor Fans: Mom, can we get a team like the Celtics?
Raptors: But we already have Celtics at home.
Celtics at home:

Leafs fans love their team's St Patty's uniforms, for good reason, theirs are dope and were an original team name.
Ours however conveyed an insecure identity. We didn't really have an identity at this time, and therefore didn't have fans who go out of their way to buy Raps jerseys.
Boston was a league powerhouse (also winning the chip) around this time, so it kinda felt like these were management's way to tricking old people into seeing the 'Celtics' and using St Patty's day as an excuse.
Green has no place in Raptors history.
Well, except for Danny Green. Miss u bb.
Player I think of wearing these: Chris Bosh
30)2007 NBA Europe Live Italian:format(webp):no_upscale()/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_asset/file/19324149/77212853.jpg.jpg)

These were weird, man.
We were in that stage where we had to pander to international fans because we weren't good or popular enough in North America. So we ended up customizing our jerseys to their national colors.
We just drafted Bargnani, the NBA wanted to globally expand their fanbase, yeah I get that. Still weird.
Shoutouts to any Italians who still follow the Raptors because of these though.
Player I think of wearing these: Andrea Bargnani
29)2007 NBA Europe Live Spanish

Continuing the insecure identity phase, we have the Spanish variants.
As you can tell, Carter leaving Toronto had the Raptors down bad.
Jose Calderon is from Spain. The Raptors are playing in Spain. Let's make our jerseys look like their flag colors. Genius.
These three jerseys listed so far represent the downright sadness the Raptors had been reduced to at this time.
I will say red and bright yellow go nicely together so there's that. The Rockets pull off the look well.
Player I think of wearing these: Jose Calderon
28)2012 Canadian Forces Night

Military worshipping in sports continues to be the weirdest phenomenon to me. If you disagree with that, your opinion is wrong and it sucks.
Besides, what's the point in buying a jersey you can't even see? So dumb.
Player I think of wearing these: Amir Johnson
27)14-15 Canadian Armed Forces

The same thing. With sleeves.
Contrary to how sleeved jerseys are usually received, the sleeves in this case *improved* the camo uniform somehow. Maybe it was the black shooting sleeves giving a more tactical look, still odd-looking overall.
I feel sorry for Spurs fans.
Player I think of wearing these: Terrence Ross
26)06-15 Home White

The primary jersey I watched the Raptors play in the ACC when I first started following them. The remarkable thing about these were how largely unremarkable they were. The numbers, font, colors mashed together, all of it was boring.
Additional points subtracted for the 20th anniversary patches looking like some kind of WWE PayPerView promo.
Player I think of wearing these: Jose Calderon
25)06-15 Away Red

The Raptors are based in Toronto. Toronto is in Canada. Raptors are from Canada. Canada Raptors in case this rebranded jersey didn't tell you that enough.
The red pops more, and that's why this uniform has the edge over its white counterpart.
Player I think of wearing these: Chris Bosh
24)99-06 Home White

Not the ugliest jersey, but far from the best.
This was the forgettable jersey out of all the cool retro Raptors jerseys.
I'd even argue that this is the most romanticized jersey in franchise history. It doesn't have the charm that the dino and pinstripes had, yet represents the inspiration for the ugly font and numbers of the 99-15 jerseys.
Player I think of wearing these: Morris Peterson
23)20-21 Earned Edition

The chevron exhaustion is real.
Only for this one, our players look like landing strip signals instead of the usual street road signals.
The redeeming things about this uniform are that the shorts design compliment the jersey in a unique way, the 'T' at the apex of the word logo is cool and the purple front-black back is a subtle nod to the 99-06 purple away uniforms, so for that I'll call this the best of the worst jerseys in Raptors history.
Player I think of wearing these: Pascal Siakam
22)20-21 Association Edition
This one feels like it represents the current state of the Raptors in general; Mediocre, but I still see hope to look forward past this phase.
Something about the black trim around the letters and numbers, but not around the neck/arm holes bother me.
Either black trims all around or none around would have made this a cleaner looking jersey.
The Nike logo's placement complimenting the chevron is the saving grace that puts this above the 99-15 white jerseys in Raptors history.
Player I think of wearing these: Malachi Flynn
21)06-15 Away Black

The very first black uniform in Raptors history. Also the first jersey I've ever gotten.
I remember choosing between a #3 Lowry or Gay.
I didn't want to be bullied at school, but I also didn't want to pick a player who was just gonna leave us. Goes to show how Raptors fans back then rationalized picking what jersey to buy, lol.
While still retaining the ugly font and numbers its generational counterparts had, black is a sleek look for almost everything - one of the few exceptions being Air Force 1's.
A #3 Lowry jersey of this variant is considered a grail to Raptors jersey collectors.
Player I think of wearing these: Rudy Gay
20)09-10 Huskies Hardwood Classic/https://www.thestar.com/content/dam/thestasports/raptors/2016/08/23/toronto-raptors-unveil-two-alternate-uniforms-for-upcoming-nba-season/huskies.jpg)

White. 'Huskies' in blue. Blue numbers.
That's it. That's the jersey.
Out of all the alternate jerseys throughout the 99-15 period of Raptors history, these would have to be the most out-there concept, bringing back a look that predated the Raptors themselves. And that's kind of sad because these were largely unremarkable.
I've read about so many fans wanting these back and I don't get why, these are romanticized.
That being said, if you're one of the 14 fans who own a Bosh jersey of this variety, you probably own a grail.
At least we got a sneak peek of rookie DeMar in Compton colors.
Player I think of wearing these: Hedo Turkoglu
19)2017 Chinese New Year

When I first saw the promo picture above drop, I was so irrationally hyped - only to find on the court they looked... just ok?
There's one major positive and one major negative thing about this jersey.
Negative: The robotic font with the random ball logo slapped on the chest looked average at best. This is another thing in pop culture I'd have to add to the long list of things that have Asian literature on it just for the a e s t h e t i c.
Positive: Looks aside, we got to join the likes of Houston and Golden State in a niche jersey concept. That has to count for something.
More importantly, we were finally pandering to *our own* fans, not external avenues.
A very large portion of Raptors fans are East Asian, so this was dope to see.
Player I think of wearing these: Kyle Lowry
18)15-17 Home White
The Raptors have become a team capable of consistently making the playoffs at this point. We just signed what was thought to be the biggest free agent in franchise history to date (lol.)
A new era is visually brought in to match the Raptors new found recent success.
Revamped numbers and font with a whole new logo. (The logo reveal was botched but we don't talk about that.)
I was admittedly thrown off by how arched the chest logo was, but I've grown to look past that.
I was a fan of the details that were put into these designs. The chevrons now serve an actual purpose to represent our 'We The North' branding pointing up instead of down, the side stripes are now sleeker, and the numbers/font are now much cleaner and legible. Added bonus for the sides and shorts making a vertical 't.o' design.
This is where you could say our primary jerseys were no longer objectively ugly, but just alright.
Player I think of wearing these: Demarre Carroll, unfortunately
17)20-Present Icon
I was really hoping I'd get used to these jerseys, but nearly two years later I'm still not.
I think what bothers me about these uniforms is they suffer from the same problem the 99-06 ones did; Three different colors separating the primary background, numbers/logo and border trims around the numbers/logo is too busy.
Red -> black chevron -> white trim border -> red font is a bit much for me.
The only reason these aren't lower on my list is because it's the spiritual successor to the jerseys we won our first title in, and that brings happy memories to me.
Player I think of wearing these: Yuta Watanabe
16)15-17 Away Red

The emboldened chest logo font pops on this bright red jersey. It's definitely earned its spot as the middle-to-above-average tier mark of red uniforms in franchise history.
+1 for the 2016 Toronto ASG patch on this.
Player I think of wearing these: Jonas Valanciunas
15)15-17 Alternate Black

Toronto's franchise has a history of solid black uniforms.
The fact that I consider this one the second weakest (third if you want to count the purple chevron) out of them all, despite it not being that bad, speaks to how sleek the rest are.
Player I think of wearing these: DeMar DeRozan
14)17-20 Icon
The 15-17 jersey sets, just like the rosters at the time themselves, have been upgraded once again.
The red, white and black uniforms have been tastefully minimalized, removing the side stripes altogether (and the road signage aesthetic that came with it). This also improved the look of the shorts, as their sides now looked like a proper vertical 'TO' and not 'to'.
The sleeker fit, and the introduction of the Nike logo look just right on a basketball jersey.
The only downside of this uniform set is the arm cuffs cutting off abruptly at the arm pit.
Overall a good improvement on what was already a decent jersey.
Player I think of wearing these: Kyle Lowry
13)17-20 Association

The minimalist revamp helped the white set the most, imo.
With the Nike logo, this was just a clean good jersey to watch in the rotation. It helps that we were winning a lot in these uniforms.
Kawhi hit arguably the most insane buzzer beater of the decade wearing this, surpassing Lowry's 2016 half court buzzer beater as the biggest in franchise history.
Fun fact Lowry wore the predecessor 15-17 white counterpart making his shot too.
Player I think of wearing these: Danny Green
12)17-20 Statement

A nice combination of sleek and minimalistic.
We were winning a lot during our time wearing these sets. We had like a 72% win rate wearing them compared to the 15-17 set's already solid 65% record. It was awesome.
Kyle and OG also coordinated that insane 0.5 second buzzer beater in the bubble playoffs wearing this uniform.
Player I think of wearing these: Serge Ibaka
11)03-06 Away Purple/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_image/image/28394065/51960389.0.jpg)

Fuck Vince.
I hope he's up at night wondering if his decision to nuke bridges with Toronto was why Anthony Bennett, Greg Monroe and Eric Moreland were wearing #15. I also hope he's wondering why he wasn't signed to the team that would have given the only ring in his career in his final year. He can show off his dunk contest trophy and old man record for all I care. Fuck that lil bitch.
Anyway, this was an iconic jersey Vince wore during his years in Toronto and during what I think is one of the most phenomenal dunk contest performances in history. You've made your mark as a dunker if multiple NBA players have worn your jersey in their respective dunk contests *while you're still an active player.*
The purple front and black back is also a cool look.
A Carter jersey of this variant is in many jersey collectors' collections.
Here's the most iconic photo of #15 in Raptors history.
Player I think of wearing these: Vince Carter
10)15-17 OVO Alternate

One of the biggest music icons in the world reveals this collab'd jersey by performing in it at his marquee festival?
This was the point the Raptors became popular enough in the league to experiment with interesting alternate jersey concepts. This was the OVO jersey that walked so that the following iterations could run.
The mustard shade of gold is about the only knock I have on the OVO jerseys as a whole, but I guess that's more of an OVO thing as opposed to a Raptors thing.
This jersey may have spawned the *ugliest* Chinese ripoffs I have ever seen for any sports jersey, but we were truly starting to regain Toronto's identity for the first time in whats felt like 10 years from this point. I loved it.
An authentic CoJo 6 OVO jersey is a *must* for any hardcore Raptor jersey collector.
Player I think of wearing these: Cory Joseph
9)20-21 OVO City Edition

Toronto's most recent OVO jersey.
The grungier version of its predecessor, our most recent OVO uniform is a loud but nice jersey.
The underline under 'Toronto' harmonizes well with the giant claw designs on the shorts as well as the Nike swoosh. The details in the neck and arm lines are nice, and the shorts complimenting the jersey form an overall dope dope look.
The shorts alone are easily my second favorite out of all Raptors shorts.
I'm gonna look for a pair.
Player I think of wearing these: Fred VanVleet

I would buy this over every single jersey that's been listed so far.
Like every other new popular thing in Toronto, people lined up in droves to buy this. Even paying more than a typical jersey's price on the resell market.
Clean black slate. Simple logo. Nike swoosh. OVO branding on the top left.
And it's *reversible* to become grey?
Elite formula for what's supposed to be just a practice jersey.
I challenge anyone to find a nicer practice jersey than this one.
We've since updated it to match our current rotation of jerseys, but it's just not as nice.
Kawhi, Lowry, Siakam or VanVleet variations of this jersey are considered must-haves for Raptors collectors.
A #6 jersey is a must-have if you're a Toronto mans.
Player I think of wearing these: Fred VanVleet
8)20-Present Statement/https://www.thestar.com/content/dam/thestasports/raptors/analysis/2021/01/02/pascal-siakam-checks-back-in-with-raptors-and-fouls-out-in-road-loss-to-pelicans/raptors_pelicans_siakam_2_.jpg)

I know I mentioned how much I don't like a third color as trimming around the font/numbers, but it works well on this black uniform.
The Jordan logo on our jersey for the first time, the pinstripes paying homage to our OG jerseys, and *no chevron*. It's almost like the mediocrity from the rest of the current uniform rotation makes this one look better.
Easily the best jersey out of our current rotation.
Bulls fans will make fun of us for basically ripping off their iconic uniform, and they're totally justified in doing that. These basically are Raptors-themed Bulls jerseys.
I would have been ranked these higher if it weren't for the stolen identity, but I'm placing them very highly anyway. They're that good.
Player I think of wearing these: OG Anunoby
7)18-19 OVO City Edition

You know how some contending teams had *that* jersey in their rotation?
You know, that elite AAU team with the noticeably more executive-looking uniforms than the rest of the teams at the tournament.
- 2016 Cavs Pride
- 2021 Suns Valley
- 17-19 Warriors The Town
- 2011 Heat Back to Blacks
- Any Lakers jersey in general during Kobe's prime
Were all uniforms that brandished this 'Don't fuck with us' aura when looked at as a squad.
This particular OVO jersey will go down as one of those types of jerseys in NBA history for me.
Something about the white slate and a single gold chevron just silently told everyone we were playing that we were the shit.
A Kawhi jersey of this variant is highly sought after (a second-hand swingman is minimum $300) for hardcore Raptor fans.
Objectively speaking from a visual standpoint, these looked great, nothing more, nothing less.
Player I think of wearing these: Kawhi Leonard
6)19-20 OVO City Edition

The fourth variation of the OVO jerseys.
Probably my favorite jersey I own.
These are so sick. Respectfully pays homage to the original dino jersey while still adding its own modernized minimalist look.
Has the grungy font, the pinstripe along the sides, the name on the back having the spikes above it like the original. THE GOLD CHAMPIONSHIP TAB.
So nice. So clean.
Most importantly, we finally got a jersey that actually says 'Toronto' on it for the first time in what's felt like half a decade.
Player I think of wearing these: Pascal Siakam
5)95-99 Away Purple / 20th Anniversary Alternate

Our inaugural colored jersey. Also doubles as an unofficial uniform for music festival frat boys.
I used to think these were so immature and stupid looking when I first started following the Raptors during the Bosh years.
I also thought scene kids dressed nicely at one point in my life, so excuse me.
Once I came around, I realized these were awesome. A loud, busy, comical look that captured the essence of its era so well.
Purple backdrop, multi-colored pinstripes, grungy word logo, a giant ass dino. Oh, and easily the best shorts in franchise history.
What's not to love.
A Carter or McGrady jersey of the original edition is considered a must for most hardcore Raptors fans' collections. A DeRozan jersey of the 20th anniversary edition is considered a solid collectible.
Player I think of wearing these: Vince Carter
ELITE TIER: Will Wait In Rain For
4)19-20 Earned Edition

These obviously hold a special place in my heart.
I remembered when these dropped I rolled my eyes at them, and saw they had a small corner at the arena shop. No one was going out of their way to get these ones.
Once we were officially in the Finals these were flying off the shelves. You can no longer find these anywhere for less than $1k now.
Sentimental and monetary value aside, I was admittedly starting to get tired of seeing the chevron when these were released part-way through the best season in Raptors history.
The red and white meshed well, and the silver trim around the letters looked good as well.
Aesthetically, these would have been ranked in the mid-tier of all-time Raptors jerseys, but because we won our first championship wearing these, by default they're ranked in the upper echelon.
A 2019 Earned jersey (swingman or authentic) of any of the core 8 who played for Toronto in the finals is considered a grail in any Raptors fan's collection.
An even more rare grail if it's a Kawhi jersey.
And the ultimate grail of all time Raptors jerseys is a Kawhi jersey with the 2019 Finals patch on the nape.
Player I think of wearing these: Kawhi Leonard
3)17-18 OVO City Edition:no_upscale()/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_asset/file/19324255/911775992.jpg.jpg)

The second variation of the OVO jerseys, and one of my favorite all-time jerseys.
Try to erase the chevron exhaustion from your heads.
If you can do that, you'll understand why the Raptors have tried (and failed) to replicate this masterpiece so many times since.
As a standalone alternate jersey, this is an absolute banger concept. The matching colors of the numbers and background with only a gold trim separating them. The chevron on one side of the shorts. The Nike swoosh compliments the chest chevron much better than without the swoosh. And the logo on the chest simply saying 'NORTH'.
To top it off, we included this sharp court to match the uniforms.
Simultaneously the best of the OVO and black uniform sets in Raptors history imo.
A DeMar or Kyle jersey of this variant are highly sought after by jersey collectors and arguably the hardest to find after the 2019 Earned editions and 09-10 Huskies.
Player I think of wearing these: DeMar DeRozan
2)95-99 Home White / 25th Anniversary Alternate

The inaugural home uniform.
These were just as great as our the purple dinos, except cleaner.
The white slate lets you make out the pinstripes better, and accentuates the purple piping around the neck and armholes.
This is also a memorable one, as Kyle wore a Damon Stoudamire variation at the championship parade, so by default this brings happy memories to me looking at.
The Raptors released a Hardwood Classic Edition of this jersey the following season after the parade to celebrate the franchise's 25th anniversary.
Fred VanVleet seems to look especially good in special edition uniforms for some reason.
A Carter or McGrady jersey of the original edition is considered a must for most hardcore Raptors fans' collections. A Lowry or VanVleet of the 25th anniversary edition is considered a solid collectible.
Player I think of wearing these: Tracy McGrady / Kyle Lowry
1)16-17 Hardwood Classic Edition Huskies

In any scenario where we ever decide to rebrand from red, please switch to these.
The white trim, blue on blue, white neck and armholes, shiny blue slate, circular neck hole. A matching court.
So so so clean.
It felt like DeMar played the best basketball of his career wearing these. Compton represent.
I will cry if we don't reveal this as our uniform against the Knicks this upcoming season for the 75th anniversary game.
It's only right.
A DeMar jersey of this variant is a must-have for Raptors jersey collectors.
Player I think of wearing these: DeMar Derozan
And that's my list. If you don't like it, lick my butthole respectfully.
Overall Tier List:

Let me know what your favorite ones were.
submitted byAnthropolytotorontoraptors [link][comments]

2021.09.04 03:14 Josephuuu_Nasuverse Apprecation: My Journey through Tsukihime and The Garden of Sinners

I just finished Tsukihime (og) and the Garden of Sinners: Kara no Kyoukai movie series this past month and I gotta say, it duly reminded me of the feeling I got when I finished the FSN VN and the Heavens Feel Trilogy of pure awe and appreciation of what this Universe gives. I'm again gonna write a journal akin to my previous post since wow, the Garden of Sinners was just so amazing that I've gotta do this or I'll end up regretting it. I'm gonna write all of my thoughts on each piece of Nasuverse that I finished after writing my previous post including FHA and Prillya Series, and then Tsukihime and Garden of Sinners. As usual, this post will contain spoilers as I'm gonna voice out my thoughts and comment on my most memorable moment in each series, so please don't read this if you've never seen the ones that I mentioned. I will also include a bit of commentary regarding past FSN media such as Heaven's Feel so spoiler. I still don't want to be that dude who spoils stuff and ruins someone's day. First of all, this will be like a continuation of my previous journal in that I'll continue with what I managed to finished after writing that. With all that said, let's start with the first of the four.
Fate Hollow Ataraxia
So I started this after finishing all the Fate related anime adapatations that I can get my hand into excluding Prillya and FGO, and this was months after finishing the FSN VN. After finishing the VN, I know that it had a sequel-ish and knowing that I already got a taste of what a VN feels like, I was all the more willing to finish even this. So given the right time, I knew that I was gonna start and finish this no matter what, and it was after finishing the El-Melloi Case files (the order in which I finished the many adaptations was in my previous post but I won't advertise that here cause it was one LONG post so in short, I properly finished all the media without getting confused so I can say that it was safe for me to head into the other media.) So this was one big fan service VN and a must read if you ever like the FSN cast and want to see them happy and have joyful experiences. For the slice of life part of the VN, I won't comment and list down my favorite ones as that must be experienced first hand by any fan of the series (especially our main 3 girls), and the joy of reading through those happy times can never be expressed through my writing. Needless to say, I enjoyed every bit of scenarios in the slice of life section of the VN and I counted them as being a future event of each of the 3 routes of FSN cause why not. They were all happy and that's all I wanted of a sequel but by the blessing of Nasu himself, there isn't only the fan service content of the VN but an actual storyline with new characters. I'm emphasizing that point because I thought it was just gonna be a slice of life VN but no, it had a main plot that even justifies all those happy scenarios in lore. Bazett and Caren were an amazing addition to the cast along with Kid Gil and Angra Mainyuu. I've only known Bazett and Caren throught the CE that I got in FGO and knowing their characters in depth in this was a fine treat. And on that note, the backstory of Lancer, Rider, and Caster which we didn't get to know much about in FSN was told wonderfully in FHA. And isn't it wonderful to see the characters that were mentioned in their backstories like Scáthach, Jason, Euryale and Stheno are now fully voiced and have parts to play in FGO. You wouldn't expect that the characters that were mentioned in the VN that was made in 2005 will appear 10 years later in a game called FGO, and would later be loved by many people playing it. It goes to show how far the Fate franchise have gone. After finishing about 90% of the VN, I had many situations where I laughed my guts out at the many funny scenarios that the characters were getting into, and that it's a shame it isn't even animated yet. As it would take me a very long time to write all the scenarios that I loved I'll just skip to the main event of the VN for me, the Finale.
So I'm at the finale, where Shirou/Angra will now confront Bazett to stop the loops. First, the stairway with Caren accompanying us made me love her character even more, and again would want to see her in animated form. Then after that, came the scenes of each of the Master and Servant of Fuyuki defending Angra. Boy was that event pure hype, as I finished Arc 1 of FGO in 2020 already, hearing that the main music of 'outbreak' that was played in our battle against Solomon was originally in FHA, made me have goosebumps all over. Every scene of the servants giving their all to defeat the Shadow Beasts and even Sakura using Imaginary Magecraft can put any fan of FSN into pure hype, and coupled with 'outbreak', made it one hell of a ride. If the slice of life part can't justify FHA into being animated by ufotable, then this scene will, as it's the last stand of Fuyuki's Masters and Servants. Even seeing Gilgamesh bust out Ea to defeat the beasts was when I knew that this was so hype. And with the parting of Bazett and Angra and their entire conversation, put a smile on my face that never ceased since we saw that Bazett was well and good and has even interactions with our main gang. Overall, this is such a good way to ease the minds of anyone who finished FSN as it will put them in a state of happiness all the way to the end. I finished the VN from March 22 to April 25 with a week of putting it on hold since I watched the Heavens Feel Trilogy from April 6-9.
Now that I finished the VN, I had about more than 1 month of break from the Nasuverse since finishing FHA left me happy and happy. Wow, I was expecting to only write a little about FHA since I really want to write my thoughts on Tsukihime and Garden of Sinners but I guess remembering my time playing/reading it, made me remember all of those happy moments. With that in mind, let's move on to the next one.
Fate/kaleid liner Prisma Illya
I was first debating whether I'll watch Prillya or FGO babylonia at first but then I postponed watching Babylonia since Solomon will come out and I wanted to watch them back to back. With that in mind, I proceeded to go on to watch the entire Prillya Series. And I can say that I'm proud to have finished this since many people can't with the questionable constant fanservice this series gives. At first, I thought this series was just gonna be an okay for me but after finishing it all, I've gotta say, this is super good and it still managed to have that Nasuverse feel (read:depression) that the we know and love.
  1. Starting with the first season, any Illya fan will like this cause it has what the other Illya's have, a happy childhood and family (for now). I looked forward to this since it got teased in FHA and seeing the addition of our Rich Noble Girl, Luvia, made it worth it to watch. The addition of Miyu was also fun (but also suspicious of her origin) and the wacky kaleidostick, Ruby and Sapphire made it akin to a typical slice of life anime with an abundance of fanservice you can see anywhere these days.
  2. Zwei and Zwei Herz - Now comes the main girl of the season, Chloe. First of all, wow, can that girl give a deep kiss like no other. Every time she kissed someone it made me remember Gigguk saying the line 'it has lesbian loli's kissing' and proceeded to say that he needs to watch it. Am I glad that I got her in FGO as I didn't roll for Illya and Miyu cause I didn't even know them and I regret now that I do. With the introduction of Bazett and Caren here, am I glad to see them get animated even if it's in another universe as FSN. Also, that scene of Bazett absolutely going ham on the main girls, made me wonder on how awesome it will be if FHA gets animated by ufotable and we get to see her in action. Now Herz became even more slice of lice for me and even got me to laugh at the many wacky situations Illya was in. With Miyu being more relevant in regards to her problems and her origins, the finale went hard. Revealing that reason why I often see the term 'Miyuverse' being brought up in this subreddit all the way up to Illya defeating Kid Gil, made me realize that under all that questionable fan service, a good plot was hidden and boy was I even more sure of that in the next season.
  3. 3rei and Oath under Snow- Now this is what I was talking about, all our efforts of watching lesbian loli's kissing were not in vain, as this has become an awesome show now that the main stuff is revealed. The usual depression we get is all there with Miyu's origins and Miyuverse Shirou. And after watching the movie, I was in awe at how much of a badass Shirou can be in this universe and that final scene where Miyu came to the Prillyaverse and her first encounter with Illya changed my wholeview on the first seasons. After finishing all of that I even went out of my way to watch Prisma Phantasm and all its shorts cause, wow , the show really left an impression on me after 3rei. And with Licht still not available I even read the manga up to the events of Oath under Snow.
This was the longest out of all of the adaptations that I watched and I finished it from June 16- July 7. Since I didn't realize that the manga was still ongoing and there were still adaptations that were to be done, I'm now at the waiting game with this show. Now that I've watched everything except the FGO ones, I'm now ready to embark outside the FSN universe.
Tsukihime VN (Original)
Now I knew this series beforehand when I heard the news of the remake as it was revealed on December 31,2020. With that amazing trailer and opening made by ufotable, I was deadset on reading the VN even though I knew that a remake will eventually get released. I sort of new the characters in this since they were in Carnival Phantasm and I can see Arcueid all the time cause she's the main heroine on this one, but I followed my rule to avoid being spoiled, as I want to know the characters first hand through the VN, and with me deciding to play the non-ero version, I was now ready to play this with absolute attention since it was summer break when I started.
Starting the VN, I'm now adjusting to hearing no voice overs since this was a really old VN of Typemoon. At first I thought I would dislike having no voices but now I didn't mind since the VN was so good it made me forget that fact. With the prologue done, I was really suprised to have seen Aoko have a part in helping Shiki in this, since I now get to have the fun of connecting the dots on how the Nasuverse are connected. I know that other series are set in a parallel universe but I like to have a head canon in which all of them are set in the same universe. Also seeing the Mystic Eyes of Death Perception being mentioned after only seeing it as the NP of Ryougi Shiki in FGO, made me excited on how it will come into play later.
Near Side of the Moon
  • Arcueid Route - Going through the route , I absolutely loved Arcueid's character, from her very first encounter with Shiki (not in the apartment where he killed her but not really) to her farewell in the True End. I saw the very different shenanigans of Arcueid's to be kind of endearing while being my most likeable part about her character, and after getting to know her origins, I wished we could have seen more of the usual antics that Arcueid does. Getting to know the terms such as Dead Apostles, True Ancestors, and Vampire's more in depth after only getting to hear their terms mentioned in Fate Zero and Akuta's origins, made me fully immersed in the story. I enjoyed the heck out of this route and with Arcueid's True End, I am again reminded of how a bittersweet ending feels.
  • Ciel Route - Now done with the first route, I move on with the second after a days break. Even though I was spoiled of the fact that Ciel is a member of the Church, seeing her in the usual priest outfit first in Arcuied's Route, and having her wield the badass black keys, made me looked at her in a badass way considering that the only Church members that I got to know are Kirei and Amakusa. All her little antics in school as our dear senior made me love her character as she's the first heroine who is of the Senpai type. Going on a tangent, that expressions of hers that we only get to see a couple of times, where her hands are on her cheeks and she's blushing while saying 'kyaa' (which I'm assuming, everyone knows that specific sprite), will always be my favorite sprite in the game cause, come on, that was hella funny and cute of her. Proceed with the reveal of her origins, I was like wow, Nasu isn't pulling his punches when making the first two heroines (and later on every heroine in the VN, I mean come on Nasu, at least make one of them go through mild depression) endure different kind of sufferings, coupled with the scene of her getting skewered endlessly by Roa/SHIKI, made me all the more eager to just see her be happy ( I mean even in other's standards, that was hella brutal). Cut to the True End of seeing the two go and be happy with other, I was left satisfied and a bit excited knowing that I will now go to the other side of the VN.
Far Side of the Moon
  • Akiha's Route- Now that we were gonna go more in depth with the past of Shiki's, I was expecting more plot points and twists to be revealed and boy was I right. The event of Satsuki's and how we ultimately are the ones to let her to peace, made it so sad to me as I realized that, as she didn't even have her own route, made her unable to attain that happiness with Shiki (but yahoo for sacchin, now you have a route in the Remake). With how Akiha was always there on our side since the beginning, I was kinda regretting that we didn't even pay mind to her in the Near Side of the Moon Arcs. But now that we were now on her route, it is now the perfect time to make her happy. But boy was that not possible. Damn you Nasu, why, WHY did you make her ending become bittersweet to the end. After first finishing the normal ending, I was expecting some kind of happy ending in the True End, but Nasu said NO and proceeded to make her True End one of the most sad ones for me. I mean come one, let the imouto character have her victory with Shiki. But since that last scene of Akiha holding the Nanatsu Yoru knife was super satisfying to witness, I'll let it slide ( but with the Tsukihime Remake, you better make her have a happy life in the True End Nasu).
  • Hisui's Route - Proceed with the last two heroines comes Hisui. I still remember when first seeing that backstory of Hisui on Day 1 in the story, the one where the choice was 'about the cheerful girl', and revealing the two sisters as their child counterpart a thought came to mind. What If, the two girls made a complete 180 in their personalities, and what Shiki thought was Hisui being the quiet girl in the past, was actually Kohaku. I made this crazy theory with zero evidence at hand at the start of Hisui's route purely cause it came into mind, and how it will be crazy as a plot twist. I still had this theory in hand all throughout the route, and boy was I goddamn right. I'll still remember the reveal of that twist as I had the joy of having my theory come right, but at the same time coming to the realization at what that twist actually entails. Hisui's character was downright a best one in my book, as I like my quite yet affectionate heroines and the relationship with her sister, made this route a memorable one. A moment that is worth mentioning in my book was the sudden mention of the 4 families of Asagami, Fujou, Ryougi, and Nanaya. I was losing my mind since those were the names of the characters in the Garden of Sinners characters that appeared in FGO and you know that even slightest bit of connection made between the two series was an amazing discovery. Now going through the True End, I didn't expect that we will get to see the reveal of Kohaku's past outside her route but as it unfold, I saw it as the perfect way to hype up anyone who will now go to her route. On a side note, that Good Ending was memorable for me, being that while Shiki may have one of the most deadly Mystic Eyes known to the Nasuverse, it ultimately became the reason on saving one girl in need.
  • Kohaku's Route - Now we are the very last story of the VN. Boy was this a ride for me, seeing Shiki make those remarks of Kohaku's promise to Kohaku herself while still thinking that it was Hisui who made it, made me so sad at seeing the reactions of Kohaku. While it can't be helped that Shiki thinks that way, I was still a bit mad at him seeing Kohaku's sad replies and it made me think that it was perfect that we got to already know her past before starting the route. Every moment of her gradually letting shiki get that she was the quite girl all along, made it so gut wrenching for me since Shiki still didn't noticed it. Now going to the climax, that scene of Shiki finally fulfilling her promise to Kohaku and her crying without even realizing it made it into one of my best moments of the VN. I was surprised to see that it only had a single ending being a True End and while I was kinda expecting to it be another kind of ending like Akiha's, I was finally relieved to see that Nasu still had a heart in giving us a truly happy ending.
Eclipse - So after finishing Kohaku's route I didn't know there was a thing like the Last Episode of FSN. I read and finished it and while it was kind of a sad turn of events and revelations by Aoko, seeing that last cg of her and the reveal of her face, made me think that this was kinda a teaser for us for Mahoutsukai no Yoru.
I finished the entirety of the VN from July 18 - August 18, I find it funny that I finished it a week before the release of the Remake. Now that I finished the VN, I was in that usual state of happiness and sadness at finishing something so amazing and memorable for me. All those twists and turn, and me loving the 5 heroines plus sacchin, made it into one hell of a journey. All this and it didn't even had voices, made me think of how even more amazing it will be to start the Tsukihime Remake. But alas, that will remain to be a distant dream if no translations will be made.
Tsukihime Anime
At this point, I was open to the idea of watching the anime that didn't exist since I've got nothing left to lose. And after finishing it from August 20-21, I've gotta say, it wasn't as bad as people tell it to be. Is it a bad start to the world of Tsukihime? ABSOLUTELY kinda, as it revealed the main plot twist of other routes and that was already a no no for me. But underneath all that, when you see it as an entirely different thing, it was definitely good. The ost, op, and ed reminded me of how an old anime feels like, and it made it all the more memorable for me, and I would've regretted not watching it as I won't be able to say that I watched the anime that didn't exist.
Tsukihime Plus Disc
I got a tip that this was only an hour long so I decided to finish it. And I got to say those 4 short stories were a nice treat, the ones where the main heroines interacted was giving me vibes of Carnival Phanstasm all over again. Not much was needed to be said regarding this as it was only a taste of the wackiness that we were gonna get in Kagetsu Tohya. Now that I've only got a few weeks before starting college, I decided that I will put Kagetsu Tohya on hold as I knew it will be happy and fun all the way. So with that in mind, after a weeks break after finishing the VN, I started the last adventure of my summer break.
The Garden of Sinners/ Kara no Kyoukai
Now we move on to the reason why I decided to write another journal of my thoughts. At first I absolutely have no knowledge on this series except only mentions on different posts and the character of Ryougi Shiki and Asagami Fujino on FGO. No trailers, no amv's, no nothing. With that in mind, I only knew of the fact that the different movies was not it chronological order, and it was advised that you watched in release order. I was debating on how to watch it, but I decided to watch in release order as it was what the author had intended for you to experience the story. Moving on, we start with the first one.
  • The Garden of Sinners: Overlooking View- I knew that this was a hidden gem in the community and that it had many praising it, so I've gone into it only expecting it to be a usual hidden gem but boy was I proven wrong on the get go. Going into this thinking that this was not in chronological order gave me doubts on how they'll do it but Holy. This was the perfect start of the series at it will keep you glued to the screen from beginning to end. Starting with the opening sequence of the butterfly and the dragonfly, it made me feel as I entered another world. With the help of Yuki Kajiura's godlike soundtrack, that opening scene will captivate any watcher. I cannot express enough how that opening sequence was so mesmerizing and beautiful that you need to watch it personally to know how it truly feels like. I can only imagine what it felt like to watch this in the cinema. That sequence caught me off guard in that it truly hooked me into the series. I thought that the feeling of watching that sequence was a one time thing but it was only the beginning and the whole movie had moments that felt like that. It also needs to be said that the amount of detail put into the corpse and the scenery of the movie was downright cheating as WTF, this was made in 2007. I didn't realize that ufotable was already that good at that time. Moving on from me praising that opening sequence, the characters of Shiki, Touko, and Mikiya were an amazing introduction in this, as they didn't reveal how the characters get to know each other yet, but we first got to see their interactions and relationships first. I knew Touko was the sister of Aoko from random posts but I didn't know that she was one the best characters the series has to offer and knowing that she was the one who helped our main FSN gang in the True End of Heaven's Feel, I was eager to know more about her. Also I didn't know if it was fate or not (pun intended) but starting this after finishing Tsukihime, made it easier for me to understand how the Mystic Eyes of Shiki works. The soundtrack throughout the film especially the ones whenever the ghosts appeared was so beautiful and captivating that it can easily make you feel entranced whenever you get to hear it. Now finished with the movie, I gotta say, one can watch this as a standalone movie and I really thought of that at the time but holy moly, there were more just like this. The atmosphere of the entire movie was what sold me into the series and the ed 'oblivious' was my favorite one of the many ed's this series gave.
  • The Garden of Sinners: A Study in Murder Part 1- I watched this right after finishing the first one since the two gave a perfect total watch time of around two hours. And while I couldn't watch the entire series in one night, I gave myself a decent schedule of around two hours of watchtime per session so I watched this and the first one on August 25 . Starting of with the proper introduction of Mikiya and Shiki, I loved the dynamic of this two couples with each moment of Mikiya offering friendship to Shiki, accompanying her all throughout their school days, made this into one relaxing part of the movie. I said part since the scenes of the corpses being shown and how shiki was just seeing them, were so enchanting and beautiful to view, that you often forget this was meant to scare and disturb the audience. With that final scene being cut to a close without revealing what happened to Shiki and Mikiya, you bet that I was looking forward to the next movie and seeing how the preview of the next one showed the infamous Asagami Fujino appear made me excited. I said infamous cause I only get to see her in FGO and a few other mention online. I already knew I would like her from the preview alone so I was really looking forward to watching it the next day.
  • The Garden of Sinners: Remaining Sense of Pain - Now proceed to August 26, I decided to watch movie's 3 and 4 since they again add up to 2 hours of watch time. Right of the bat, I was kind of suprised that this was no longer a PG rated film. Remember when I said that I was excited to watch this to know more about Fujino, boy did I regretted that. I was absolutely disgusted with those guys with what they did to our beloved Fujino and I can only convey the anger that I felt by saying that they reminded me of Shinji in the disgusting and hated scale. Forgetting that scene (for the rest of time because I respect Fujino as a character) and moving on, I never would have suspected that our main man, Mikiya, was the love interest of Fujino, and that put me in a predicament knowing that this is not visual novel and only one heroine will get to be happy with the protagonist. Now that I now know what the Mystic Eyes of Distortion were capable of doing, when I only knew it in FGO, was jaw dropping as wow that can easily pass of as another deadly power in the Nasuverse. On that note, I don't know if this is good to say, but am I glad that those guys had a painful death (wished that was what shinji' death in Heaven's Feel was like instead of being a 1 hit kill). Cut to the times where Fujino was suffering alone, you can't help but feel sad throughout the film regarding her state and origins. Now proceed to the climax, the battle of Shiki and Fujino. Hearing Fujino say magare everytime she uses her mystic eyes was always a treat to hear after only hearing it in her np in FGO. In this fight, we are again reminded of how busted the mystic eyes of Shiki can be as it can even negate Fujino's. And now seeing that final use of Fujino's Mystic eyes, I was amazed on how it occured. Even as I knew that this will be happening because of her NP in FGO bending a bridge, I didn't realize that he bended the whole freaking bridge. I always thought that it was just one point of it but holy, she used her mystic eyes to bend the entire area of the Bridge. Cut to seeing Fujino survive under that rubble, was it hard to watch as she lay there coughing up blood over and over again. If that was not sad to witness, add the moment where he was asking for help from her senpai/mikiya, I was kinda scared to know what will be her end and with the cut of Shiki putting down her knife in Fujino, it was truly unbearable to see. But moments, later was I relieved to know that she was alive and well, and that the Mystic of Eyes of Death Perception were yet again used to save a person's life made me so goddamn happy. Now with the end, I gotta say the ed's lyrics actually made sense for me at a single reading as it was meant for Fujino and her struggles. Finished with the movie, you can bet that made Fujino into one of my most memorable heroines of the Nasuverse.
  • The Garden of Sinners: The Hollow Shrine - Now left with the feeling of movie 3, I proceeded with the fourth one. At this point it was kinda neat to setup a timeline in my head since the date of when the movies were held in the timeline were always revealed at the end of the movie's, so I was feeling like a detective piecing together on what the chronological order really is. Now I've one thing to say first. Is that the mothereffing root that Shiki was in? Holy, I didn't realize that here of all places that we get to see the root cause (pun intended) of the events of FSN. I didn't know what that scene was actually saying, but you can bet that my jaw dropped when I saw the root appeared. Moving on, seeing that Shiki didn't have her mystic eyes until this date, made me realize on how awful Tohno Shiki must have felt as a kid when he activated his. With the ever present support of our dear Mikiya to Shiki and the proper introduction of Touko Aozaki in the timeline, made this supported the fact on how their interactions and relationships came to be. I will also mention the part where Mikiya was humming the lyrics of Singing in the Rain cause I was suprised to see an american song being played. The finale of Shiki fending of that possessed corpse, reminded me of how much of a badass she can be. Now finished and in the post credits scene, hearing the voice of Jouji Nakata, I was like ' holy sh-- Kirei? WTF are you doing here' I though it was a cameo like Aoko in Tsukihime but am I glad that he mentioned his name being Souren Araya as that put me at ease. I was looking forward to watching the next film the next day.
  • The Garden of Sinners: Paradox Spiral - Now ready to watch on August 27, I've scheduled it to only watch film 5 since it was a 2 hour long film. Before beginning, when I saw the preview the previous day on the end of film 4, you can bet that I was excited since all of those characters were shown to us , and the fact that it was the only 2 films of the series that had a length of 2 hours, made me predict that I'm gonna like it. Saying that I would liked it proved to be wrong the moment the entire movie ended. I didn't just liked, I absolutely loved it from beginning to end. The sudden events unfolding and the fact that about 80% of the film was split into two perspectives, that being Shiki's and Mikiya's was super thrilling to watch. As the events slowly showed their connection with each other, your brain will be concentrated on the film throughout the end. The character of Tomoe Enjou was an absolute best for me and his actions throughout the film, made him so memorable that I'll gladly give him the position of best boy beside Mikiya. The actions of Souren and Cornelius were a delight to see as it reminded us on what a magus is gonna do to achieve their goals of reaching the Root. The scene of Touko, dealing with Souren using god knows what type of magecraft, made me want to see more of what a Magus are truly capable of doing in the Nasuverse. That and Souren ripping our Touko's heart, put me in a state of denial, cause please don't kill off Touko, she's best girl. But moments later, am I glad that people don't really die when they're killed ( I'm kidding, I fully understand that that was only a puppet of Touko). Proceed to the scene of Tomoe being killed of as a puppet, made me feel hatred towards Souren. Then the scene where Shiki appears in the elevator, and the brief flashbacks of events meant to reveal to us on how they were all connected, made me have goosebumps all over. Shiki and Souren's duel to the death was an amazing watch and seeing Shiki jumped of that building to skewer the living sh-- out of Souren, proved her to be even more badass than before. Now that Souren motive's for reaching the Root are revealed, I kinda symphatize with him since he's the only guy I know that tried to reach the root not out of selfishness, but since he killed our best boy, you're still a baddie in my book. And with the film coming to the close with that scene of the Tomoe and Shiki waving goodbye to each other, coupled with perfect ed to come after it, made this into an amazing and memorable film for me.
  • The Garden of Sinners: Oblivion Recording - Now here comes a great change of pace. Watching this along with the recap movie since it again has a total length of 2 hours, I started film 6 and the recap on August 28. I gotta say this was a relaxing movie for me, seeing as how it detailed an adventure of the dear sister of Mikiya, Azaka Kokutou. The school scenery was beautiful to behold thanks to ufotable and god knows what kind of cheat their using to make it this good, reminder that this was made in 2008 people, 2008. Anyways, the different concepts that were shown to us, such as fairies, made me think that it was a waste to not have fully animated the story of El-Melloi Case Files. Seeing the relationship of Azaka and Mikiya, made me think on how the main protagonist of main 3 typemoon works, have little sisters that love them more than as a family. All jokes aside, seeing the little origins of Mikiya and Azuka as kids made it fun and sweet to see. Also the constant rivalry between Azaka and Shiki made this into a fun adventure. After finishing the film, and hearing the credits, you can almost forget the main atmosphere of the series, ALMOST. Seeing that post credit scene put us back into reality at what the series is supposed to be. Now I can begin to think at what the final movie has in store for us.
  • The Garden of Sinners: Gate of Seventh Heaven - At first, I was hesistant to watch this as it was only a recap movie and it was only optional. But after finishing it, I can safely say that you NEED to watch it before going into movie 7. This wasn't only a recap movie, in that it was more than that. It showed the chronological events of the movies, and as they recap each film, the ed can be heard blasting in the background, providing us a truly hype experience. And the final one, where the actions of Shiki throughout the films were being replayed AMV style with the ed ' oblivious' in the background, made it a great watch for me. The whole recap movie serves to hype you up as you're gonna go to the final one.
  • The Garden of Sinner: A Study in Murder, Part 2 - On August 29 at night, I've gone into this with the mindset that this was gonna be the final story of the series with the other ones being epilogues and after stories. Now this was an experience to watch, seeing as how the events of movie 2, were now being put into play in these provided it the finale to Shiki's Story. The atmosphere the movie gave in its 2 hour watch time was the essence of what the Garden of Sinners, as a series, is. With Lio being the main antagonist to Shiki, and his actions throughout the film, gave the feeling of what it means to completely enchant your audience into looking forward to what comes next. His bizzare scenes, made me feel both disgusted and pitiful of him after realizing what made him become that monster (ONORE, Souren). The final confrontation of him and Shiki with Mikiya's state, served as a reminder that you don't need flashy scenes to give an amazing finale, but just the pure actions of each characters while knowing their background and origins, can put you in awe. After finishing the film and seeing no preview at the end, proved that this was truly the end of Shiki's story.
  • The Garden of Sinners: Epilogue: Now I watched this right after film 7 but I kind of hesitated since film 7 left me in state of everlasting satisfaction. Nonetheless, I proceeded to watch it. The whole 30 minutes of this was just a state of serenity seeing snow ever pouring into the kimono of our elegant Ryougi Shiki. But enough of that and let's talk about the real thing that this epilogue told us. Jesus Christ, the Root, the effing Root. Shiki is connected to that and the one who can utilize the root is the 3rd but chronologically first personality of Shiki. Even though I was confused at first, after rereading the summary on the fandom, I was baffled at how Shiki (Void) may very well be the most powerful being in all of the Nasuverse. And also seeing as how Saber Shiki in FGO now made sense to me on why she is nicknamed Void Shiki, made me regret on not rolling for her (damn you, past me). Now finished with the finale and the epilogue, I now can also enter the void in where you feel sad and longing at the ending of a story that you enjoyed.
  • The Garden of Sinners: Future Gospel and Future Gospel:Extra Chorus - I watched these two, back to back in August 30 and now comes the happy part of watching an after story. The 2 stories in Future Gospel were a delight to see, and the addition of the character of Seo was a fine one. Seeing her alongside Mitsuru use their Mystic Eyes, made me want to see more of the other variations of Mystic Eyes in the El-Melloi Case Files. The entire movie had a vibe in that this was gonna be the last times I'm gonna see these guys. Even though that is the case, it's always a treat to watch these kinds of things. Moving on with the last part of Future Gospel, I was shocked that we get to go all over to the year 2010 and even see the daugher of Shiki. You can bet that I was smiling all throughout that time, since this is one of the rare occassions that we get to see the future of our main protagonist. Moving to Extra Chorus, it was fun to witness the extra scenes of Mikiya and Shiki, but the highlight of this was definitely seeing Asagami Fujino, healthy and alive right now. Seeing her in that state, even if the after affects of movie 3 were now clearly seen with Fujino's eyesight, it's still a joy knowing that she's doing well. And her helping out her fellow schoolmate come to terms using her Mystic Eyes, goes to show that it's not only used for destruction but to also help people. Then seeing her being friends with Azaka and Seo, made me feel a warm fuzzy feeling and that was also thanks to the ending scene of it snowing. This was truly an enjoyable after story.
  • The Garden of Sinners: Final Record - Still set on getting my hands on everything this series has to offer, I even proceded to read the final light novel in the series. It was a good thing that I learned of this through the Typemoon Fandom and thanks to the person who translated it, I can proudly say that I even finished Final Record. Now you need to read that to truly enjoy it and as I managed to finished it one go and lost track of time while reading, goes to show on how immersed I was into reading it and how good of a writer Nasu is. The Final Chapter which was chapter 3 of the novel truly showed the reader that the world of the Garden of Sinners was coming to a satisfying end. With the excitement of reading Chapter 1 and 2, and with the added bonus of seeing Shiki, Seo, Fujino, Azaka, and even their senpai Ouji, interact and bond with each other at the school, made into a good read.
It's a shame that I didn't get to watch the entirety of the Garden of Sinners in the cinema but I sure hope I can in the future. Nonetheless, Tsukihime and The Garden of Sinners hit me with the fact that amazing stories are always a fun and memorable adventure for me. And with them living a long lasting memory in my mind along with my journey with Fate, made me truly thankful on how this all started. I will never regret pressing the download button of FGO in the playstore as it led to me to experience these wonderful stories that Typemoon gave to this world.
AFTERWORD- Wow at first I didn't get to post this, since it hit the limit of having 40,000 characters but I'll edit it so I can still post it. My full afterword will be in the comments so that it will not go over the limit.
P.S. Now I definitely know how to do this. To the people who want to comment in this, what part of the Nasuverse from Tsukihime to Mahoutsukai no Yoru, is your favorite and the one you had fun with the most?
submitted byJosephuuu_tograndorder [link][comments]

2021.09.04 03:13 Josephuuu_Nasuverse Apprecation: My Journey through Tsukihime and The Garden of Sinners

I just finished Tsukihime (og) and the Garden of Sinners: Kara no Kyoukai movie series this past month and I gotta say, it duly reminded me of the feeling I got when I finished the FSN VN and the Heavens Feel Trilogy of pure awe and appreciation of what this Universe gives. I'm again gonna write a journal akin to my previous post since wow, the Garden of Sinners was just so amazing that I've gotta do this or I'll end up regretting it. I'm gonna write all of my thoughts on each piece of Nasuverse that I finished after writing my previous post including FHA and Prillya Series, and then Tsukihime and Garden of Sinners. As usual, this post will contain spoilers as I'm gonna voice out my thoughts and comment on my most memorable moment in each series, so please don't read this if you've never seen the ones that I mentioned. I will also include a bit of commentary regarding past FSN media such as Heaven's Feel so spoiler. I still don't want to be that dude who spoils stuff and ruins someone's day. First of all, this will be like a continuation of my previous journal in that I'll continue with what I managed to finished after writing that. With all that said, let's start with the first of the four.
Fate Hollow Ataraxia
So I started this after finishing all the Fate related anime adapatations that I can get my hand into excluding Prillya and FGO, and this was months after finishing the FSN VN. After finishing the VN, I know that it had a sequel-ish and knowing that I already got a taste of what a VN feels like, I was all the more willing to finish even this. So given the right time, I knew that I was gonna start and finish this no matter what, and it was after finishing the El-Melloi Case files (the order in which I finished the many adaptations was in my previous post but I won't advertise that here cause it was one LONG post so in short, I properly finished all the media without getting confused so I can say that it was safe for me to head into the other media.) So this was one big fan service VN and a must read if you ever like the FSN cast and want to see them happy and have joyful experiences. For the slice of life part of the VN, I won't comment and list down my favorite ones as that must be experienced first hand by any fan of the series (especially our main 3 girls), and the joy of reading through those happy times can never be expressed through my writing. Needless to say, I enjoyed every bit of scenarios in the slice of life section of the VN and I counted them as being a future event of each of the 3 routes of FSN cause why not. They were all happy and that's all I wanted of a sequel but by the blessing of Nasu himself, there isn't only the fan service content of the VN but an actual storyline with new characters. I'm emphasizing that point because I thought it was just gonna be a slice of life VN but no, it had a main plot that even justifies all those happy scenarios in lore. Bazett and Caren were an amazing addition to the cast along with Kid Gil and Angra Mainyuu. I've only known Bazett and Caren throught the CE that I got in FGO and knowing their characters in depth in this was a fine treat. And on that note, the backstory of Lancer, Rider, and Caster which we didn't get to know much about in FSN was told wonderfully in FHA. And isn't it wonderful to see the characters that were mentioned in their backstories like Scáthach, Jason, Euryale and Stheno are now fully voiced and have parts to play in FGO. You wouldn't expect that the characters that were mentioned in the VN that was made in 2005 will appear 10 years later in a game called FGO, and would later be loved by many people playing it. It goes to show how far the Fate franchise have gone. After finishing about 90% of the VN, I had many situations where I laughed my guts out at the many funny scenarios that the characters were getting into, and that it's a shame it isn't even animated yet. As it would take me a very long time to write all the scenarios that I loved I'll just skip to the main event of the VN for me, the Finale.
So I'm at the finale, where Shirou/Angra will now confront Bazett to stop the loops. First, the stairway with Caren accompanying us made me love her character even more, and again would want to see her in animated form. Then after that, came the scenes of each of the Master and Servant of Fuyuki defending Angra. Boy was that event pure hype, as I finished Arc 1 of FGO in 2020 already, hearing that the main music of 'outbreak' that was played in our battle against Solomon was originally in FHA, made me have goosebumps all over. Every scene of the servants giving their all to defeat the Shadow Beasts and even Sakura using Imaginary Magecraft can put any fan of FSN into pure hype, and coupled with 'outbreak', made it one hell of a ride. If the slice of life part can't justify FHA into being animated by ufotable, then this scene will, as it's the last stand of Fuyuki's Masters and Servants. Even seeing Gilgamesh bust out Ea to defeat the beasts was when I knew that this was so hype. And with the parting of Bazett and Angra and their entire conversation, put a smile on my face that never ceased since we saw that Bazett was well and good and has even interactions with our main gang. Overall, this is such a good way to ease the minds of anyone who finished FSN as it will put them in a state of happiness all the way to the end. I finished the VN from March 22 to April 25 with a week of putting it on hold since I watched the Heavens Feel Trilogy from April 6-9.
Now that I finished the VN, I had about more than 1 month of break from the Nasuverse since finishing FHA left me happy and happy. Wow, I was expecting to only write a little about FHA since I really want to write my thoughts on Tsukihime and Garden of Sinners but I guess remembering my time playing/reading it, made me remember all of those happy moments. With that in mind, let's move on to the next one.

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Fate/kaleid liner Prisma Illya
I was first debating whether I'll watch Prillya or FGO babylonia at first but then I postponed watching Babylonia since Solomon will come out and I wanted to watch them back to back. With that in mind, I proceeded to go on to watch the entire Prillya Series. And I can say that I'm proud to have finished this since many people can't with the questionable constant fanservice this series gives. At first, I thought this series was just gonna be an okay for me but after finishing it all, I've gotta say, this is super good and it still managed to have that Nasuverse feel (read:depression) that the we know and love.
  1. Starting with the first season, any Illya fan will like this cause it has what the other Illya's have, a happy childhood and family (for now). I looked forward to this since it got teased in FHA and seeing the addition of our Rich Noble Girl, Luvia, made it worth it to watch. The addition of Miyu was also fun (but also suspicious of her origin) and the wacky kaleidostick, Ruby and Sapphire made it akin to a typical slice of life anime with an abundance of fanservice you can see anywhere these days.
  2. Zwei and Zwei Herz - Now comes the main girl of the season, Chloe. First of all, wow, can that girl give a deep kiss like no other. Every time she kissed someone it made me remember Gigguk saying the line 'it has lesbian loli's kissing' and proceeded to say that he needs to watch it. Am I glad that I got her in FGO as I didn't roll for Illya and Miyu cause I didn't even know them and I regret now that I do. With the introduction of Bazett and Caren here, am I glad to see them get animated even if it's in another universe as FSN. Also, that scene of Bazett absolutely going ham on the main girls, made me wonder on how awesome it will be if FHA gets animated by ufotable and we get to see her in action. Now Herz became even more slice of lice for me and even got me to laugh at the many wacky situations Illya was in. With Miyu being more relevant in regards to her problems and her origins, the finale went hard. Revealing that reason why I often see the term 'Miyuverse' being brought up in this subreddit all the way up to Illya defeating Kid Gil, made me realize that under all that questionable fan service, a good plot was hidden and boy was I even more sure of that in the next season.
  3. 3rei and Oath under Snow- Now this is what I was talking about, all our efforts of watching lesbian loli's kissing were not in vain, as this has become an awesome show now that the main stuff is revealed. The usual depression we get is all there with Miyu's origins and Miyuverse Shirou. And after watching the movie, I was in awe at how much of a badass Shirou can be in this universe and that final scene where Miyu came to the Prillyaverse and her first encounter with Illya changed my wholeview on the first seasons. After finishing all of that I even went out of my way to watch Prisma Phantasm and all its shorts cause, wow , the show really left an impression on me after 3rei. And with Licht still not available I even read the manga up to the events of Oath under Snow.
This was the longest out of all of the adaptations that I watched and I finished it from June 16- July 7. Since I didn't realize that the manga was still ongoing and there were still adaptations that were to be done, I'm now at the waiting game with this show. Now that I've watched everything except the FGO ones, I'm now ready to embark outside the FSN universe.
Tsukihime VN (Original)
Now I knew this series beforehand when I heard the news of the remake as it was revealed on December 31,2020. With that amazing trailer and opening made by ufotable, I was deadset on reading the VN even though I knew that a remake will eventually get released. I sort of new the characters in this since they were in Carnival Phantasm and I can see Arcueid all the time cause she's the main heroine on this one, but I followed my rule to avoid being spoiled, as I want to know the characters first hand through the VN, and with me deciding to play the non-ero version, I was now ready to play this with absolute attention since it was summer break when I started.
Starting the VN, I'm now adjusting to hearing no voice overs since this was a really old VN of Typemoon. At first I thought I would dislike having no voices but now I didn't mind since the VN was so good it made me forget that fact. With the prologue done, I was really suprised to have seen Aoko have a part in helping Shiki in this, since I now get to have the fun of connecting the dots on how the Nasuverse are connected. I know that other series are set in a parallel universe but I like to have a head canon in which all of them are set in the same universe. Also seeing the Mystic Eyes of Death Perception being mentioned after only seeing it as the NP of Ryougi Shiki in FGO, made me excited on how it will come into play later.
Near Side of the Moon
  • Arcueid Route - Going through the route , I absolutely loved Arcueid's character, from her very first encounter with Shiki (not in the apartment where he killed her but not really) to her farewell in the True End. I saw the very different shenanigans of Arcueid's to be kind of endearing while being my most likeable part about her character, and after getting to know her origins, I wished we could have seen more of the usual antics that Arcueid does. Getting to know the terms such as Dead Apostles, True Ancestors, and Vampire's more in depth after only getting to hear their terms mentioned in Fate Zero and Akuta's origins, made me fully immersed in the story. I enjoyed the heck out of this route and with Arcueid's True End, I am again reminded of how a bittersweet ending feels.
  • Ciel Route - Now done with the first route, I move on with the second after a days break. Even though I was spoiled of the fact that Ciel is a member of the Church, seeing her in the usual priest outfit first in Arcuied's Route, and having her wield the badass black keys, made me looked at her in a badass way considering that the only Church members that I got to know are Kirei and Amakusa. All her little antics in school as our dear senior made me love her character as she's the first heroine who is of the Senpai type. Going on a tangent, that expressions of hers that we only get to see a couple of times, where her hands are on her cheeks and she's blushing while saying 'kyaa' (which I'm assuming, everyone knows that specific sprite), will always be my favorite sprite in the game cause, come on, that was hella funny and cute of her. Proceed with the reveal of her origins, I was like wow, Nasu isn't pulling his punches when making the first two heroines (and later on every heroine in the VN, I mean come on Nasu, at least make one of them go through mild depression) endure different kind of sufferings, coupled with the scene of her getting skewered endlessly by Roa/SHIKI, made me all the more eager to just see her be happy ( I mean even in other's standards, that was hella brutal). Cut to the True End of seeing the two go and be happy with other, I was left satisfied and a bit excited knowing that I will now go to the other side of the VN.
Far Side of the Moon
  • Akiha's Route- Now that we were gonna go more in depth with the past of Shiki's, I was expecting more plot points and twists to be revealed and boy was I right. The event of Satsuki's and how we ultimately are the ones to let her to peace, made it so sad to me as I realized that, as she didn't even have her own route, made her unable to attain that happiness with Shiki (but yahoo for sacchin, now you have a route in the Remake). With how Akiha was always there on our side since the beginning, I was kinda regretting that we didn't even pay mind to her in the Near Side of the Moon Arcs. But now that we were now on her route, it is now the perfect time to make her happy. But boy was that not possible. Damn you Nasu, why, WHY did you make her ending become bittersweet to the end. After first finishing the normal ending, I was expecting some kind of happy ending in the True End, but Nasu said NO and proceeded to make her True End one of the most sad ones for me. I mean come one, let the imouto character have her victory with Shiki. But since that last scene of Akiha holding the Nanatsu Yoru knife was super satisfying to witness, I'll let it slide ( but with the Tsukihime Remake, you better make her have a happy life in the True End Nasu).
  • Hisui's Route - Proceed with the last two heroines comes Hisui. I still remember when first seeing that backstory of Hisui on Day 1 in the story, the one where the choice was 'about the cheerful girl', and revealing the two sisters as their child counterpart a thought came to mind. What If, the two girls made a complete 180 in their personalities, and what Shiki thought was Hisui being the quiet girl in the past, was actually Kohaku. I made this crazy theory with zero evidence at hand at the start of Hisui's route purely cause it came into mind, and how it will be crazy as a plot twist. I still had this theory in hand all throughout the route, and boy was I goddamn right. I'll still remember the reveal of that twist as I had the joy of having my theory come right, but at the same time coming to the realization at what that twist actually entails. Hisui's character was downright a best one in my book, as I like my quite yet affectionate heroines and the relationship with her sister, made this route a memorable one. A moment that is worth mentioning in my book was the sudden mention of the 4 families of Asagami, Fujou, Ryougi, and Nanaya. I was losing my mind since those were the names of the characters in the Garden of Sinners characters that appeared in FGO and you know that even slightest bit of connection made between the two series was an amazing discovery. Now going through the True End, I didn't expect that we will get to see the reveal of Kohaku's past outside her route but as it unfold, I saw it as the perfect way to hype up anyone who will now go to her route. On a side note, that Good Ending was memorable for me, being that while Shiki may have one of the most deadly Mystic Eyes known to the Nasuverse, it ultimately became the reason on saving one girl in need.
  • Kohaku's Route - Now we are the very last story of the VN. Boy was this a ride for me, seeing Shiki make those remarks of Kohaku's promise to Kohaku herself while still thinking that it was Hisui who made it, made me so sad at seeing the reactions of Kohaku. While it can't be helped that Shiki thinks that way, I was still a bit mad at him seeing Kohaku's sad replies and it made me think that it was perfect that we got to already know her past before starting the route. Every moment of her gradually letting shiki get that she was the quite girl all along, made it so gut wrenching for me since Shiki still didn't noticed it. Now going to the climax, that scene of Shiki finally fulfilling her promise to Kohaku and her crying without even realizing it made it into one of my best moments of the VN. I was surprised to see that it only had a single ending being a True End and while I was kinda expecting to it be another kind of ending like Akiha's, I was finally relieved to see that Nasu still had a heart in giving us a truly happy ending.
Eclipse - So after finishing Kohaku's route I didn't know there was a thing like the Last Episode of FSN. I read and finished it and while it was kind of a sad turn of events and revelations by Aoko, seeing that last cg of her and the reveal of her face, made me think that this was kinda a teaser for us for Mahoutsukai no Yoru.
I finished the entirety of the VN from July 18 - August 18, I find it funny that I finished it a week before the release of the Remake. Now that I finished the VN, I was in that usual state of happiness and sadness at finishing something so amazing and memorable for me. All those twists and turn, and me loving the 5 heroines plus sacchin, made it into one hell of a journey. All this and it didn't even had voices, made me think of how even more amazing it will be to start the Tsukihime Remake. But alas, that will remain to be a distant dream if no translations will be made.
Tsukihime Anime
At this point, I was open to the idea of watching the anime that didn't exist since I've got nothing left to lose. And after finishing it from August 20-21, I've gotta say, it wasn't as bad as people tell it to be. Is it a bad start to the world of Tsukihime? ABSOLUTELY kinda, as it revealed the main plot twist of other routes and that was already a no no for me. But underneath all that, when you see it as an entirely different thing, it was definitely good. The ost, op, and ed reminded me of how an old anime feels like, and it made it all the more memorable for me, and I would've regretted not watching it as I won't be able to say that I watched the anime that didn't exist.
Tsukihime Plus Disc
I got a tip that this was only an hour long so I decided to finish it. And I got to say those 4 short stories were a nice treat, the ones where the main heroines interacted was giving me vibes of Carnival Phanstasm all over again. Not much was needed to be said regarding this as it was only a taste of the wackiness that we were gonna get in Kagetsu Tohya. Now that I've only got a few weeks before starting college, I decided that I will put Kagetsu Tohya on hold as I knew it will be happy and fun all the way. So with that in mind, after a weeks break after finishing the VN, I started the last adventure of my summer break.
The Garden of Sinners/ Kara no Kyoukai
Now we move on to the reason why I decided to write another journal of my thoughts. At first I absolutely have no knowledge on this series except only mentions on different posts and the character of Ryougi Shiki and Asagami Fujino on FGO. No trailers, no amv's, no nothing. With that in mind, I only knew of the fact that the different movies was not it chronological order, and it was advised that you watched in release order. I was debating on how to watch it, but I decided to watch in release order as it was what the author had intended for you to experience the story. Moving on, we start with the first one.
  • The Garden of Sinners: Overlooking View- I knew that this was a hidden gem in the community and that it had many praising it, so I've gone into it only expecting it to be a usual hidden gem but boy was I proven wrong on the get go. Going into this thinking that this was not in chronological order gave me doubts on how they'll do it but Holy. This was the perfect start of the series at it will keep you glued to the screen from beginning to end. Starting with the opening sequence of the butterfly and the dragonfly, it made me feel as I entered another world. With the help of Yuki Kajiura's godlike soundtrack, that opening scene will captivate any watcher. I cannot express enough how that opening sequence was so mesmerizing and beautiful that you need to watch it personally to know how it truly feels like. I can only imagine what it felt like to watch this in the cinema. That sequence caught me off guard in that it truly hooked me into the series. I thought that the feeling of watching that sequence was a one time thing but it was only the beginning and the whole movie had moments that felt like that. It also needs to be said that the amount of detail put into the corpse and the scenery of the movie was downright cheating as WTF, this was made in 2007. I didn't realize that ufotable was already that good at that time. Moving on from me praising that opening sequence, the characters of Shiki, Touko, and Mikiya were an amazing introduction in this, as they didn't reveal how the characters get to know each other yet, but we first got to see their interactions and relationships first. I knew Touko was the sister of Aoko from random posts but I didn't know that she was one the best characters the series has to offer and knowing that she was the one who helped our main FSN gang in the True End of Heaven's Feel, I was eager to know more about her. Also I didn't know if it was fate or not (pun intended) but starting this after finishing Tsukihime, made it easier for me to understand how the Mystic Eyes of Shiki works. The soundtrack throughout the film especially the ones whenever the ghosts appeared was so beautiful and captivating that it can easily make you feel entranced whenever you get to hear it. Now finished with the movie, I gotta say, one can watch this as a standalone movie and I really thought of that at the time but holy moly, there were more just like this. The atmosphere of the entire movie was what sold me into the series and the ed 'oblivious' was my favorite one of the many ed's this series gave.
  • The Garden of Sinners: A Study in Murder Part 1- I watched this right after finishing the first one since the two gave a perfect total watch time of around two hours. And while I couldn't watch the entire series in one night, I gave myself a decent schedule of around two hours of watchtime per session so I watched this and the first one on August 25 . Starting of with the proper introduction of Mikiya and Shiki, I loved the dynamic of this two couples with each moment of Mikiya offering friendship to Shiki, accompanying her all throughout their school days, made this into one relaxing part of the movie. I said part since the scenes of the corpses being shown and how shiki was just seeing them, were so enchanting and beautiful to view, that you often forget this was meant to scare and disturb the audience. With that final scene being cut to a close without revealing what happened to Shiki and Mikiya, you bet that I was looking forward to the next movie and seeing how the preview of the next one showed the infamous Asagami Fujino appear made me excited. I said infamous cause I only get to see her in FGO and a few other mention online. I already knew I would like her from the preview alone so I was really looking forward to watching it the next day.
  • The Garden of Sinners: Remaining Sense of Pain - Now proceed to August 26, I decided to watch movie's 3 and 4 since they again add up to 2 hours of watch time. Right of the bat, I was kind of suprised that this was no longer a PG rated film. Remember when I said that I was excited to watch this to know more about Fujino, boy did I regretted that. I was absolutely disgusted with those guys with what they did to our beloved Fujino and I can only convey the anger that I felt by saying that they reminded me of Shinji in the disgusting and hated scale. Forgetting that scene (for the rest of time because I respect Fujino as a character) and moving on, I never would have suspected that our main man, Mikiya, was the love interest of Fujino, and that put me in a predicament knowing that this is not visual novel and only one heroine will get to be happy with the protagonist. Now that I now know what the Mystic Eyes of Distortion were capable of doing, when I only knew it in FGO, was jaw dropping as wow that can easily pass of as another deadly power in the Nasuverse. On that note, I don't know if this is good to say, but am I glad that those guys had a painful death (wished that was what shinji' death in Heaven's Feel was like instead of being a 1 hit kill). Cut to the times where Fujino was suffering alone, you can't help but feel sad throughout the film regarding her state and origins. Now proceed to the climax, the battle of Shiki and Fujino. Hearing Fujino say magare everytime she uses her mystic eyes was always a treat to hear after only hearing it in her np in FGO. In this fight, we are again reminded of how busted the mystic eyes of Shiki can be as it can even negate Fujino's. And now seeing that final use of Fujino's Mystic eyes, I was amazed on how it occured. Even as I knew that this will be happening because of her NP in FGO bending a bridge, I didn't realize that he bended the whole freaking bridge. I always thought that it was just one point of it but holy, she used her mystic eyes to bend the entire area of the Bridge. Cut to seeing Fujino survive under that rubble, was it hard to watch as she lay there coughing up blood over and over again. If that was not sad to witness, add the moment where he was asking for help from her senpai/mikiya, I was kinda scared to know what will be her end and with the cut of Shiki putting down her knife in Fujino, it was truly unbearable to see. But moments, later was I relieved to know that she was alive and well, and that the Mystic of Eyes of Death Perception were yet again used to save a person's life made me so goddamn happy. Now with the end, I gotta say the ed's lyrics actually made sense for me at a single reading as it was meant for Fujino and her struggles. Finished with the movie, you can bet that made Fujino into one of my most memorable heroines of the Nasuverse.
  • The Garden of Sinners: The Hollow Shrine - Now left with the feeling of movie 3, I proceeded with the fourth one. At this point it was kinda neat to setup a timeline in my head since the date of when the movies were held in the timeline were always revealed at the end of the movie's, so I was feeling like a detective piecing together on what the chronological order really is. Now I've one thing to say first. Is that the mothereffing root that Shiki was in? Holy, I didn't realize that here of all places that we get to see the root cause (pun intended) of the events of FSN. I didn't know what that scene was actually saying, but you can bet that my jaw dropped when I saw the root appeared. Moving on, seeing that Shiki didn't have her mystic eyes until this date, made me realize on how awful Tohno Shiki must have felt as a kid when he activated his. With the ever present support of our dear Mikiya to Shiki and the proper introduction of Touko Aozaki in the timeline, made this supported the fact on how their interactions and relationships came to be. I will also mention the part where Mikiya was humming the lyrics of Singing in the Rain cause I was suprised to see an american song being played. The finale of Shiki fending of that possessed corpse, reminded me of how much of a badass she can be. Now finished and in the post credits scene, hearing the voice of Jouji Nakata, I was like ' holy sh-- Kirei? WTF are you doing here' I though it was a cameo like Aoko in Tsukihime but am I glad that he mentioned his name being Souren Araya as that put me at ease. I was looking forward to watching the next film the next day.
  • The Garden of Sinners: Paradox Spiral - Now ready to watch on August 27, I've scheduled it to only watch film 5 since it was a 2 hour long film. Before beginning, when I saw the preview the previous day on the end of film 4, you can bet that I was excited since all of those characters were shown to us , and the fact that it was the only 2 films of the series that had a length of 2 hours, made me predict that I'm gonna like it. Saying that I would liked it proved to be wrong the moment the entire movie ended. I didn't just liked, I absolutely loved it from beginning to end. The sudden events unfolding and the fact that about 80% of the film was split into two perspectives, that being Shiki's and Mikiya's was super thrilling to watch. As the events slowly showed their connection with each other, your brain will be concentrated on the film throughout the end. The character of Tomoe Enjou was an absolute best for me and his actions throughout the film, made him so memorable that I'll gladly give him the position of best boy beside Mikiya. The actions of Souren and Cornelius were a delight to see as it reminded us on what a magus is gonna do to achieve their goals of reaching the Root. The scene of Touko, dealing with Souren using god knows what type of magecraft, made me want to see more of what a Magus are truly capable of doing in the Nasuverse. That and Souren ripping our Touko's heart, put me in a state of denial, cause please don't kill off Touko, she's best girl. But moments later, am I glad that people don't really die when they're killed ( I'm kidding, I fully understand that that was only a puppet of Touko). Proceed to the scene of Tomoe being killed of as a puppet, made me feel hatred towards Souren. Then the scene where Shiki appears in the elevator, and the brief flashbacks of events meant to reveal to us on how they were all connected, made me have goosebumps all over. Shiki and Souren's duel to the death was an amazing watch and seeing Shiki jumped of that building to skewer the living sh-- out of Souren, proved her to be even more badass than before. Now that Souren motive's for reaching the Root are revealed, I kinda symphatize with him since he's the only guy I know that tried to reach the root not out of selfishness, but since he killed our best boy, you're still a baddie in my book. And with the film coming to the close with that scene of the Tomoe and Shiki waving goodbye to each other, coupled with perfect ed to come after it, made this into an amazing and memorable film for me.
  • The Garden of Sinners: Oblivion Recording - Now here comes a great change of pace. Watching this along with the recap movie since it again has a total length of 2 hours, I started film 6 and the recap on August 28. I gotta say this was a relaxing movie for me, seeing as how it detailed an adventure of the dear sister of Mikiya, Azaka Kokutou. The school scenery was beautiful to behold thanks to ufotable and god knows what kind of cheat their using to make it this good, reminder that this was made in 2008 people, 2008. Anyways, the different concepts that were shown to us, such as fairies, made me think that it was a waste to not have fully animated the story of El-Melloi Case Files. Seeing the relationship of Azaka and Mikiya, made me think on how the main protagonist of main 3 typemoon works, have little sisters that love them more than as a family. All jokes aside, seeing the little origins of Mikiya and Azuka as kids made it fun and sweet to see. Also the constant rivalry between Azaka and Shiki made this into a fun adventure. After finishing the film, and hearing the credits, you can almost forget the main atmosphere of the series, ALMOST. Seeing that post credit scene put us back into reality at what the series is supposed to be. Now I can begin to think at what the final movie has in store for us.
  • The Garden of Sinners: Gate of Seventh Heaven - At first, I was hesistant to watch this as it was only a recap movie and it was only optional. But after finishing it, I can safely say that you NEED to watch it before going into movie 7. This wasn't only a recap movie, in that it was more than that. It showed the chronological events of the movies, and as they recap each film, the ed can be heard blasting in the background, providing us a truly hype experience. And the final one, where the actions of Shiki throughout the films were being replayed AMV style with the ed ' oblivious' in the background, made it a great watch for me. The whole recap movie serves to hype you up as you're gonna go to the final one.
  • The Garden of Sinner: A Study in Murder, Part 2 - On August 29 at night, I've gone into this with the mindset that this was gonna be the final story of the series with the other ones being epilogues and after stories. Now this was an experience to watch, seeing as how the events of movie 2, were now being put into play in these provided it the finale to Shiki's Story. The atmosphere the movie gave in its 2 hour watch time was the essence of what the Garden of Sinners, as a series, is. With Lio being the main antagonist to Shiki, and his actions throughout the film, gave the feeling of what it means to completely enchant your audience into looking forward to what comes next. His bizzare scenes, made me feel both disgusted and pitiful of him after realizing what made him become that monster (ONORE, Souren). The final confrontation of him and Shiki with Mikiya's state, served as a reminder that you don't need flashy scenes to give an amazing finale, but just the pure actions of each characters while knowing their background and origins, can put you in awe. After finishing the film and seeing no preview at the end, proved that this was truly the end of Shiki's story.
  • The Garden of Sinners: Epilogue: Now I watched this right after film 7 but I kind of hesitated since film 7 left me in state of everlasting satisfaction. Nonetheless, I proceeded to watch it. The whole 30 minutes of this was just a state of serenity seeing snow ever pouring into the kimono of our elegant Ryougi Shiki. But enough of that and let's talk about the real thing that this epilogue told us. Jesus Christ, the Root, the effing Root. Shiki is connected to that and the one who can utilize the root is the 3rd but chronologically first personality of Shiki. Even though I was confused at first, after rereading the summary on the fandom, I was baffled at how Shiki (Void) may very well be the most powerful being in all of the Nasuverse. And also seeing as how Saber Shiki in FGO now made sense to me on why she is nicknamed Void Shiki, made me regret on not rolling for her (damn you, past me). Now finished with the finale and the epilogue, I now can also enter the void in where you feel sad and longing at the ending of a story that you enjoyed.
  • The Garden of Sinners: Future Gospel and Future Gospel:Extra Chorus - I watched these two, back to back in August 30 and now comes the happy part of watching an after story. The 2 stories in Future Gospel were a delight to see, and the addition of the character of Seo was a fine one. Seeing her alongside Mitsuru use their Mystic Eyes, made me want to see more of the other variations of Mystic Eyes in the El-Melloi Case Files. The entire movie had a vibe in that this was gonna be the last times I'm gonna see these guys. Even though that is the case, it's always a treat to watch these kinds of things. Moving on with the last part of Future Gospel, I was shocked that we get to go all over to the year 2010 and even see the daugher of Shiki. You can bet that I was smiling all throughout that time, since this is one of the rare occassions that we get to see the future of our main protagonist. Moving to Extra Chorus, it was fun to witness the extra scenes of Mikiya and Shiki, but the highlight of this was definitely seeing Asagami Fujino, healthy and alive right now. Seeing her in that state, even if the after affects of movie 3 were now clearly seen with Fujino's eyesight, it's still a joy knowing that she's doing well. And her helping out her fellow schoolmate come to terms using her Mystic Eyes, goes to show that it's not only used for destruction but to also help people. Then seeing her being friends with Azaka and Seo, made me feel a warm fuzzy feeling and that was also thanks to the ending scene of it snowing. This was truly an enjoyable after story.
  • The Garden of Sinners: Final Record - Still set on getting my hands on everything this series has to offer, I even proceded to read the final light novel in the series. It was a good thing that I learned of this through the Typemoon Fandom and thanks to the person who translated it, I can proudly say that I even finished Final Record. Now you need to read that to truly enjoy it and as I managed to finished it one go and lost track of time while reading, goes to show on how immersed I was into reading it and how good of a writer Nasu is. The Final Chapter which was chapter 3 of the novel truly showed the reader that the world of the Garden of Sinners was coming to a satisfying end. With the excitement of reading Chapter 1 and 2, and with the added bonus of seeing Shiki, Seo, Fujino, Azaka, and even their senpai Ouji, interact and bond with each other at the school, made into a good read.
It's a shame that I didn't get to watch the entirety of the Garden of Sinners in the cinema but I sure hope I can in the future. Nonetheless, Tsukihime and The Garden of Sinners hit me with the fact that amazing stories are always a fun and memorable adventure for me. And with them living a long lasting memory in my mind along with my journey with Fate, made me truly thankful on how this all started. I will never regret pressing the download button of FGO in the playstore as it led to me to experience these wonderful stories that Typemoon gave to this world.
AFTERWORD- Wow at first I didn't get to post this, since it hit the limit of having 40,000 characters but I'll edit it so I can still post it. My full afterword will be in the comments so that it will not go over the limit.
P.S. Now I definitely know how to do this. To the people who want to comment in this, what part of the Nasuverse from Tsukihime to Mahoutsukai no Yoru, is your favorite and the one you had fun with the most?
submitted byJosephuuu_tofatestaynight [link][comments]
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