Feb 15, 2021 The United States is known to spend the most per capita (per person) on healthcare than any other country in the world and yet we have not seen the most patient-centric healthcare system. One of the most major impacts of our healthcare system was the enactment of Medicare and Medicaid in 1965 under President Lyndon B. Johnson, our 36th president. Dec 20, 2021 She said she got a US date in NYC and it is excellent. Without warning she mentioned that the guys in the usa are bigger than the Chinese men. She said these weren’t much longer, but comprise fuller (after which demonstrated me with her hands, to high light the point!), and she actually preferred which feature towards people dudes. We would go out clubbing together, boys would always hit on him first. Granted, he was more free and taller, but. This starkly different from the US where the expectation is more that the employee should have the right skills to increase the success to the company. Japan is a country of innovation and science. Japan is one-third the size of the US but is still the 3rd largest economy in the world for one main reason: innovation. Answer (1 of 4): It is 100% better than the US, as most developed countries are, at least in quality of life. And statistically, its quality of life is growing very fast for a developed country, it still does not reach the levels of the most developed countries (Scandinavia and some other Europe.

I was having coffee with a friend of mine who was visiting Honolulu from Japan. The subject of why Japanese women like American men entered into our conversation as he, being that he is Japanese, is struggling to meet quality women in Tokyo.

Quick Tip: Live in the USA and want to meet a sexy Japanese girl? Then you need to sign up for free at AsiaFriendFinder.com. They have thousands of attractive Japanese women looking to meet a man like YOU!

There is one thing both my wife and I have seen over the past several years and that is more and more mixed couples both here in Hawaii and in Japan. My friends question has been the topic of conversation between my wife and I, along with her Japanese friends, for quite some time.

I have noticed that many Japanese men really struggle to meet and date women from their own country.

This is not unlike American men who struggle to meet women here in the United States.

RELATED POST: Where Can I Meet Japanese Women

But, very interesting is the fact that when walking the streets of Kyoto, or Honolulu, there are in fact many mixed couples comprised of an American male and a Japanese female.

It is easy to answer the question of why American men seem to prefer Japanese women!

That answer is fairly straight forward in that Japanese women tend to be thin and very attractive when compared to most American women.

After all, over the past 10 years American women tend to be heavier than they should be! Conversely the women of Japan have very small frames and an exotic look about them. No wonder why American men gravitate towards Asian women!

Update: February 27, 2020 (Why Japanese Women Like American Men)

So, why do Japanese women prefer to date American men? Let’s take a quick look at some of the reasons American men seem to be the preferred choice for Japanese women.

Dating In Japan Better Than Usa Is Called

Why Japanese Women Like American Men:

Relationships in Japan – Unfulfilling!!

If you have spent any time in Japan, whether it be working there or for an extended vacation you cannot help but notice all of the sleepy salary men who ride the trains each and every day.

This is a very common occurrence that takes place each and every day.

These men work for Japanese companies where loyalty to the company is almost fanatical.

These hard working men, in wrinkled business suits, often will put in a very long day at the office then, after the office closes for that day, they will be expected to go out and drink with their coworkers or potential clients until the wee hours of the morning.

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What this creates for the wife of one of these salary men is a non-marriage! The husband is seldom home thus creating a vacuum within the relationship almost from day one.

Day in, day out the wife is home alone tending to the children and taking care of the household. Quite often this creates a very lonely marriage arrangement for the wife which culminates with the wife often cheating on the husband.

Of course before you start to feel bad for the salary man husband …don’t!

When these guys are out drinking with their coworkers they are often at hostess bars or nightclubs where they are often meeting other women, thus resulting in extra marital relationships.

Marriage in Japan is very different from marriage in the United States or Europe. What women of Japan want is for a man to be home and ever-present to help take care of the family and be a husband.

This does not happen in Japan which leads many Japanese women to look outside of Japan for a potential husband.

RELATED POST: Wife Finder: How I Met My Japanese Wife

As I am typing this post my wife, who is from Japan, chimes in and adds: “Japanese men are not kind and giving in their relationships.” Most Japanese men, according to my Japanese wife, do not put the woman first, but rather put themselves, their employer and their friends well before their marriages.

No wonder many Japanese women go out of their way to seek a western man for marriage!

Why Japanese Women Like American Men:

American Men are Better at Relationships!

When compared to Japanese men American men are in fact better at relationships.

Unlike Japanese men western men will open the door for women, will treat the women with respect and put the relationship with the woman as the main priority in their lives.

Where Japanese men are almost immature in how they handle relationships American and European men are confident and capable in the skills needed to woo and attract women.

Japanese men are very clumsy and lack self confidence in their efforts to seek a partner.

What I also find very interesting is that, in Japan, pornography is everywhere which results in women being looked at as “sexual objects” instead of being looked at as potential life partners!

As a matter of fact if you should ever find yourself riding a very crowded train in Japan you will encounter numerous men reading pornographic magazines out in public.

American and European men will wine and dine a woman they are interested in. They will express emotional feelings verbally to the woman with no trepidation.

RELATED POST: Where to Meet Single Women in Tokyo

They will also make significant efforts to spend quality time with any woman they are interested in having a relationship with. Japanese men struggle with all of the above mentioned items.

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Why Japanese Women Like American Men:

Opportunity to Live in the United States!

I truly love the city of Tokyo! It is one the most cosmopolitan and exciting metropolises on the earth – bar none!

It is a clean city that is vibrant and full of activity while also being one of the most-safe cities to live anywhere.

Having just said that Tokyo “is a great city,” many Japanese women desire to leave and live in America.

Dating in japan better than usa song

The United States as well as Europe has far more career opportunities for women than Japan.

Also, the culture of Japan requires all people to conform to better fit in with Japanese society.

If you are somewhat of an individualist living in Japan can be a challenge as you will less likely conform, thus will be frowned upon by others.

For a young and beautiful woman of Japan the United States offers many opportunities that just do not exist for women in Japan. Japan is a very sexist society geared more towards the man than the woman.

RELATED POST: What do Japanese Women Want in a Man?

For the Japanese woman America is like a breath of fresh air!

Why Japanese Women Like American Men:

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An Opportunity to Rebel.

I still remember the very sexy Japanese girl I dated just before I met my wife. She was a jazz dancer who performed in Tokyo… and let me tell you she was a looker! She was also very artistic and creative in how she approached life and her relationships.

She was considerably much younger than myself and was constantly struggling with her parents’ expectations of marrying a Japanese salary man.

Her extended stay here in Honolulu gave her a chance to Rebel against her parents’ expectations while at the same time snubbing Japanese Society.

Many of the English language schools here in Honolulu cater to the young Japanese female who is seeking to spend time away from Japan to enjoy our island paradise.

These women are often escaping the realities of Japanese Life and family obligation in an effort to find love with an American man. Quite often this rebellion leads to Japanese parents becoming very upset with their daughters resulting in strained family relationships.

So, this is why Japanese women like American men! Of course let’s not forget, American and European men are different in appearance and personality from Japanese men – that’s a given.

The above mentioned three reasons are why it should be easy for western men to attract a beautiful young Japanese girl with little difficulty.

Dating In Japan Better Than Usa

Want to meet a Japanese woman? Do you find women of Japan to be very attractive? Then what’s holding you back from taking the necessary steps to meet one of these special ladies? It’s all up to you! Get your butt to Japan and spend some time there. You will be glad you did!

Here’s a video showing discussing this topic. Enjoy the video!

article: Why japanese women like american men

When I first moved America to attend college, I was nervous about starting a life in a new country because I wasn’t sure how quickly I would be able to adapt to the new culture. Even though it had been my dream to live in America, I was very excited but nervous at the same time.

Growing up in Japan my parents were really strict and so I didn’t get an opportunity to start going on dates until after I graduated from high school. I did have a Japanese boyfriend but I ended things with him to go to school in California.

Unlike Japan, California is a true melting pot of cultures but since I had so little dating experience back home, I was nervous about getting into the dating scene in America. Mostly because I had no idea how the American dating culture worked.

I was young and naïve so it was a little scary in the beginning and I soon discovered the dating process in America is quite different from the one in Japan. In this article, I want to talk about a few major differences I saw between Japanese and American dating cultures.

Love Confession

Among Japanese teenagers the most basic way of starting to date someone is by giving them a “kokuhaku” or love confession. This sounds a bit creepy but it’s not so much telling someone you love them but rather the Japanese way of letting them know you like them and asking them out.

One thing that is very different in Japan is that it is not uncommon for a woman to ask a man out. I have to confess that I had a crush on a boy in junior high and my friends forced me to do the kokuhaku ritual. Unfortunately it doesn’t always work out as the boy wasn’t interested in me. If you confess and she/he says yes, you two could be considered a couple.

Valentine’s Day is especially popular for young women to do kokuhaku.

In America, it really depends on the person but I have never experienced this type of initiation. I find that dating is more casual and at times it’s hard to understand if we are dating or just hanging out. Something fellow GP writer, Grace Buchele Mineta mentioned in her podcast interview.

In Japan, women can confess their love so it’s not strange if we ask a man out but in America, it seems that women tend to wait for men to ask them out. This was a little strange to me because I wasn’t sure what to do if I was really into someone.

Another thing that I noticed was that American men tend to pay for dates but Japanese men usually don’t. I did the online dating many years ago and a couple of men say that it was getting too expensive for them to ask women out because even if you meet them just for a coffee, it quickly adds up.

Dating In Japan Better Than Usa Is Better

This isn’t a problem for Japanese men who usually will arrange a date at a very cheap cafe and still expect me to pay my share!

Dating In Japan Better Than Usa Is Known

Anyways, these are the things that I have learned from dating men in America and these are very uniquely different experiences. Do I prefer American or Japanese dating custom? Quite frankly I don’t think either of them is very effective.

The thing that I like about typical Japanese dating custom is that “kokuhaku” (confession) makes the start of relationships more simplified. I don’t like having to wonder if my date is interested in being in a relationship with me, and dating isn’t very fun because of the games involved in the process.

On the other hand I like that American men are more chivalrous than Japanese men and will do things like pay for dates and hold the door open for me.

What do you guys think? Has your dating experience in Japan been different than in your home country?